chapter 28 welcome to the zoo

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As the ship opened, blue diamond stepped out in her ginormous form, pearl stood next to her with lapis behind her and amethyst also behind, slightly scared of what she was going to see. Blue held Greg and steven tightly in her hands as she walked into the zoo's landing place for ships, the first thing they where met by was 2 harsh looking, amethyst guards standing by the door.

Amethyst gulped as she looked at her "family", they quickly saluted blue as they saw her, and then they noticed amethyst. She could see the two amethysts speaking about her quietly but blue told her she'll be able to speak to them later. As they where speaking with eachother a loud voice interrupted the amethysts. "What are you doing?", the voice said, it belonged to a blue skinned gem, with strange white horns that connected to her white hair, long, white, knee high boots, blank pants and shirt, a blue shawl covering the shirt with a blue diamond in the middle and her gem on the back of her head.

"We are sorry Holly blue agate!", the two amethysts said in unison, saluting her, the agate quickly changed mood as she saw blue diamond and saluted her. "Oh my stars! My diamond! It is great to see you here!", she said, bowing to blue, Steven was going to say something but blue lightly squeezed him to keep him quiet. Holly blue kicked one of the amethysts, "why didn't anyone of you tell me blue diamond was here!", she wispered to them.

"Hello there...Holly blue", blue said, greeting the gem quietly. "My diamond you haven't been here in a while, are those two humans for the zoo?", holly blue agate asked,looking at steven and greg in her hands. Lapis and pearl looked at eachother shocked, amethyst looked up at steven and was about to say something but noticed holly blue giving her an angry look. Blue diamond looked down at greg and steven who where now very scared, "yes, this one will go in first, I'll hold the smaller one for some time", blue said, handing Greg to some amethyst guards who took him away. "MUM! MUM! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?", Steven yelled but was squeezed after. "Those humans truly make such hideous sounds don't they my diamond", Holly blue said, mocking Steven.

"Agate can you not understand all languages like me?", blue asked, looking down at Holly, the agate started to become worried, maybe she showed off her hatred for those organics too much. "My diamond...I couldn't make out what it said besides its wailing", she studdered, blue raised an eyebrow and looked back to steven, "I could understand him perfectly", blue said, her voice sounding offended that holly would speak about her son like that.

"Agate, we are also here for another reason, as you saw I found an amethyst on earth, she never knew of her kind so I took her here to be with her family, may her fellow amethysts guide her around", blue commanded. The agate quickly called on two other amethysts to take her and guide her away, before she left with them,amethyst looked back and gave blue a smile and thumbs up, blue did the same back and Holly looked at them both shocked."I'm suprised someone like you has such respect for gems from earth, you're so merciful and beautiful my diamond, you truly love everything!", Holly blue dramatically said, praising blue very loudly.

"Since we are here I think it will be good if I take lapis lazuli and pearl on a tour around this zoo", blue said, holly blue agate quickly agreed and took them around the pink building. as this happened Greg was dragged across the corridors by the amethysts and thrown into a small opening in the wall. Lapis stood next to holly blue as she went on a long explanation about the zoo, "this zoo was once operated by pink diamond, but because of the terrible short ending of her life", she loudly proclaimed, her voice echoing through the corridors "my diamond and her trusted agate, that's me! Preserved this place in pink diamond's memory".

Steven wanted to ask many questions but that agate really didn't seem to respect him, eventhough he was the son of her diamond. "How do you get in the zoo?", he asked, struggling as blue held onto him tightly, blue looked down to him, enraged and hushed him. The agate turned around, looking up at steven disgusted, "why is that one so loud My diamond?", she complained.

"how do you get in the zoo?" Lapis asked, asking the question for Steven. "Oh I'm so glad you asked! There's many different important doors that allow us into the zoo, like here", holly pointed to some bigger pink doors, "but we can also look down to watch them while still staying here", she pressed a button making the floor under them become transparent, Steven squirmed in his mother's hands to look down but couldn't, holly quickly pressed the button again turning it off and continued the tour.

"Interesting, you're keeping the zoo in great condition", blue congratulated holly, who saluted her and bowed, "now I think we should take this human and put him in the zoo now", she passed Steven to some amethyst guards who quickly grabbed him and marched off with him. "WAIT! MUM! STOP!", Steven yelled, fighting the strong amethyst's grip, "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM! I AM THE SON OF BLUE DIAMOND! OBEY ME!!", he cried as they threw him into the small opening in the wall, "my stars this one is so loud", the amethyst guards joked to the other one as he was thrown in.

As Steven went through the small hole, the floor became a ramp and moved him through the small pipe, strange blue fingers, that looked like peridot's started to pull on Steven and scan him. "MUM!!!!", Steven yelled, still trying to get his mother's attention but the fingers quickly distracted him as they tried to pull his clothes off, first his Mr universe shirt, then they tried to pull of his pants, Steven slapped the fingers and tried to run away but in the end was powerless and let them take the pants.

Now Steven was embarrassed, and nearly naked, then he started to approach a terrifying looking machine, it was slamming up and down, Steven tried to out run it but couldn't, as it slammed down on him it gave him new, odd clothes. "Ew what is this...loin cloth!?", Steven huffed, he was now wearing a white cloth and a blue sleeveless jacket. then, the machine gave him pink earrings, "ouch!", Steven yelped, snacking the fingers. Suddenly water fell from the sky and covered Steven, he swam up the water and came up from the surface. As he looked above the surface he realised where he was, the human zoo.

Blue diamond told holly to keep guiding around lapis but she and pearl stayed in the corner, planning something. Blue followed where the amethysts took Steven and found the place where humans where took to the zoo. "Alright pearl, after I do this, you go back to holly and lapis", blue told pearl, preparing herself for the plan she had just created. "Are you sure this will go well?", pearl said to blue, quite scared of even asking her diamond such a question. "I don't know but I'll try!" Blue said, shape-shifting into her smaller form she used on earth and taking off her dress and giving it to pearl. she was wearing those alien shorts underneath and a white shirt she stole from Greg. "Alright, here it goes!", blue said, jumping into the hole and shape-shifting her colours to be more human like, pearl hid blue's clothes in her gem and quickly ran to find lapis and Holly blue.

"And this place was specially designed by pink diamond", Holly blue explained, showing lapis around, lapis really didn't want to be here and didn't really understand why she was here. Pearl quickly found them and ran to them, "I'm sorry, my diamond had to go somewhere", she apologised. "She has probably gone to pink diamond's old room, oh my diamond is still in such a upsetting state because of pink's tragic demise!", holly dramatically proclaimed. Suddenly two nervous looking amethysts ran to holly blue.

"Holly blue agate! We have important news for you!", they frantically told her, "WE DO NOT RUN OR SHOUT IN THESE HALLWAYS!", holly yelled at them, her voice echoing across the whole zoo."it's just we-" the amethysts tried to explain but holly interrupted them again, "How can I tell what you're saying when you're MUMBLING!" She loudly lectured them. "It's just-YELLOW DIAMOND IS ON HER WAY TO THE ZOO!", the two amethysts finally where able to speak.

"Oh my stars! Two diamonds in one day!", holly blue gasped, "we must prepare ourselves!", she quickly ran to every amethyst she could find, making sure they where standing straight and not doing anything that wasn't their job. "Where is blue diamond?", lapis wispered to pearl, "she has gone into the zoo undercover to see Steven and greg", pearl explained.

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