Chapter 61 blue goes to the hospital

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"Blue please, I can't handle seeing you like that, your tears are so strong, not even I can handle them", yellow diamond said, stroking blue's cheek and wiping away her tears, they where alone together in a dark blue room, blue was laying on a bed and yellow was sitting on that bed watching over her. "I don't think homeworld can handle your sadness, please be a leader, for me, no, for every gem", yellow bent down closer to blue, their faces nearly touching, "please blue, we need you", yellow went to kiss blue, holding her hand tightly.

Blue diamond suddenly awoke, the first thing she saw was a very bright light, she was laying in a bed of some sort, she slightly sat up and looked around, the entire room was so bright, it hurt her eyes, she was wearing white pyjamas with blue stripes, the buttons have all been undone, revealing the giant gem in her chest and she had white bandages around her head.

"So your finally awake", a familar voice said to blue, it was dr priyanka maheswaran, blue didn't know she was there and flinched when she stepped out from the corner to greet her. "Mrs maheswaran? Where am I?", blue said, looking around, "you are very lucky, you seemed to have miraculously recovered from a very terrible crash", priyanka told blue, looking through some notes she was holding. "your husband told me of your whereabouts before he himself got there, he said you where near a group of bikers from beach city? Is that correct?", she asked, blue nodded so she continued, writing a bit in her notes, "Most of them are in the hospital or worse by now, you where luckily able to avoid the worst outcomes of this accident".

"So... can I leave?", blue asked, preparing to step out of the bed, before priyanka quickly stopped her, "what are you thinking!? The crash you where in was terrible! you'd need to be in recovery for a long time!", she exclaimed, "but you said I am OK now! And what about Steven and greg!?", "they can visit you in the hospital, for now, we need to do...some tests". "Before we start I will tell you this", priyanka said,preparing some medical instruments and a light, "this entire thing is secret, the people with me at the ambulance where students I told them you where blue because you where cold, no one else will see what I'm going to do and no one will ever know alright!", blue was very noticeably nervous but agreed, "what ever you say Mrs Doctor maheswaran!", she said, trying her most confident voice.

"The first thing I want to talk about is that", priyanka said, putting on gloves and pointing at blue's gem,"oh that...that's my gem", blue studdered, wanting to button up the pyjamas, "Ma'am, will you please show me the entire gem on your chest?", blue bowed her head and took the pyjama top off and showed the entire gem, it took up all of blue's chest and was massive.

"Fascinating", Connie's mother said, shining a light on the gem and poking it, making blue cringe, "I remember Connie told me Steven has a similar gem on him, does this gem cause pain?", blue shook her head, she felt so embarrassed, "It looks like it's in the way of your organs, it's even caused you to not develop breasts"- "erm, actually I can move it around", blue said, nervously looking down at priyanka and trying to move her away from her, "it just looks like that now because I'm usually really tall, I can suck some of it inside my body and have a more human chest if you want", blue really wanted to change the subject but realised right after she made the situation even worse.

"You can move it around?" Priyanka said, trying to touch the gem, blue quickly flinched away, her gem was very sensitive and anyone touching it was an awful experience. "Yes, but rotating it is the easiest, sucking it in and not showing a full side kinda makes it harder to breathe but I'll do it for you, Greg always makes me do it anyway", blue took a deep breath and the gem started to go inside her chest as her body took a more human looking form. Priyanka watched closely and wrote down notes, "you are my most unique patient", she whispered as she watched.

"OK, I did that. Can I put this back on?", blue asked priyanka, putting back on the pyjama shirt and preparing to button it up. Priyanka checked her watch and rushed to the door, "I'll be back soon, I have to see another patient, just stay there", she said, quickly running out the door, blue watched her run down the corridor through the windows then laid down on the bed looking up at the ceiling after she disappeared out of view from the windows.

Now that she was alone blue spent her time just thinking, thinking about not just Steven but the other diamonds, especially yellow, for the past couple days she had been seeing yellow in her dreams and old memories of them, she started to only think of yellow. Blue closed her eyes and fell asleep as she wondering what yellow was doing now and maybe if she missed her.

Blue opened her eyes, the entire room had now become dark and cold, "what happened?", blue whispered, getting out of bed and looking around. "Dr maheswaran?", she called, her voice echoed, it felt so, off. Blue tried to call her more but there was no reply, until, the walls started to shake and loud sounds came from them, like there where creatures moving in between them. Blue stood away from them, scared and summoning an energy ball in case something would attack, out the wall blue was facing a being crawled out, it was pink diamond, well it resembled her, only she was mutated and made out of bits of cracked rock and wires, she had no legs only tentacles.

The pink creature crawled to blue's legs and tried to attack. Blue jumped back and stood on her bed, nearly breaking it, "what the!?", she yelled, avoiding another attack from the creature as it lunged itself towards her, only this time as blue jumped away she bumped into another wall and fell to the ground, as she got up this wall also started to crack and a mutated version of yellow diamond limped out, her eyes where lit up with bright lights and a large mouth with spiked teeth appeared from her stomach and growled at blue, glowing yellow spit coming from its mouth. Blue crawled away from the mutated yellow as pink started to crawl to her again, she was surrounded, "LEAVE ME ALONE!", blue yelled, shattering the windows and destroying the two monsters, leaving blue alone in a now dark and destroyed hospital room, she laid there, shaking and gasping for air.

"What was that!?", priyanka said, running into blue's room and gasping as she saw the destruction, "what happened here!?", she cried, running to blue who was still sitting on the ground and breathing heavily, her bandages had come undone and were falling down her face. "I'll get you another room, please tell me what happened here when you are able to", blue tried to pay attention to her but noticed something crawling up behind them, making a horrific sounding screeching noise.

"LOOK OUT!", blue yelled, pushing priyanka out the way and attacking some sort of disgusting creature made out of limbs, the being quickly poofed, it was one of those mutants yellow diamond had created out of shards. Blue ripped the shards apart and bubbled them, "that was one of my other patients!", priyanka cried, "there's another one of them!? They're not people, they're monsters! monsters made by my family!", as blue said this another one of them screeched and ran past, blue quickly followed after it and cornered it in a corridor, "DIE YOU MONSTER", blue yelled, the sheer power of her voice destroying it with a wave of energy, she quickly bubbled the shards after separating them, "they only made a couple test ones, you probably wont be dealing with them again", blue told priyanka as she sent the bubble away.

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