chapter 11 Durgy the blue tiger

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"ANNNNND DONE!", Connie exclaimed, showing blue diamond her drawing. Pearl, blue, Connie and steven where all sitting together and seeing who can draw eachother the best, this time everyone was having a go to see if they could draw blue diamond. "Very nice Connie, I like the wings, the shiny anime eyes and the hair, it makes Me look so cool!", blue said, thanking Connie and looking at her drawing, examining all the details put in.

"My turn now mum!", Steven said, showing his mother the drawing he just completed, unlike Connie who drew blue as a cool anine character with powers, Steven drew blue as a small, chubby cartoon lady holding a potato. "I put most my time into the colours", Steven said as he gave his mother the photo, "why is she holding a potato?" Connie asked, "potatoes are the only thing I eat", blue explained.

"My diamond, I'm sorry for the wait but my art of you is finally completed", blue pearl said, her drawing was very detailed and almost like a exact picture of blue, Steven and Connie where amazed by Pearl's skills, "I've never seen you draw with colour before pearl, its so lovely, no wonder you love doing it so much" blue said, thanking pearl and smiling at her, pearl smiled back which was quite rare. Pearl always loved to draw and back home blue would always let her draw, in fact, the reason blue was letting everyone draw was to try and improve how pearl acted around people.

"Well you guys, everyone drew so much better than me" blue laughed, showing everyone her self portrait, it was mostly just a blue blob with a sad face and standing on a hill, "now who should be next, or we don't have to draw eachother we can draw anything we see as interesting enough", blue said to the other 3, this caused Steven and Connie to look around for things to draw, pearl just sat there saying she'll draw blue again.

"Alright, we can draw some of my action figures," Steven said, running to his room to look for things, "or we can draw-THE GIANT BLUE TIGER OUTSIDE!!!", he yelled, pointing out the window and showing Connie. Blue heard steven yell something and immediately ran up to see what he was shouting about.

"Steven? What are you doing?", blue asked, seeing Connie and steven looking at the window with shocked faces, "there's a tiger outside," Connie said, pointing outside, "oh that's mine" blue laughed, "I named her Durgy, I got her from India a couple years ago". "WHAT!?", Steven and Connie yelled in unison, blue laughed some more "I'm very sorry if she scared you, honestly I'm not sure how she followed me here but she's very nice, want to come down and see her with me?" She asked them, and they both agreed very quickly. Of course they wanted to see a cool blue tiger.

"Her name came from the Hindu goddess durga who rides a tiger and because a lot of feminine words in hindi end in ii" blue explained, stroking Durgy, "mum can I ride her?? Can I?? Can I??" Steven asked, jumping up and down with excitement, blue looked back at Durgy to see her reaction she seemed to be quite calm with Steven so blue allowed him to sit on her for a bit. "This is so cool! I feel like a ancient warrior!!" Steven said, summoning his scythe and posing on top of Durgy, Connie looked back worried "Steven please be careful it's a wild animal!" She yelled but Steven didn't listen.

"Do not worry miss maheswaran" blue said to Connie, putting her hand on her shoulder, "you know my surname??" Connie looked up at blue slightly scared, "yes I know many things about you, and I also know many things about that tiger" blue said, pointing to steven still messing around on durgy "like that she won't hurt Steven or me and definitely not you, as she made a vow to me", Connie was confused and kinda scared of blue "a-a vow?" Connie asked, "I gave her life, she was shot by hunters and my tears touched her corpse, bringing her back and giving her a second chance at life, and so she became my loyal pet" blue explained, Connie looked at her with scared eyes, "are you a god???" She said, blue could hear the terror in her voice and read all her scared thoughts, "it does sound weird but I have a lot of powers, Steven does too, maybe I can show you some" blue tried to speak in a more softer voice to make Connie less scared of her.

Durgy brought Steven straight to blue and he finally got off, "she's so cool mum! Can you make more of these?" Steven asked, Connie looked back at blue as she also wanted to witness some of these powers first hand, "I would need a dead animal for that, and I am not killing a innocent creature for some silly show for kids" blue said, harshly, "well I did see a run over seagull not to far away" Connie said, "I can show you it", "fine" blue sighed, "but Steven can't go, as I'll need to cry and when I cry, Steven cries and a chain reaction is set off".

Connie lead blue to the dead bird, blue could hear the other birds as they where getting closer, she could also understand them, they where speaking about seeing the bird that died, this made blue feel horrible. "Alright Mrs universe are you ready to make yourself cry?" Connie asked blue as she showed her the dead bird, blue looked back at the bird with her eyes full of guilt, "oh you poor thing, killed by a foolish human who couldn't even drive on the road" blue quietly said to herself, getting closer to it, she could already feel the tears starting, "you know, you don't actually need to do this, I do feel gross making you cry on a dead animal" Connie said, "no its ok" blue sniffed, ready for tears that where about to come out, and when they finally did and hit the dead seagull a bright blue light lit up the animal and soon it was walking around in perfect condition.

The bird flew on blue's arm, in its language it was thanking her and saying it will do what ever she wants, "be free do whatever you want, you have no need to serve me" blue queitly told the bird in it's language and soon after it flew off. "WOWWWWW, that's so cool!!" Connie yelled, hugging blue, the hug was very tight and scared her as it was so unexpected, "yes I do it a lot as I can't handle things murdered by humans, now we must go back to see Steven" blue told Connie.

While Connie and blue were gone, Steven continued playing with durgy, "you're so cute for a tiger" he said, moving his hand over its fur when suddenly, his hand went though the fur, and the fur his hand was on lit up, "what the" Steven said, inspecting and putting his hands there again, he realised his hands went through durgy and into somewhere, "Alright, sorry for this durgy but I gotta put my face through you" Steven said, apologising to durgy before jumping right into her fur to see what that bright light lead to. As he got inside he noticed himself in a sea of fur but on top of the fur there was a small island with many things that belonged to his mother on it as soon as he saw that he quickly got out. "Maybe I shouldn't be looking in there" Steven said.

"STEEEVEEEEN" Connie yelled, running to him and giving him a hug, "your mom just brought a animal back from the dead! She's so cool" Connie exclaimed, blue blushed and said, "well you know I think Steven can also do that, in fact I think he's capable of all my powers", this amazed Connie some more and she begged them both to show their powers.

But before blue could show anything more to them she saw Greg's truck start to drive up to their home, "finally he's here! I'm going to give him a suprise!" Blue said, getting on durgy, "do you two want to join me?" Blue asked, both Steven and Connie quickly jumped on and durgy chased after Greg on his van.

"AAAAA WHAT THE HELL BLUE!", greg yelled as he quickly stopped his car In front of durgy. "How did you get that here? I thought she was In india!" Greg asked, getting out his car to see them, "I honestly don't know" blue said, looking down to durgy, "I guess she missed me". "Well even if she does miss you she can't live here!" Greg yelled, "why not!?" Blue pleaded, hugging durgy tightly, "she can stay with me"."I remember back when you lived in india, every night you slept with that big tiger in the bed with us it was hell!" Greg complained, " BUT SHE LOVEEEESSSS USSSSS GREG!", blue yelled back, Greg knowing he was powerless to blue and didn't want to argue in front of Connie finally broke and let her keep Durgy with them "fine" he said "but I can't handle that thing in bed with us again!".

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