chapter 50 mr demayo

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Pearl and lapis where sent by blue diamond to try and clean up what was left of the barn, she wanted to come with them but Greg was too angry with her and didn't trust her anywhere near the barn incase she somehow destroyed it more. Steven came with them in secret, lapis made sure to pick him up and fly off with him just as greg looked away.

"You where hear before right? Did you find anything cool then?", Steven asked lapis, as he looked down at beach city below him, "yes, my diamond and I found these amazing clothes, I heard they where sadly taken from her in the zoo", lapis replied, reminiscing on the glorious beauty that was blue diamond's hairy legs, "oh yes those shorts she still hasn't stopped speaking about", pearl huffed, Steven laughed at this, "oh wow pearl! Lapis must be right those shorts must've been something really fashionable".

The three of them landed in the barn and where my by a very unexpected site, a old man, dressed like a pilot screaming. "WHERE YOU HIPPIES THE ONES WHO DID THIS", he yelled to lapis and pearl who awkwardly looked at eachother, "erm who are you?", Steven asked him, "WHO ARE YOU!", the man yelled back, AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BARN!", "your barn!?", Steven exclaimed, pulling out his phone, "wait a minute mister, I just have to call my dad about this!".

The Mr universe van quickly got there, "who said what about the ba-AAAAH ANDY!?", greg yelled, the man was being held in a water bubble by lapis and quickly released and smacked onto the ground when Greg got there. "Greg!?", Andy said, getting up, "they know eachother!?", pearl whispered to lapis. "Perfect timing Greg!", Andy said, hugging Greg, "Now help me get rid of these hippies who are using some kinda weird magic and broke My barn!", "hippies!?", lapis and pearl said in unison.

"Who told you hippies you could stay here and mess my things up!", Andy yelled at them, "I told them they could", Greg said, putting his hand on Andy's shoulder, "YOU DID WHAT!?", he yelled, "THIS IS A PART OF OUR FAMILY! OUR HISTORY! THIS IS MY PARENTS BARN AND YOU JUST LET THEM WRECK IT!?". "Erm, dad who is this?", Steven said, walking in-between them, Andy looked down to steven in shock, "no way!? He is!?", "steven is my son Andy, and steven, Andy is my cousin", Greg explained.

"OH WOW! I'M FINALLY MEETING MORE OF MY FAMILY!", Steven exclaimed, shaking Andy's hand, "I just saw my mum's sisters and now I'm seeing my dad's family! I can't believe it! Won't you be My first cousin once removed?", "who cares about all those things!", Andy picked up steven and hugged him so tightly it looked like his eyes where going to pop out, "Call me your uncle Andy!". "Greg I can't believe you never told me all those things!", he said as he dropped Steven on the floor, both pearl and lapis prepared their weapons but Steven quickly gave them a thumbs up to show he was alright. "How could I tell you all those things I haven't seen you in so long!", Greg said, "and who's fault is that?, thanks to you and your space obsession you got in your van and never spoke to us for like 20 years!".

"So who is Steven's mother?, the blue one with the weird hair, or the other blue one with the weird hair?", Andy asked, pointing to pearl and lapis, "oh, she isn't here right now, my dad can go get her!", Steven said, greg huffed and reluctantly called blue on his phone, "if these two aren't your mother who are they?", Andy asked Steven, "oh, erm-", Steven didn't really know how to explain all this gem stuff in a normal way so had to lie a bit, "they're my mum's family!".

Blue came to the barn right after her call with greg, she flew down and made quite the entrance with her water wings. "Hey, whos the weird human I've heard about?", she asked them. "GREG!", Andy yelled, looking at blue in disgust, "YOU MARRIED A HIPPIE!?", "HEY IM NOT A HIPPIE!", blue yelled, "yeah I wear flower crowns sometimes but I'm not a hippie, I can show you right now I actually like violence quite a lot actually", she summoned some sharp icicles above her hand and was ready to fire them at Andy before Steven rushed in front of her and attempted to explain that he was one of Greg's family members.

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