Chapter 4 A long night

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You stood up and followed Catnap to get the kids in bed. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep. You and Catnap sat in silence for a good few minutes. "Your easy to scare." Catnap said. You didn't inspect him to say something so you jumped. Catnap grinned at you. "Not funny." You said. You were annoyed at this point. "Yes it is." Catnap said. You looked down. "What's wrong?" Catnap asked. "Nothing I'm fine-" You said. But Catnap wasn't buying it. "Tell me." He said with a serious look on his face. You looked up a him. "It's nothing really." You said. Catnap wasn't going to let this go easily. "I know something up." He said. You sighed. "Just tired-" You said. Catnap grabbed your face but he didn't hurt you. "When's the last time you've slept?" Catnap asked. "A couple days ago-" You said. Catnap looked at you like we was pissed. "Why?" His tone changed. You could tell he was annoyed with your answer. "Just haven't it's not that big of a deal." You said. You were trying to change the subject but it wasn't working. "Go to bed now." Catnap said. "I don't need to I'm fine." You said. Besides it was Catnap job to make sure the kids slept not you. "Your going to bed." Catnap said. "Look I'll go to bed in the morning ok?" You reassured him. "You better." Catnap said. But the truth was you didn't plan on going to bed you didn't need to sleep you were fine. Catnap let go of your face. "Hey Catnap." You said. "What?" He asked still annoyed with you. "I probably should tell you but I'm genderfluid." You said. Catnap was shocked by what you said. "And you didn't tell me?" He question. "I didn't know how to tell you." You said. He looked a little mad that you didn't tell him or the critters. "Have I been using the wrong pronouns to?" He asked. "Yea-" You said. "It's fine I swear it's my fault for not telling you sooner." You said. Catnap sigh. "What are your pronouns?" He asked. "They/Them." You said. Catnap was annoyed he couldn't believe he hadn't noticed sooner. "Your telling the critters tomorrow." He said. "I will." You said. You sat in silence for a minute. You yawned you were really tired. "You care to explain why you haven't slept?" Catnap said. You looked away from him. "I just have trouble sleeping sometimes that's all-" You said. Catnap sighed in annoyance. "And you didn't think to ask me about it?" Catnap said. You looked up at him. "I didn't think it mattered that much-" You said. Catnap walked in front of you and crouched down. He looked at you with a serious look in his face. "Don't you ever say sleep doesn't matter and you better come to me if you can't sleep understood?" He asked. It was kind of scary but you nodded. Catnap stood back up and leaned on the wall next to you. You two sat in silence for about 10 minutes when you heard something. Catnap guard immediately went up. You knew it couldn't be a child from the way Catnap was acting. Just then Dogday walked in. "Fuck Dogday you scared the shit out of me." Catnap said annoyed. "Sorry-" Dogday said. You stood up. "Why aren't you asleep?" You asked him. "I'm not tired so I came to talk to you two." Dogday said with a smile on his face. Catnap looked down at you and then back up to Dogday. "Y/n genderfluid." Catnap said. You couldn't believe he said that. Dogday was in shock. Dogday grabbed your shoulders and started shaking you. "YOU DID TELL ME!?!?" Dogday question you. "Sorry-" You said still being shook. "Dogday you'll give them brain damage if you don't quit." Catnap said. Dogday stopped. "Sorry-" He said with his tail in between his legs. "It's ok I should have said something sooner." You said. Dogday looked at the time. "I probably should get to bed before Catnap gets mad." Dogday said and walked off. You sat there wondering what life would be like without this job. Catnap sits nexts to you and sighs. "What wrong?" You question him. "Nothing much just tired." Catnap said. "Oh-" You said. Catnap ears went up fast. You looked in the decision Catnap was looking in. Someone walked in the room. "Y/n right?" The person said. You nodded. "I'm Peter and I need to ask you a few questions." He said. You didn't like the idea of it. Just then Catnap stood up. "Your in my domain and I suggest you get out while you still can." Catnap said. You could hear the aggression in his voice. Peter looked at him annoyed. "I just need a minute." He said. Catnap gave him a dirty look but didn't say anything. "What did you want to ask?" You question Peter. "Well for starters how you liking the job?" Peter asked you. "I like it." You replied. "Good anyway do you have any complaints?" Peter asked. "No I fine." You said. "Ok one more thing do you feel safe with your job?" Peter asked. You looked at him confused. "Yes." You said. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Why wouldn't I be?" You question. "Well Catnap is known for getting hostile." Peter said. You looked at him surprised by what he said. You looked at Catnap who was losing his patient. "Catnap never been hostile with me." You said. Peter looked at you in shock. "That's surprising he usually aggressive." Peter said. You were so confused because Catnap had never gotten aggressive with you. "I suggest you get going." Catnap said. You could hear the aggression in his voice. "Fine I'm leaving." Pater said and walked off. You looked at Catnap. "What was that about?" You question him. Catnap sighed. "It's nothing ok." He said. You nodded. And looked at the time. "It's about time for Dogday to get the kids up." You said. Dogday walked in the room. "Alright Catnap I'll take it from here." Dogday said. Catnap nodded. You stood there for a second when Catnap picked you up and started walking away from Dogday. "CATNAP WHAT THE FUCK!" You yelled. All Catnap did was give you a smug look.

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