chapter 39 redemption and remorse

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Blue was frantically carried into the home by pearl and greg and laid down on the couch. Connie even tried to wake her up by getting her coat but it didn't work, she just laid there lifeless, her eyes completely blank. "What happened to her!?", Connie pleaded pearl to tell her, "it is getting dark, you must leave soon, Connie maheswaran", was all pearl said, gesturing Connie to the door. "I can't leave! Look at her!", Connie cried, but her cries where no use, pearl and Greg had to drag her to his van and drive her home.

Steven tried to tell his father and pearl to be kind to connie but in the end he was powerless in this situation. He sat with lapis and watched blue, she didn't move at all, she looked dead, it terrified him. "Lapis, do you know what could be happening to her?", Steven asked, finally breaking the silence, lapis gave him a look of fear, already telling him she didn't know before she spoke, "i-i have never seen my diamond like this", she said, her voice sounding defeated.

"A fusion, not only of a diamond but a human and a gem human hybrid! Truly something new! But something wrong?, yes something that should've never happened", blue thought to herself, she floated in a completely dark world, she was alone, she had escaped her body and her mind was in some sort of new world. Blue's thoughts had distracted her so much she was able to unfuse and leave her own body to just think. Back before pink's shattering she was able to do this much easier but now, because of her weakened mental state when blue left her body she was usually left convulsing or asleep in the physical world. Blue looked through her memories, when she fused with Connie and steven she was reminded of something but something she can't properly remember, maybe, now she was just with just her thoughts she could see that memory again.

Greg and pearl returned, they where shocked Steven was not as mad at them as they thought he'd be for taking Connie away, instead he just spent all his time at blue's side. "Has she started shaking or drooling?", pearl asked Steven, as she walked up to blue and checked on her, her eyes still wide open and blank. "No, she's just been the same, do you know what this is?", Steven asked pearl, the way she looked at blue and checked her face made it look like she had done this many times and was used to it. "Yes, I know what this is", pearl replied, walking away from blue and sitting down on the ground.

"My diamond has left her body", pearl explained, as Steven moved along the ground to sit near her. "something must've made her think so much that she's left this world and gone back to her mind", Pearl's words fascinated steven, he knew his mum and all other diamonds had crazy powers but he wasn't expecting her to be able to make herself a ghost. "this time is much more peaceful compared to all the other times she has done this", pearl stopped for a moment and quickly looked a blue again and took a deep breath, "blue diamond can use this power for all sorts of reasons, but because of a certain event in her life, when she does it now it causes her to lose control of her body in this world, making her fall to the ground, she usually starts to shake and foam at the mouth when she does it".

Blue looked through more of her memories until she finally found it, a random event that quickly changed into something very special, something that happened 5750 years ago. Blue was visiting earth, at this time it was pink's colony and she was making sure it was going well, the reports of rose quartz where just starting to spread and become a big fear among the gems so she also came here to protect and help pink against them. A high ranking gem, a sapphire had come to visit her, sapphire gems had a magnificent ability, they could see the future and where very important to blue. The sapphire came with some Ruby guards and met blue, telling her she predicted rose quartz would attack, defeating all but one of her Ruby guards and then attacking her, but after sapphire would be attacked rose and other traitors would be caught immediately after.

"Alright guys, she'll be ok soon don't worry let's just play some music and leave her alone", Greg said, taking out his guitar and some CDs and lightly pulling steven to move away from blue. As he played music Steven covered his ears, the way his father was acting enraged him, how could he be so uncaring for his someone be always spoke about loving. Pearl didn't react to Greg, she just stayed by blue, waiting for her to wake up, "my diamond, what has bothered you now to do this!?", she thought to herself, becoming more and more scared for blue as each minute passed.

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