chapter 48 finding love in the hills of korea

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Night quickly took over the skies of beach city, Greg, Connie and steven sat near the window looking out at the stars, "the sky is so beautiful at night", Connie said, "no wonder you based all your music off space mr universe!", Greg laughed at this comment, "yeah but that's mostly thanks to-", the warp activated, interrupting Greg and making everyone turn to look at it. The light of the warp faded to reveal pearl and blue diamond, blue looked very tired, when she stepped off the warp she tripped and nearly fell to the ground right before pearl catched her, "my diamond, maybe you exhausted yourself too much", pearl said to her, helping her to the stairs, lapis had heard the warp pad activate and quickly came to her diamond's side, "my diamond are you ok?", she concerningly asked blue as she helped pearl move her up the stairs. "she's been in Korea doing something very important, I'll tell you when we are upstairs alone", pearl said, Steven watched them very carefully, what ever blue was doing in Korea, it concerned him.

Connie looked at greg, deep into his brown eyes. "I've always wondered this, how did you meet her?", she asked before quickly becoming nervous right after and saying, "oh... erm, I'm really sorry if that's inappropriate, It's just, you guys are so different and-",Greg lightly hushed her, "it's OK, I'll tell you, and why would I be offended by that?", he said, standing up and putting on his sandals. "but it's best I tell you in my van, as blue is here", Steven and Connie quickly put their shoes on and followed Greg into his van that was waiting outside for them.

Mr universe had recently become quite a sensation across the world, starting in America doing some small shows in little known towns and cities to now doing world wide concerts and being known by millions, this time, he was in Korea, he had an entire month of concerts and all sorts of events planned for korea. While in Korea, Greg had a manager he only knew him as Mr Kim, Mr Kim was strict and had worked with all sorts of Korean idols and foreign singers, he spoke great English, (albeit with quite a thick accent) and worked very closely with greg.

Greg and Mr Kim where sitting at the back of a bus together, Greg had just completed one of his biggest concerts in Pyongyang, the Korean capital and was now driving through the mountains. All was normal until Mr Kim pointed out the window to some mountains, "my family always told me an odd story about that place", he said, greg was interested by this, recently he heard some Korean folklore and had become slightly interested in those stories. "What did they tell you?", Greg asked Mr Kim, leaning over him to also look at the mountains. "They tell me, at a certain time, weeping can be heard from those mountains", he said, greg listened in closely, "many claim it to be some sort of ghost, I have heard the cries myself, they are very real".

"So the mountain is haunted? Maybe I'll check it out", Greg said, stopping the bus and quickly jumping out, mr Kim stood by the open doors, "make sure to come back!" , he called to Greg, pulling out some money from his pocket and throwing It to him, Greg quickly catched it, "and tell me what you see up there!", the door soon closed and the bus drove away, leaving Greg in front of these haunted mountains.

Greg looked at the money he was given, about 4000₩, not much, but it was money so he was fine with it, he quickly stuffed the money into his pockets and began his journey up this so called haunted mountain. There where pink flowers everywhere, "I can get some good lyric ideas from this", he thought to himself as he looked at the nature surrounding him, thinking about pulling out a pen and paper to write his song lyrics, until, Greg bumped into a mental fence, "NO ENTRY", was written on a sign on the fence with a smaller, wooden sign under it saying "please", in cursive writing, Greg laughed at this and quickly jumped the fence.

After jumping the fence and only taking a couple steps he was met with something that would change his life forever. In front of him stood a massive blue machine of some sort, with what seemed to be spider legs at the bottom with long curtains surrounding it and stairs that lead to a blue throne, Greg gulped as he saw it, "what the heck is this...", he whispered to himself, about to take some steps forward to inspect this odd machine of some sort, but he was soon distracted by a sound, a voice, a crying voice. "Oh pink....I'm sorry, im so sorry", the voice quietly said to itself, Greg followed the voice, crawling into some bushes to see who or what was crying to themselves.

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