chapter 56 song of the sea

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Blue diamond suddenly woke up in the middle of then night, shaking and sweating profusely, "another dream about him", she panted, pearl quickly ran into the room to check on her. "Another vision? Or just a  dream?", she asked, "I can't tell if it's future vision, or just nightmares anymore", blue replied, wiping away the sweat on her head, "the first one seemed too real, he made me dress like my favourite bollywood acress using real clothes I own and powers I have, and when I woke up Connie was here like how the vision ended, I think I'm paranoid about him". Pearl reassured her diamond, giving her a glass of coke, this usually calmed her down, "my diamond, I believe you are just worried, there is no real proof that this doug maheswaran is actually in love with you and trying to take you from greg, these dreams may just be a form of your anxiety", blue nodded as she drank the entire glass of coke in one big gulp, closely listening to Pearl's advice.

Steven paced around his room, holding the tape he took from durgy in his hands, reading its name over again. "where can I even watch this?", he thought, "if I used the TV in my house or mum's palanquin they'd know I took it...wait a minute, Connie! Maybe she has a tape recorder!". Steven quickly took out his phone and called Connie, laying on his bed with the tape on his stomach. "Hey Connie, I have a really special favour", he whispered to her on the phone, looking at the door incase anyone came in. "My mum had this special tape for me she kept hidden, if possible can I watch it in your house?....oh great! I'll be there as soon as possible!", Steven quickly put his socks and sandals on, put the tape in his cheeseburger backpack and got ready to run to Connie's house.

As he opened the door he was met by lapis and blue diamond walking past, he froze as he saw them. Blue looked very tired and lapis was guiding her somewhere, both Steven and lapis made eyecontact and awkwardly walked past one another. "Steven?", blue mumbled, her eyes half closed and walking with a slight limp, "where are you going?"-,  "Connie's house!", Steven nervously and loudly replied, running to the door and quickly running out, slamming the door behind him, making it echo throughout the entire home. "Where is steven going, My diamond?", lapis asked blue, "I don't know, probably another date with his future wife or something".

Steven ran to Connie's house as fast as he possibly could, "I wish I could summon water wings right now!", he thought to himself, as he struggled to not slow down. Her home was quite far away but if he asked for a ride there his parents would definitely question why and find out about the tape he took. He finally made it to Connie's home, eventhought he technically had no lungs and just a big diamond for most organs, he was completely out of breath, gasping for air and sweating.

"Hey Steven! You got here so fast!", Connie said, opening the door and letting him in, "so what do you think your mom put in the tape for you?", "I'm not sure but we are about to find out!", steven excitedly replied, taking out the tape and showing it to her. "Song of the sea?", Connie said, Reading its name, "I wonder why she kept this for you" she said as she sat down on the couch opposite to the TV. "Maybe it's a special diamond training video and the name is a code!", Steven said as he knelt down to the tape recorder, he put the tape in and quickly jumped on the couch and shuffled to be  next to connie, "let's find out!", he replied, as they both waited for the movie to start. Connie's father, doug was also there and watching over them.

"My diamond, you need to calm down", lapis told blue, she had laid her down on her bed again but she woke up panicking about doug again. "My diamond, I believe you are thinking of him too much and this is what is causing the very real seeming dreams", pearl said, getting blue's white selkie coat and draping it over her. "I've never thought of him in a way to make me have such nightmares! I don't understand!", blue complained, putting on the coat and pulling the bedsheets over her, "maybe try and give me something to think about that can change My dream?", lapis and pearl looked at eachother, wondering what advice they could tell their diamond. "think of greg", they both said in unison, both shocking eachother as they said it.

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