chapter 16 barn training

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After blue begging Greg for what seemed like forever, he Finally drove them to his old family barn. The barn was owned by his aunt and uncle originally, they where pilots and old chunks of planes still littered the inside of the barn. "What do you guys plan on doing here?", Greg asked, showing them around, "will this be a home for this new friend of yours?", he gestured to lapis.

"Erm dad, we actually went here to trai-, Steven's mouth was quickly covered by his mother before he revealed their true plan to Greg, "no! Pearl just remembered hearing about this place and it seemed interesting!", blue lied, sounding nervous as Steven fought to get her strong hand off of his mouth, but it was too late, greg had heard what Steven said. "To what?" He asked blue, she became nervous and gulped, "erm.......this was his idea not mine!", she studdered, she was a terrible liar, always has been. lapis quietly laughed at this but was lightly elbowed by pearl to stop. Greg put his head in his hands and sighed, "fine, no one uses this place anyway, I guess you can use it for stuff as long as you don't throw it at people or destroy the whole thing."

Greg drove back home and told Blue to call him if they wanted to be taken back home. Before their training, lapis looked around the barn, and at what was inside, pearl followed after her, wondering if she was planning something. As lapis looked at all the abandoned and old plane parts with curiosity, pearl came up behind her and said, "what are you doing over there?", her voice was quiet but sharp and strict sounding. Lapis quickly turned around, noticeably nervous, "n-nothing!" She said, "just looking at this weird place, there's so many odd things here". "Yes, these are old human machines used to create vehicles that fly" pearl replied, still sounding harsh.

Blue called everyone to stand outside the barn with blue standing with the barn right behind her and the others facing opposite to her. "Everyone there is a water tower over there! This is perfect for our training!", she said, moving everyone's attention to the large, tall water tower that stood near the barn. "We are going to be practising a lot today, Steven are you ready?" Blue asked, Steven triumphantly walked forward and summoned his scythe, pointing it in the air "as ready as I can ever be!" He proudly replied to blue.

The first lesson was using water for defence in a fight. blue made pearl summon her weapon, a long blue rapier and rush to steven, Steven would quickly summon a bubble around her to stop her touching him. The first try, instead of summoning a bubble he used another power. He caught pearl in a lazer and flew her away, this was seen as a success still as he still used one of his powers. After about 3 tries and many demonstrations by lapis, Steven finally was able to properly catch pearl in a bubble, but the bubble was difficult to move around and easily broken by pearl.

The second lesson was the easiest according to blue. Steven was supposed to take some of the water from the tower, fly it over everyone and release it slowly in drops, making rain. In the first try Steven nearly dropped it on everyone, before blue quickly catched it and demonstrated, after working together with lapis he was able to successfully make rain and on other tries he was able to do it alone.

The third and final lesson of today was similar to the first one, but Blue said it was slightly easier. blue wanted lapis to do a very long demonstration before Steven tried anything. This lesson would be picking up all sorts of objects, first lapis picked up stones of all sizes, this seemed easy, Steven quickly copied, then lapis picked up large, deep chunks of the ground and lifted them high, Steven tired to Copy her by lifting a tree.

"Good! but can you this!" Lapis said, summoning her wings and flying up. She raised her hands, and water started to surround the barn, pearl looked up in horror but Steven was amazed, cheering her on while also looking for something bigger for himself to lift. Lapis lifted the barn up into the sky, creating a shadow over them all like it was a cloud. Steven cheered lapis on and she laughed and joked with him while above the air but Steven's jokes distracted lapis, too much, because of their talking she didn't put enough energy into lifting the barn and so it fell, right onto blue diamond.

There was a extremely loud crash sound. Somehow, Steven and pearl where missed and unscathed, lapis flew back down to earth, she looked horrified. "My diamond? I am so so sorry!", lapis frantically apologised, shaking uncontrollably, pearl felt like she had been proven right and something was off about this lapis, and this was all a trick so she could assassinate her diamond, as pearl stormed up to lapis to confront her, there was a loud explosion sound.

Suddenly from the ruins of the barn, blue diamond appeared, throwing the chunks off of her, she had returned to her true giant form, her body was covered in wave like energy and she looked angry. Blue towered over lapis, Steven and pearl she could easily crush them with one hand in this form of hers and they all knew it, "my diamond please...I'm so sorry!", lapis begged, fearing for her life, "I know! Don't worry!", blue diamond said, her tone shockingly kind sounding and her face turning into a happy expression, she soon shrank down to a more human size and laughed with the others.

As the three returned home, Greg was waiting for them, "so how did it go?" He asked, "how is the barn?" This question made everyone fall awkwardly silent, "its great"pearl said, greg never expected pearl to lie so took this as fact and didn't ask more questions, this was a great relief for everyone.

Steven BLUE-niverse (Season 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon