Chapter 11 Truth or Dare

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After the kids fell asleep Catnap looked at you. Without saying anything he kissed you. You kissed him back. Things were getting heated quickly. The critters walked in without you two noticing. "How long has this been going on?" Bubba asked. You and Catnap looked at the critters. You were embarrassed. "Not long-" Catnap said. Catnap backed up from you. "You didn't think to tell us?" Picky asked. You didn't know what to say. "We were we just didn't know when. Catnap said.  "Why aren't you guys in bed?" You asked. "Oh we were going to ask if you guys wanted to play truth or dare." Hoppy said. "Sure we're in." Catnap said. The 9 of you sat on the floor. "I'll go first." Kickin said. "Bobby truth or dare?" Kickin asked. "Truth." Bobby said. "Is it true that you have a crush on someone in this room?" Kickin asked. "Yes-" Bobby said. She looked a little embarrassed. "Hoppy truth or dare?" Bobby asked. "Dare." Hoppy said. Bobby thought for a second. "I dare you to tell everyone a secret." Bobby said. Hoppy stood up with a proud face. "I'm a lesbian." Hoppy said proudly and sat back down. The group was shocked. "You didn't say anything about it?" Dogday asked. "I didn't know how you guys would react.  Hoppy said. "Y/n truth or dare?" Hoppy asked. "Dare." You said. Hoppy grinned. "I dare you to sit in Catnap's lap." Hoppy said. You blushed a little but you did it. "Dogday truth or dare?" You asked. "Truth." Dogday said. "Do you have any phobias?" You asked. "Yes Astraphobia."(Fear of thunder and lightning) Dogday said. "Craftycorn truth or dare?" Dogday asked. "Truth." Craftycorn said. "What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?" Dogday asked. "Frog." Craftycorn said. "Bubba truth or dare?" Craftycorn asked. "Truth." Bubba said. Crafty thought for a moment. "What's the worst thing anyone's ever done to you?" Craftycorn asked. "That one time Hoppy put me in a headlock because I called her dumb-" Bubba said. You could tell he wasn't too happy about answering that question. "Catnap truth or dare?" Bubba asked. "Dare." Catnap said with a cocky look. "Yell out the first word that comes to your mind." Bubba said. Catnap gave you a smug look. "Hard." Catnap said. You blushed because you knew why he was. "Hoppy this is your fault."  You said. Hoppy giggled. "Picky truth or dare?" Catnap asked. "Truth." Picky said. "Who would you like to kiss in this room?" Catnap asked. Picky blushed. "Do I have to answer that-" Picky asked. "Yes." Catnap said. Picky sighed. "Craftycorn-" Picky mumbled. Craftycorn blushed. "Ooooooo." Hoppy said. "Kickin truth or dare?" Picky asked still blushing. "Dare." Kickin said. "Whisper a secret to the person on your left." Picky said. Kickin looked shocked. He leaned over and whispered something to Hoppy. "Omg I knew it!" Hoppy said. Kickin blushed. Whatever he told Hoppy made him embarrassed. The 9 of you played truth or dare for a few hours. "Well look at the time it's 12 in the morning we probably should get to bed." Dogday said. The critters said there good nights to you and Catnap. As Dogday walked off you tried to sneak away from Catnap. "Kitten where did you think your going~" Catnap said. You looked at him. "Ummm well I-" You tried to come up with something. Then Catnap picked you up. "Catnap!" You said as he started walking. Catnap chucked. Catnap walked into his room and locked the door. Catnap sat you on the bed. "C-Catnap-" You said. You were blushing. Catnap pinned you down. "Hehe I'm going to have fun with you~" Catnap said. 

{Warning smut starts here. Look for ❤️ smut is over.} 

Without warning Catnap kissed you. You kissed him back. Catnap had his fingers in your hair. You felt all your problems fade away. Catnap took off your clothes. He started kissing your neck. You moaned a little. You could feel Catnap's paw grab one of your thighs. Catnap bit down on your neck. You teared up a little but let him keep going. His teeth were sharp so him biting you hurt. Without warning he entered you. You gasped. "F-fuck-" You mumbled. Catnap looked at you. "You good?" Catnap asked. You nodded. So he continued. You could feel him moving. You moaned it felt so nice. Catnap kept kissing your body and every so often he would bite. As he got harder you got louder. "C-Catnap~" You moaned. You could hear him chuckle under his breath. He kept going. He wasn't going easy on you. You moaned really loud when he hit your soft spot. "Aww kitten like don't they?" Catnap asked. You nodded. Catnap got harder. He was to the point that you couldn't take it. You were at your climax at this point so you didn't tell him he was hurting you. "C-Catnap~" You moaned. "You can kitten~" Catnap said. You release.  ❤

Catnap cleaned you up as you tried to catch your breath. He sat down beside you. "You ok babe?" Catnap asked. "Yea just you went a little too hard on me-" You said. Catnap looked at you pissed. "Why didn't you tell me I was hurting you?" He questioned you. "It's not that big of a deal I'm fine-" You tried to reinsure him. But he still wasn't happy. Catnap grabbed your hand. "Babe next time tell me ok?" He asked. "Ok-" You said. "We probably  should get back to the kids." Catnap said. You nodded and tried to get up but couldn't. "Catnap-" You said. "Yea?" He asked. "I don't think I can walk-" You said. Catnap smiled shyly. "Sorry-" He said. "You're fine." You said. "Tell you what you stay here and when you're ready meet me out there ok?" Catnap asked. You nodded. Catnap got up and unlocked the door and opened the door. You were looking at your phone. "HOLY SHIT HOPPY WHAT THE FUCK!?" Catnap yelled. You cover up. "How long have you been there?" You asked. "The whole time." Hoppy said. You blushed in embarrassed. "I thought you went to bed?" Catnap said. "I did but Y/n isn't quiet." Hoppy said. "Anyway I just wanted to scare you but I mean that sounded hot but I'm going back to bed." Hoppy said and walked off. Catnap looked at you. He smiled at you and walked out and closed the door. You sat there and couldn't believe Hoppy heard the whole thing.

{Hey guys so I'm proud of myself I can't believe so many people are reading my story! I love you guys so much for all the love and support and I couldn't do this without you guys so thank you! 💜}

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