chapter 65 a visit from homeworld

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"So rose and greg are friends huh?", amethyst said, stuffing her face with some fries, "yeah... he told mum he's spying but I don't trust him at all", steven said, greg had gone out to work and blue had gone somewhere with pearl so Steven spent his time with the other gems telling them what's been happening. "Greg is good for learning about human culture", lapis spoke up, "he got me into his music, maybe he's trying to control rose via his music?", amethyst laughed at this, spitting her fries all over the table, "Mr universe is just that good! But I don't think it's strong enough to control ROSE!".

Holly blue for once was quiet, she just sat at the table looking down while amethyst and lapis debated the power of Greg's music. "Holly blue?", Steven asked her, making her sit up and nervously answer him, "y-yes Steven?", "are you ok? You look kinda, down", holly looked away for a second before answering, "it's just, I never expected blue diamond of all gems to be with a human, especially a human like that, it all feels so strange to me". Steven quieted the two debating gems and put his hand on the agate's shoulder, "I understand, everyone says the same thing".

The warp activated, everyone turned to it, scared it may be blue diamond but only pearl was standing there. She stood up and looked towards her to see Steven and the three gems all speaking together, "how are you all?", she asked them, the three all stepped away from eachother nervously, lapis flew onto the couch, amethyst rushed to the fridge, Steven walked up to pearl and holly blue only got off her chair and stood by the table. "Hey pearl!", Steven greeted her, "where is mum?", "my diamond is at her palanquin right now", pearl responded In the familiar robotic work voice before sitting down next to lapis and turning on the TV.

"The palanquin?", holly blue asked, "If possible, could I go and speak to Blue Diamond there?", pearl slowly turned her head towards holly blue, "perhaps, "she said, it felt unsettling almost. "That seems alright, mum's palanquin is always sitting in the same place I can take you!", Steven said, suddenly taking holly blue by the hand and walking her to the warp pad, "steven, are you sure we won't be disturbing her?", holly blue nervously asked him before she stepped on the warp. "mum never works in the palanquin she's always just sitting around". "That Is true", pearl said, standing up from the couch, "I think if you two are coming it will be best if I also come, to announce your arrivals", she followed them to the warp, she was acting so off today, to the other gems it was the usual way a pearl would and should act but to steven it felt wrong.

They warped to the Korean mountains and made their way to the palanquin, they easily found it, it was impossible to ignore, Steven could hear the familar sound of those bad Turkish soap operas his mother always watched as they got closer. Pearl stood in front of them and stopped, they where only a couple steps from the palanquin now, "I shall tell my diamond you two are now here", she said, bowing after and then walking in. "Pearl is never like this", Steven said, as he watched her move apart the curtains and walk in, "she is different with you? This is how she always acted, this is how Pearls act", holly blue replied, "really?", Steven asked, "I guess mum must've let pearl be different but now something has changed her?".

Pearl emerged from the curtains of the palanquin and bowed again, "you may now enter", she whispered, as they stepped in, she followed behind them, watching them closely. In the palanquin the bubbled gems of all the corruptions they found floated at the top, in the middle was a gigantic throne where blue currently sat, in front of the throne was a small TV and on the ground littered clothes and food packets, the whole place smelt terrible. "My diamond?", holly blue nervously asked, turning around to face blue, she kept her small form as she sat on the throne, she was stuffing her face with cereal and wearing the alien shorts holly blue was able to recover from the zoo for her and a white sleeveless shirt she stole from greg.

"Oh hey, pearl, steven and...Holly blue!?", blue said, her face still filled with cereal, her voice slowed down when she saw holly blue and made awkward eyecontact with her, quickly swallowing the cereal and thing to fix her terrible posture. "Greetings, my diamond, sorry if I interrupted you, doing whatever this is", holly blue said, bowing and saluting. Blue ate the rest of the cereal and the milk in an instant then took the bowl out of her hands and left it on her throne, she jumped off the throne to see Steven and the others. "hey guys what did you want?" She asked them, "I was just making sure you were alright, mum. and holly blue also wanted to join us", Steven said, pearl stayed silent, just looking down at steven. "Yes, my diamond! Steven said I should accompany him here while he goes and visits you", holly blue nervously said, fearing seeing her diamond in such an unprofessional state may risk her life.

"Ah OK, that's fine", blue said, walking to her throne and getting a can of coke from the fridge behind, Steven followed after her and also got a can, as he walked back to the others he looked at the throne more closely and noticed a hand shaped control pad to the side, "I wonder if I can use that?", he thought to himself. "Just don't tell anyone else I live like this ok?", blue told holly, she bowed and quickly agreed, looking around at the disgusting state of the palanquin, "of course and I don't see anything wrong with how you're living my diamond", this hurt to say, everyone could see this by her cringing face but blue just smiled and accepted it.

Blue stretched her back and threw on her normal blue dress, "steven, me and pearl gotta go in ten minutes", she said, taking pearl by the hand and walking out the palanquin, "I just remembered its the time on TV they start to play that cute joyfull burger ad and they only play it on your tv, so we gotta go bye!", she waved off to steven and warped back to the home, for the first time leaving steven alone in her palanquin. Holly blue sighed from relief that she could finally stop acting like this dump was some sort of beautiful piece of diamond architecture, well it once was.

"What did she do with this place!?", holly blue exclaimed, as she wondered around in disgust, having to pick bits of food off her white boots. "I have no idea! its never this bad", Steven said, taking a sip of the coke he got from the fridge. "I knew after pink diamond's demise she became a slob but I didn't expect her to get...this bad", holly blue gagged as she found where the smell was coming from, it was a rotten potato in a glass container for some reason, she threw it out the palanquin and attacked it with her whip, making it explode. "She really was a different person before pink died", Steven said under his breath, trying to climb up to the throne while Holly blue battled with the filth that lived in her diamond's palanquin.

"Steven? Are you allowed up there?", holly blue asked him, "well I guess I could learn how to use this for diamond training, right?", he called down to her, holly blue became nervous, she could tell blue never let him sit there before, she feared she'd be blamed if blue found out he sat there. "Of course, all diamonds do have their own palanquins", holly blue replied, scared of her future if she let him do this but still agreeing to it as he was a diamond after all. "Well, as a future diamond, I must practise for when I have my own palanquin!", Steven exclaimed, slamming his hand onto the controll pad, making the spider legs of the palanquin appear and stand it up, shaking the whole thing for a second and nearly making holly blue lose her balance and fall to the floor.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing and don't need help?", holly blue asked, balancing herself, "yeah! I can do this..I think", Steven turned to the control pad again and slightly moved his hand on it, making it take a few steps forward, shaking it some more and nearly throwing holly blue out of the palanquin. "please be careful Steven!", she called to him, having to now hold onto one of the pillars.

As Steven was looking at the keypad he noticed something appear in the corner of it and make a beep sound, something yellow, holly Blue immediately recognised that sound and jumped up onto the throne to see, "no way...", she said under her breath, "what is it!?", Steven asked her scared, she didn't answer, she just jumped off the throne and ran out the palanquin, the yellow thing was starting to beep louder and get closer on the map.

"Holly! Where did you go!", Steven called, running out the palanquin, when he found her she was standing still and looking up. "whats going on what did that thing mean?", he asked her, she didn't respond, Steven decided to look up and see what ever she was looking at and that's when he saw it. An arm ship, just like blue's but instead it was a right arm and completely yellow, it was right above them, "yellow diamond...", Steven whispered as he looked up at it.

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