Becky nodded, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. She glanced at Freen, who squeezed her hand reassuringly before rising to follow the nurse down the hallway.

"How many people are on this medical team?" Becky whispered to Freen.

"Just a few, my love," Freen smiled.

The conference room welcomed them with spaciousness, its large windows bathing the space in natural light. Around the table sat eight medical professionals, their expressions kind and attentive as they awaited Becky's arrival.

Freen pulled out a chair for her wife, and as Becky sat down, she couldn't help but feel the weight of the team's presence. Before Freen could take her seat, Becky tugged at her shirt and whispered, "This is not just a few, babe," her voice barely audible.

"Shhhhh... It's fine," Freen replied softly. "If it were for me, I'll have even more experts on this."

Becky sighed, understanding that Freen was telling the truth. She knew her wife would go to great lengths to protect her. If working with an entire medical team was what it took to ease Freen's worries, it was a small price to pay. So she nodded, smiled at her wife, and held her hand as she turned her attention to the panel of professionals in white coats.

Dr. Patel, the lead physician, approached with a welcoming smile. "Good morning, Mrs. Chankimhas. I'm Dr. Patel, and I'll be your guide through the IVF journey, alongside our dedicated team."

Becky reciprocated the greeting, feeling a surge of gratitude for their professionalism and care. "Good morning, Dr. Patel. Thank you for having us."

As Dr. Patel introduced the team, Becky absorbed each member's specialization in various aspects of the IVF process. She felt a sense of relief knowing that she was in capable hands, surrounded by experts committed to their care.

"Given your history during childbirth, we consider this a high-risk pregnancy," Dr. Patel continued, addressing Becky's concerns head-on. "Our primary focus is on preventing recurrence and ensuring your safety and well-being."

Freen's heart skipped a beat as Dr. Patel broached the topic of her wife's previous birth complications. The mention of a high-risk pregnancy brought a wave of concern, but she found solace in the expertise and reassurance of the medical team--and Becky who instinctively squeezed her hand and rubbed her back, as if knowing the anxiety forming in her heart.

"Generally speaking, amniotic fluid embolism cannot be predicted nor completely prevented, and the condition occurs during delivery or shortly after giving birth. And that's where our OB-GYN team comes in," Dr. Thompson began, a female Obstetrician with years of expertise on her resume.

"We'll work closely with you to ensure the safest possible outcome for both you and your baby," added Doctor Miller, her warm smile offering a glimmer of hope amid the medical complexities. "But of course, before the birth, we shall initiate the process of IVF, ensuring a safe journey for both mother and child."

"Since you already had IVF before for your first child, you're already familiar with the steps. But we'd still like to confirm if you will proceed with Reciprocal IVF? That Freen's eggs will be used, and Rebecca will carry them?" Dr. Patel's question about their IVF preferences brought the conversation back to the present reality.

Freen and Becky exchanged a knowing glance, reaffirming their shared commitment to a decision they made together. It was a choice rooted in love and a deep desire to see elements of both Freen and Becky reflected in their child.

"This time, it will be Becky's egg, not mine," Freen replied, her voice steady with determination.

It was a challenging decision for them, especially for Freen, knowing she wouldn't be biologically connected with the child. However, the desire for a mini version of her wife, complementing Zea who was already a total mini version of Freen, fueled their choice. Freen accepted this decision with unwavering determination, choosing love over biological connection, knowing their family would be bound by something far stronger.

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