chapter 21 meet the maheswarans!

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It's now becoming very common for connie to be around Steven's house nearly everyday. Today, she was watching one of the many anime movies blue diamond collected, this one was called interstella5555 and featured a band of blue skinned aliens being turned into humans and sent to earth. "Oh no quick pause the TV my mom is calling!", Connie yelled, panicking Steven, as her small flip phone rung loudly.

"Hello mother..yes I am at the home of Steven universe!....I am doing fine...oh you want to speak with Steven's parents?... His mother especially", she said on the phone, doing a odd fake polite voice Steven had never heard. "Steven where is your mom?", Connie frantically asked, covering the phone with her hand. "Erm....mum Is....upstairs maybe doing work stuff", Steven told her, Connie quickly jumped off the couch and ran upstairs with Steven chasing after.

" perfect My diamond", pearl said, emotionalessly complimenting blue diamond while holding a camera. "MUM QUICK WE NEED YOU FOR.....stuff", Steven said as he burst open the door, making durgy, who was sleeping outside wake up frightened and growl. Blue diamond was in some sort of bizare homemade saree-like costume and in a weird pose while pearl was filming her. "STEVEN!! DID YOUR DAD NOT TELL YOU TO NOT INTERRUPT MY BHARATNATYAM PRACTICE!!!", blue screeched, blushing bright purple as pearl dropped the camera in shock. "Please my mom needs to speak with you..", Connie said, passing the phone to the angry and embarrassed blue who snatched it off her hand, ready to make this as quick as possible.

"Hello....yeah I'm Steven's mum.....your kid is...erm...hitting my pet cat.." blue awkwardly mumbled on the phone as she watched Connie and steven tried to shew away durgy. "His dad...I don't know where he is....maybe he's ran away or something...bye!", blue hung up on Connie's mother and threw the phone back at her. "Blue what the heck was that!?", Connie yelled at her. "I'm sorry i just can't handle weird middle aged women!", blue cringed, pushing them both out the room,"aren't you middle aged?", Connie asked, making Steven giggle a bit, this made blue blush more and she yelled "IM NOT EVEN 20 THOUSAND YEARS OLD YET! GET OUT!!!", and she quickly slammed the door on them both.

"Why is your mom dressed like a discount bollywood star?", Connie asked Steven, trying to take her mind off how mad her mother will be after that terrible call. "I don't know, she's weird sometimes", Steven replied, this made Connie laugh loudly, "sometimes!? She's insane!!", she loudly said, blue definitely could hear it and was probably very mad.

The next day, Steven got a very serious call from Connie. "Steven, my parents are really mad about that call, they think I'm some animal abuser and you've got a dead beat dad!", she yelled over the phone, today blue was walking around the house normally and not doing any weird private dance classes with pearl, so maybe it will go better today. "My parents both want to meet your parents!", Connie said, this shocked Steven and he tried to not loudly gasp over the phone and alert everyone. "But what about pearl! She's like a mum too! And how will your parents feel about my mum being a big blue lady!", his conversation with Connie quickly got, pearl and lapis' attention.

"What is he yelling about?", lapis quietly asked pearl, "some human girl he is friends with is trying to make my diamond meet her family", pearl quickly and robotically said. During this blue was on the couch and stroking durgy, trying to start a conversation with the nearly asleep tiger. "MUM!", Steven yelled, running down the stairs with his phone, "WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!!", blue just looked at Steven confused, then to lapis and pearl for any sort of info. "My diamond, you may need to meet with the family of that Connie maheswaran he has befriended", pearl said, blue sighed and laid back on the couch.

"Connie's parents they wanna see you and dad at some sort of meeting, they might not let Connie see me after this!", he frantically told blue, flailing around ridiculously. "My diamond, you're probably too busy for this, maybe me and pearl can play the part of substitute parents?", lapis suggested to blue, pearl looked at lapis with anger, fighting the urge to yell at her about how stupid and insane that plan was. "No no, we don't need that, let's wait until Greg is back then we can prepare our plan to try and seem like a normal family!", blue said, she was way to calm for this situation.

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