chapter 19 Connie's beach adventure

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Today the weather in beach city was extremely hot, a great contrast to the recent days of rain that seemed to be almost endless. because of the weather, Steven decided today would be a day he and his entire family would go to the beach! And of course he'll also call Connie with his new phone to see if she can also come with them! Steven only got this phone for connie, Greg was originally going to get it for him in secret as blue didn't trust him with one but he(fearing blue would have a meltdown and think Greg was lying to her about everything) ended up convincing both blue and pearl, Steven was able to be trusted with a phone.

"So connie do you think you'll be able to come with us?" Steven asked Connie on the phone, pearl stood behind Steven and watched him carefully, one of blue's rules for Steven having a phone is that her and pearl must watch him at all times when he is using it. "Yeah steven but I think soon we will have a issue, my parents really want to speak to and see your parents", Connie said, sounding nervous and becoming quieter when she mentioned her parents. "How will that be a issue, my mum isn't that weird....I think", Steven replied, sounding almost offended Connie didn't want her parents to know about them.

As Steven was on the phone, blue diamond was still asleep, lapis was lightly nudging her to wake her up as Steven had asked her to earlier. "my diamond, my diamond please", lapis quietly said, trying to wake blue up in the nicest way possible. "Pearl......what is it.....", blue mumbled, barely awake, she quickly woke up when realising "pearl" was in fact lapis. "My diamond, Steven said he wants to go to the beach with us all", lapis said to blue, nervously saluting, fearing that waking up her diamond would be a big mistake. Blue rubbed her eyes and looked around, "erm....fine, where's greg", she said, standing up and slightly stretching. "Who is that my diamond?" Lapis asked blue, now she feared not knowing who this "greg" is will anger blue. "The hot human..." blue replied, looking at her messed up hair through a mirror she made using some water she summoned.

As Steven ended the call with Connie he turned around and bumped into pearl, this scared him and he nearly dropped his phone and fell over. "you where watching the whole time!?", he exclaimed, pearl just nodded and quietly said, "yes, the girl will be here in 20 minutes you said", Steven nodded, "yeah we gotta get ready quickly do you have any beach clothes?" He asked pearl, sounding worried as 20 minutes felt like 20 seconds.

Steven ran around the house, yelling at everyone to try and get ready into any sort of beach clothes or summer clothes they had. He first ran to lapis, her clothes where already quite fitting for the beach, with a long, flowing dark blue skirt and a shirt that was the same colour with the back tied like many swim suits."your clothes are perfect for this, you don't need to change anything!", he said to lapis, she replied with a thumbs up and a small giggle at how Steven was taking this so seriously.

He then ran to his father, he was always dressed for the beach so also didn't need a fashion change. Then he ran to blue, "mum what other clothes do you have? We gotta fit in!", Steven said to blue, sounding extremely nervous. "Oh I've got a idea! I have something from our time in Korea back in the storage unit that will fit very well, I'll fly there and get it as quick as possible!", blue replied, summoning her wings and flying trough a narrow open window.

Steven finally ran to pearl and said, "Alright and pearl I've got a idea!", he pointed to pearl, "that ballerina skirt! You're wearing like a swim suit underneath, if you take that off you'll fit in perfectly", pearl just bowed to steven and lightly touched her skirt, making it vanish into thin air. "Are we all ready now, my Steven?" Pearl asked, her smile was so genuine, Steven was shocked he wasn't sure he'd seen her like this before, showing real pure emotion that wasn't anger.

Connie quickly made her way up to the beach near Steven's home, she was scared she was late and everyone would be waiting for her. As she ran the wind started to blow at her hat, she tried to keep it on her head but it escaped her grip and flew away, as she chased after it, the hat landed, right onto blue diamond's head. "I guess this is mine now miss maheswaran!" Blue joked, "first your glasses then your hat! I guess I'm Connie now!".

Connie was happy they weren't angry waiting for her and shocked, both her and blue where also wearing nearly the exact same red dress too! "And it seems you've copied her fashion blue-blue!", Greg joked, shocking blue with how similar their clothes where, "it seems we must be connected miss maheswaran!" Blue winked, taking off Connie's now useless glasses and posing with them, making everyone laugh. What also caught Connie's attention is this was the first time she saw blue's legs and her odd looking feet. Not only did her legs have weird white hair but her feet looked almost like clown shoes with no toes and shaped like she was a plushie.

Steven and Connie both played in the sea together, they both made sure to keep swimsuits under their clothes just for this. pearl was also in the ocean, making sure they where safe. Blue and lapis where both creating waves for them to play with, blue even made a surfboard with ice for Steven to play with. Greg sat on a chair he'd set up and wrote some lyrics and spoke with blue. "so why are you wearing her glasses?", he asked blue, "I healed her eyes, it's sad she popped out the lenses and still wears them, I wish i could always wear these", blue replied, playing with the glasses. "I'm surprised you healed her, I thought you'd be too scared to do so, knowing rose and her other gems are around here", Greg said, this quickly changed blue's joking tone and made her go silent and stand in a corner.

As Steven and Connie kept playing in the ocean, pearl suddenly dipped her head underwater and came back up with a serious expression, "is something wrong pearl?" Connie asked, "a corruption is under water, get out now!" She frantically told Connie and steven. Lapis quickly summoned two arms from the water and pulled them out, then a ginormous fish like corruption arose from the sea, pearl quickly summoned her rapier, ready to fight.

The monster screeched and rushed at pearl who quickly stabbed it, making it return to its gem form, pearl then put it in a bubble and walked out the sea, giving it to blue. "So what gem do you think it was?", pearl asked blue, blue took the bubble in her hands and analysed the gem inside it, "it seems to have been a high ranking gem, sad what has happened to these beings", she said, sounding mournful, she quickly tapped the top of the bubble and it disappeared, going to where they kept all the corruptions they found.

"Jeez are there monsters everytime I spend time with you guys!?" Connie said. "These corruptions are all over the world, once they where gems but turned into monsters..", pearl said, blue nudged pearl and said, "don't worry guys! Let's not be sad, today is supposed to be a fun day for us to hangout in this summer weather!", this quickly made everyone run back to where they were before the monster attacked, acting like nothing had happened.

As Connie got back into the water with Steven, ready to play their game again, she noticed something was off. he didn't seem happy at all, "What's wrong", she asked Steven, "it's just, my mum is acting like she isn't the one who made these monsters", he replied, Connie gasped, "WHAT!?, blue diamond made them!?", Steven quickly told her to keep quiet and made them swim further away to explain more to her. "She doesn't know I know this but I made pearl tell me. According to pearl, after pink diamond died, mum and her sisters were so mad they blasted earth in an attempt to kill all gems there, but instead they turned into monsters like that one".

Steven's words shocked Connie, "she probably didn't mean to turn them into that!" She consoled Steven, "still she did this! And she's acting like she had nothing to do with this, she blames everything on her family but I'm very sure she's lying to us!", he said, starting to get emotional, fighting away tears as much as possible, he can't break the vow both he and his mother made to never cry. Connie tried to calm him down as much as she possibly could but then, they were interrupted by the entire ocean shaking. Another corruption, seeming to be the same type, appeared from the water.

This monster was much bigger than the last one and quickly rushed to connie, but before pearl, blue or lapis could attack it. Steven summoned his scythe in an instant and quickly cut it in half, making it vanish into its gem. Steven grabbed the gem and walked to pearl for her to bubble it. Blue clapped and congratulated him for defeating his first monster but he barely looked at her, when he saw the corruptions he could now only think of her.

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