Chapter 8 You did what!?

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You woke up from the sound of Dogday waking the kids up. You sat up still in pain from last night. You noticed Catnap wasn't in the room. You stood and joined the critters and the kids in the kitchen. "Hey Y/n!" Dogday yelled and motioned you to come over to him. You walked over to him. "Yes Dogday?" You asked. "So you have to go to the Game station with the kids today." Dogday said. You nodded. After the kids ate they went to go play you and the critters watched from afar. Catnap walked over to you. "How'd you sleep?" He asked. "Fine." You replied. You and the critters started talking about activities you could do with them. "Y/N!" A group of kids ran over to you. "What's wrong?" You asked. Just then Tommy ran up to you and hid behind you. One of the scientists walked over to you. "Miss L/n I need Tommy Harvey wants to see him." The guy said. The critters didn't look too happy with this idea. "No." You said. The critters looked at you in shock. "What did you just say?" The guy asked. You put a serious face on. "I said no." You repeated. At this point all the kids were looking at you. "You know Harvey the boss right?" The guy questioned you. "Technically Harvey is your boss Catnap is mine." You said. The guy was getting pissed. "Look if Harvey doesn't get the kid he'll be mad." The guy said. You stood your ground. "And if Harvey has a problem with it he can come talk to me like a man." You said. The kids went crazy. The guy grabbed your arm. You groaned in pain. "Listen hear you little shit-" Before he could finish he let go. You looked behind you to see Catnap and Dogday they looked pissed. Both of there pupils were diamond shape and red. Catnap hissed and Dogday growled. The guy walked around. Catnap and Dogday pupils both went back to normal. "THAT WAS AWESOME!" Kickin said. "Thanks." You said. The kids ran of and went to play again. The critters went to do their own things. You made you a cup of coffee (or tea) then Dogday walked up to you. "Y/n can we talk?" Dogday asked. You nodded. "Are you ok you seem to have been a lot of pain when that scientists grabbed your arm?" Dogday asked. "I'm fine Dogday." You replied. Dogday looked at you with a serious face. "Y/n-" He said. You looked at him as you took a sip of your coffee (or tea). "Did you have sex with Catnap?" Dogday asked. You spat out your coffee (or tea) and looked at him in shock. "H-How did you know-" You asked. Dogday looked down. "Yea I can tell-" Dogday said. You looked at him confused. Dogday sighed. "Y/n it's just well-" Dogday stopped. You could tell he didn't want to say whatever it was. "Dogday-" You said. He looked at you. "Are you ok-" You said. "I've had sex with Catnap before-" Dogday said. You looked at him in shock. "You what-" You mumbled. "It was a long time ago but I'm warning you don't trust him." Dogday said. "Dogday he's your best friend-" You said. "I know but he not the guy who you should trust in bed he manipulative and make you feel great but it with a price." Dogday said. "Dogday-" You mumbled. "I know he's may best friend but he black mails me with it." Dogday said. "Dogday thank you for your concerns but I'll be fine." You said. "Y/n if you do keep going down this path with Catnap just be careful-" Dogday said. You nodded. You looked at the time. "I got to go." You said and ran off to the train with the kids. But before you left you heard Catnap. "What did you say to them Dogday?" He questioned him. "It wasn't anything important-" Dogday said. You got on the train. 10 minutes later you were at the Game station. You and the kids got out of the train. Mommy long legs was staring you down as she welcomed the children. You walked over to a sit and sat down. You noticed Tommy talking to Mommy long legs. A little later the kids were off doing the games. Mommy long legs walked over to you. "Thank you." She said. "Pardon?" You asked. "For what you did for Tommy I've never seen someone do that for the kids before." Mommy long legs said. "No problem I was just doing what's right." You said. "But I wasn't joking about Catnap." Mommy long legs said. "Trusting him is a terrible idea-" She continued. "I've had a few warnings about Catnap already-" You said. You looked at the time. You stood up. "I probably should get back to Playcare." You said Mommy long legs nodded. And you started your way back to Playcare. "Y/N!" Someone one yelled. You turned to see Harvey. "I need a minute with you." Harvey said. You walked into his office and closed the door. "You care to explain yourself?" He asked. "About Tommy?" You said. He nodded. "He's a child not some kind of lab rat Harvey!" You said. "Your job is to help the critters take care of the kids and not to questioned my job!" He said with a pissed look on his face. "Well it's not right!" You argue. Harvey walked over to you and grabbed your neck and pinned you to the wall. "Now you listen closely your not going to argue about what the job is your going to do your job and not questioned mine if I want to take a kid I'm going to!" Harvey said. You could hear the annoyance in his voice. You nodded. But Harvey didn't let go. "And one more thing Y/n you just aged out of being a child but the won't stop me from using you for my next bigger body experiment do I make myself clean?" He said. You nodded. "Good." He said and let go. "Your dismissed." He said. You walked out of his office with tears in your eyes and started back for Playcare.

{Hey guys I can't believe how many views this story has in a month I'm so thankful for all the support love yah!!! 💜💜💜}

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