chapter 49 who you really are

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Today Steven planned something special, pearl called it a date with Connie, he didn't know if that was the right word or not. He put on that suit he wore to her parents' home and prepared a basket full of the most expensive food he could find (hopefully his father won't notice all the money he spent) and waited for her outside the door to his home. Connie was there as quick as she could possibly be, wearing that red dress she wore to the beach, his favourite. Steven smiled at her and lead her into his home, then to the warp. "Woah, isn't that the teleport machine you told me of?", Connie exitedly asked him, Steven just winked at her and activated the warp, leading them to the Korean mountains.

"Woah, where is this? its beautiful!", Connie said, stepping off the warp and looking around, "it's korea, where my parents met exactly", Steven said, Connie looked at him in shock, "you seemed to really like this place, so I decided to take you here, it is the most romantic place I know", he changed his tone near the end and gave Connie another wink, making her blush. He lead her through the mountains, holding her hand and took her to a place just above where his mother's ship was hidden. He set up all expensive foods he bought her in the best way possible, "you'd be good at advertising", Connie joked, as she watched him try to make everything as appetising looking as possible.

"Eventhough this place represents a lot of good things, it's also quite a sad place, this is not far from where pink diamond died", Steven said, looking at the pink flowers, "I've actually been to that place in secret, when I go there I get hit with these weird visons of memories there". "Memories? Do you see pink diamond?", Connie said, dropping her chocolate chip cookie from suprise, "no no", Steven shook his head, "I see my mum, sometimes my dad, it usually shows all the times she went there to mourn, once it showed when my dad met her, it feels kinda like I'm spying on their very private moments". "Private? Like what, do you see them kissing-", Connie joked, making Steven become very embarrassed, "I think I did see that once!", he studdered, "there's this one specific place, about a minute from here with a lot of flowers, it's got a really weird memory", he pointed west, "oh cool, can I see?", Connie asked, standing up ready to go there, "I think its thanks to My powers that I see those things, I could describe it to you", Connie smirked at this, "I knew you meant your powers I mean maybe I can see it if I fuse with you!".

Steven became nervous and took some steps back, "i don't know about that, I don't even know how it works really, all our fusions have been on accident", he said, becoming quieter and lightly sweating. "I understand", Connie said, picking up the food, "maybe we can look around, this place is super important to you afterall!", Steven nodded, and took her hand again, leading her to a different direction to one he pointed to. As they walked across the high hills and pink flowers Steven saw at the corner of his eye, what seemed to be pearl looking at him while she hid in the bushes, when he noticed her he stopped for a second and flinched. "Hey are you ok?", Connie asked Steven, stopping as well and touching his shoulder, "it's nothing!", Steven replied, giving her the thumbs up.

As Steven and Connie crossed the hills, Steven started to see something, a blue figure, his father, running where they stood. "BLUE DIAMOND! MY SPACE GODDESS!", Greg yelled, falling to his knees, out of breath, this was two days after they first met, he had made sure to remember the exact time and frantically ran to where blue was. The young Greg fell to the floor exhausted and gasping for air, closing his eyes to try and relax. "Are you ok human?", a familar voice asked Greg, it was pearl, looking down on him, the giant blue diamond was behind pearl, looking at him, with a big smile, "Hello greg universe, where you sleeping?", she asked, getting on her knees to watch him more closely as greg stood up.

"Erm I was just tired, I was trying to look for you, your highness", Greg confessed, very embarrassed that she saw him so tired, blue smiled at him more, she didn't take her eyes off him, "how cute, I was doing the same", she said, touching his head with her finger, "I slightly panicked when I thought you wouldn't be there and pearl had to calm me down", "oh I'm sorry about that", but before Greg could apologise more, blue put her finger over his mouth, "there's nothing to be sorry about, Greg universe", her voice was so soft.

Steven BLUE-niverse (Season 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora