chapter 8 connie's questions

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Eventhough Blue had barely slept because of yellow's message and admittedly looked like "garbage," she still allowed Steven to invite his new friend, Connie, over to their home. Steven and Connie had become close friends very quickly, mostly because besides eachother, they had no other friends of their own.

Connie came over to the house very quickly. She was greeted by Pearl, opening the door for her and steven sitting on the couch waiting for her. "Welcome back," pearl quietly greated Connie, "thanks... Steven's..aunt?" Connie replied, confused as to who Pearl was to steven. "So who is she?", Connie asked Steven, she had seen pearl before but never really got a real interaction from her, she slightly resembled blue diamond, with blue skin (but Pearl's was slightly lighter) and both had gems on their chests so Connie assumed they must be related somehow.

"Oh, that's pearl, she's kinda like my mum's friend, they used to work together" Steven explained, "I have served my diamond my entire life" pearl corrected, her usually quiet voice had a slight amount of anger in it, "we are much more than just work friends". This weirded out Connie. To her pearl was quite strange looking and acted strange too, she had weird hair that covered her eyes completely, very quiet and barely any emotion and wore what kinda looked like a swimsuit but covered by a long, transparent blue skirt, almost Ballet dancer looking.

"Pearl, that sounds kinda weird", blue diamond joked, appearing from atop the stairs and walking down to greet Connie, "I'm sorry, my diamond" pearl quickly apologised, "why does she call you that Mrs universe?" Connie asked blue, "it's from her old job. It's drilled into her head, and why do you call me mrs universe, Connie?" Blue jokingly asked Connie, making her blush and apologise, "I'm sorry, blue diamond, it just feels weird calling an adult their normal name, " Connie said. "Wait!? How do you know my mum's name!?" Steven exclaimed. Blue laughed some more and said,"I told her when I flew her home! Dont you remember?".

"Can I ask you guys something?" Connie nervously asked, "of course", blue quickly replied. She didn't think what Connie said through enough and regretted it right after, but let her continue asking. "Why are you guys.....Blue? And dress like that?"she asked. "Since you're so nice to my son and a nice girl yourself i will try to explain some things" blue diamond started, she pointed to pearl and said "this is kinda like a uniform for pearls, almost dancer like as I've heard many people explain it as,but for me well, I didn't always used to look like this, I had much different hair and clothes long ago but someone said I must change them..." Blue's answers caused more questions to appear in Connie's mind, "why is she speaking like there are many versions of pearl!?", "who made her dress and look like that?" she thought, steven could see that thoughts where racing through her mind, well, he couldn't just see that, both him and Blue were reading her thoughts.

"Hey mum, I think it's better if I explain things," Steven interrupted, "see, my mum and pearl are actually not from here. They're from some place far away, in space!", "you're aliens!?" Connie quickly exclaimed and then covering her mouth after realising the mistake she made, "to you we are, " pearl wispered under her breath, "I'm just a normal irish lady!"Blue sarcastically said, this made Connie apologise more and more.

As they kept talking and blue tried to make Connie stop constantly begging for forgiveness, a loud crash sound interrupted the four of them. Steven quickly looked out of the window and saw a giant strange worm-fish creature outside, "IT'S A CORRUPTED GEM!!", he yelled to his mother, "a what!?" Connie asked, blue stood up and pulled out her scythe from her gem, "basically,it is a monster" blue said to Connie.

Blue guided Pearl and Steven onto the top of the roof and Connie watched on behind the house. Blue wanted to see if Steven could summon his scythe and fight the corruption, "like the rest, this one is weak and brainless." Pearl said, "That's good! It will be good training for Steven" blue replied, lightly nudging her son to summon his weapon but just as Steven was about to, 4 beings came out of nowhere and quickly started to attack the monster. First was a small purple skinned being with long white hair holding a whip, they quickly pulled the corruption to the ground, then a taller and thinner being appeared holding a sword, "she kinda looks like pearl!" Steven said, pointing to the being, "that's because....she is a pearl", pearl said in shock, as, on a closer look they seemed to look almost the same when it came to facial features, but with a pearl in her head instead of chest.

Then there was the last 2 beings, the creature was quickly finished off by the 3rd being, a very tall one with 2 big gauntlets, who towered over the other two and was also much more muscular than the others. "these seem to be other gems but I've never seen that type of gem before" blue said in confusion, she wanted to know exactly what these gems are and why there are here. As the corruption returned to its gem form the final being appeared, this one was a tall woman in a white dress and beautiful curly, long, pink hair. Blue's eyes became wide as she saw the full body and face of this person as they turned around."Mum, do you know her?" Steven asked his mother, "That is.....the rose quartz," blue replied, in shock.

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