Chapter 69 blue breaks

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Blue stumbled towards them and fell on her knees, unable to find the mental strength to even attack them, the energy that surrounded her body now started to become unstable and move in all sorts of directions, causing nearby damage and creating a crator where she knelt. "PINK..... YOU..YOU FAKED ALL OF THIS!?", her voice cracked as tears formed in her eyes, she put her hood over her head, and curled into a ball, holding onto her head in pain. "all the years....all the years I've wasted, mourning for you..", her voice cracked as strange bulges started to appear in her cloak on her back, they emerged as sharp pale blue spikes that started to poke out all of her body, ripping through her clothes.

Greg stepped back in horror, pink knew what was happening, "blue, you are becoming-",before she could end her sentence she was pushed to the ground by a blast of energy that came from blue, she fell back and nearly crushed greg, knocking them both over in the process. Energy was now coming off blue's changing body at a rapid speed and shooting in random places, knocking down large chunks of the temple statue and firing into the ocean, causing explosions. Pink's pearl summoned her spear and dashed in front of Greg and her diamond and sliced away the falling chunks of statue.

"This planet, I protected it in your honour! I stopped homeworld from destroying all humans, I preserved your zoo and this whole time, YOU WHERE ALIVE!?", blue screamed as bright blue, crystal horns started to grow out her head. "you and yellow never cared about me!", pink yelled back, kicking away some falling rocks and protecting greg in a bubble, "faking my death was the only way you learned ANYTHING!". Blue started to laugh at pink then that laughter turned to crying, then to screaming, more energy shot out, one of them hitting pink again and bashing her against the temple.

"oh pink!", blue laughed hysterically once again, "you never learn! Yellow was right about you! You where just a child, a spoilt one too! You thought our lives where just one big game, one you could control and look what you've done-", blue gasped and pushed herself into the ground, digging her now clawed hands into the sand, moaning in pain. Pink tried to approach blue but was stopped by her pearl, "we must leave!", she told pink, stepping in front of her. Pink didn't respond, she pushed her pearl out the way and marched up to blue.

"Look how you treat that pearl of yours!", blue began to speak again, it was now difficult for her to even speak as she was in so much pain, "you treat all gems as your toys! Even your family and look what you do to them, they all turn into MONSTERS!-", blue screamed once again in pain and her body completely transformed, tearing away what was left of her robes and transforming into a gigantic creature that towered over not just pink, pearl and greg but the entire mountain where the temple was.

The warp activated and there stood Steven and a smaller yellow diamond, shocking everyone. they stepped off and holly blue awkwardly warped in right after them, trying to make small talk, yellow had completely ignored her. "I'll only be in this small form when walking around your base", yellow told Steven, looking around at the other gems there in disgust.

"are you blue's court?", she asked. "Yes we are!", holly blue proudly proclaimed, standing in front of yellow and saluting "we are blue diamond's most loyal gems! Here to be with her at her home on earth, we call came here and follow her because of how intelligent and merciful she is-", "get to the point, agate", yellow interrupted, making holly blue nervously salute and become silent, awkwardly walking away and standing in a corner.

Yellow approached blue's pearl, who was sitting next to lapis lazuli and watching tv. "where is blue diamond?", she asked, pearl immediately stood up and bowed, "I am not sure, but I- we can try and find her for you", she said, "I think she was going to one of those fun places I always see humans at", lapis said, "oh you mean funland?", Steven replied, lapis nodded. "Fine, we will be going there, I need to speak to her as it's obvious I have missed, a lot", yellow said, looking at steven, everyone stood up and saluted, besides amethyst who was confused to who yellow diamond even was and was too busy eating a sandwich.

The gems immediately followed yellow diamond outside, holly blue dragged amethyst out the door with her. as soon as yellow stepped out she turned back into her original giant size and held Steven in her right hand. As steven stood in her palm he looked over all around beach city, he then noticed something surprising straight away, "GUYS LOOK!", he yelled, getting everyone's attention.

On the hill where the crystal gem's base was, a gigantic monster stood, its body was long and thin, its chest armoured, its body was completely blue, its neck long and face like that of a dragon, its teeth sharp, its eyes all black besides its glowing bright blue, diamond shaped pupils, sharp bright blue crystal like spikes covered its entire body, especially its back, it had a ginormous long tail, also covered in spikes that could easily knock over most of beach city's buildings in a single swipe and dark blue wings that came out its back.

"Is that one of those corrupted gems blue diamond told us about?" lapis asked, summoning her wings and flying up near yellows head to get a proper look at the creature. The creature immediately noticed yellow and turned to face her, roaring loudly. in its chest was a gem, not just any gem but the gem of blue diamond. Steven recognised it immediately, "that Is...mum", he gasped, shocked that the monster who was now approaching them was undoubtedly his mother.

*end of season 1*

*hey guys, I've had to split this story into separate books on wattpad, so I've made each book a season, the reason is because there's so many chapters it lags when I post a new one! This is the end of season 1 but season 2 will be released almost right after!*

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