Floyd seemed to pause and purse his lips because he knew I was right. If tiny can not only drive, curse and do ring pops like his life depended on it and or if his baby brother who was in a boyband since the day he was born can wink at screaming fangirls, then my damn son can know where babies come from.

"Ugggg I can't with you." I snickered as I reduced my husband into a exasperated mess as I finally got him to relent. But I saw how my little rose suddenly had a tiny lightbulb metaphorically appeared over his head of magenta hair and I almost couldn't contain my laughter as he had a comedically large frown form on his face.

"Hmph-" I watched as Ambrose sat down and crossed his little arms and had a sour look on his little face. While me and his father silently bickered about my brutal honesty over what I've told our son I can not only hear but also see the gears in his head turning.

He suddenly stood up and made a huffy sound with his nose and brought both of our attention to him before he let out a loud,

"'M WOT LETTING UNT WOBBY'S BABY COME OUT OF MY PEEPEE!" Both of our eyes flew wide at his loud exclamation before I broke out into loud almost sobbing laughs meanwhile Floyd just rapidly blinked as if our son hit him with a chair and was processing what he just said.

Not only have his sister and I have bamboozled my poor husband, our son decided to jump in on the fun of making Floyd question his whole existence.

"Uh-" The confused look on my husband's face as well as the sheer pissed off look on Ambrose's with his little snow hands on his hips sent me as I continuously laughed,

"HAHAHAH!" I crumpled to the floor as my stomach twisted into knots as my breathing turned into loud gasping wheezing.

"VENEER!" My poor husband let out an undignified whine as he almost begged me with his voice to correspond to my son's angry yell. I stood back up with the help of using Ambrose's crib as Floyd just crossed his arms with such a lost look on his face.

"I'm s-sorry- hehe, *gasp*" I tried to soothe my giggles down enough to give him the full explanation of what I meant, I picked him up and let him rest on my hip before I started talking again,

"No no baby boy, Aunt Poppy's baby comes out of her no no area not yours sweetheart." I picked up his baby bottle that I usually filled with water for him and noticed how it was a little empty. I definitely didn't need him to wake up in the middle of the night to ask me to refill his bottle.

He puffed out his cheek for only a few seconds before he hummed seemingly taking in my answer before he gave me a verbal reply,

"Oh, otay." He accepted that so easily as he took his bottle full of water from me and starting waving it at me, as if to tell me to fill it. Almost As if I wasn't already going to do it.

"Babbie ba ba." He kept lightly smacking the bottle into my chest as if he tried to rush me to fill his little container. His impatient huffs we're making me snicker as he puffed out both of his cheeks.

"Don't worry sweetheart Daddy will fill your bottle." I left my husband to just piece together what in the fuck just happened as I took Ambrose downstairs to the kitchen to fill his little bottle.

I set my little pomegranate on the counter letting his diaper crinkle as he started kicking his feet in happiness at his bottle being refilled. My eyes rolled in amusement at my little strawberry's behavior as my thin fingers unscrewed the lid and placed it down before I grabbed the small pitcher of blueberry juice that I've made.

Floyd taught me how to make juices and jams as I felt bad that he practically took on all the domestic labor of cooking while I sat clueless, so with much patience and a good teacher I was able to at least know enough equipment to do simplistic recipes.

I remembered how Floyd kissed me after I made this pitcher all by myself, his excitement that matched mine vibrated my bones in joy and his kiss felt like I was zapped by a lightning bolt.

His promises of teaching me more complex recipes made me giggle at the possibilities of building my newly acquired skill.

I filled the bottle with juice only a quarter of the way before filling the rest of the little plastic container with water. So not only will this hydrate him but it will give him some sugar as to oddly enough nourish him.

I'm still unused to the fact that our babies can probably live off of sugar water forever especially since Mount Rageon's have unique structures of diets that ranged,

Some Rageons could only eat plants, others meat and some even having the diet of pop trolls with their sugar cravings, it honestly ranged on your bloodline and where you were on the mountain,

If you lived in the urban area, usually they could only eat and digest meat with their evolved canines, in the slums you were limited to plants and leafy greens and had flat teeth used for grating greens. Glitz city warranted the unnatural diet of sugar and carbs and finally the suburbs where I was from you were kind of an omnivore due to the suburbs being wedged in between the slums and the urban area, having a mix of both areas.

The sounds of loud sucking brought me back as I saw Ambrose trying to chug his juice by nomming on the nipple of the bottle as fast as he could. He made obnoxiously cute noises as he nommed away at his bottle.

I held him to me as I helped him off the counter and with my hip supporting him strolled back upstairs into the nursery with his sister's still out like lights.

His father was still singing a soft melody as he fixed the blankets in the girl's cribs making sure that they were warm before noticing me and holding out his arms.

With a kiss on my son's cheek, I passed him over to Floyd who raised his volume and changed the tone of the song.

I watched as Ambrose's eyes glistening over with purple before he let his tiny eyelids droop and then proceeded to fall asleep.

With a soft final hum, he placed Ambrose in his crib, pulling the blankets around him until he was covered.

Now bedtime was fully complete as me and my husband stood in the silent room together.

"Night night?" I tiredly expressed only for that head of magenta hair nodded back at me, our fingers intertwined with blue consuming white as we led each other out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind us.

I felt his warm lips collide with mine as we trekked back into our own bedroom with sleepy smiles on our faces as the moon was finally making her appearance.

"Do you wanna shower first or do you want me to?" I completely forgot about how we were both completely slathered in peanut butter and with a giggle I answered,

"You should, you're way more covered than me." I wasn't wrong as his entire chest, abdomen and throat along with his upper arms were covered in the beige substance.

I was only hit lightly so while he showered, I can find another pair of pajamas and start my nightly routine for tomorrow when me poppy and Viva go out to hunt for wedding outfits.

With the sound if the water running I sprung into action and started looking in the closet and prepared.


A/n: I had to pull out the memory vault with this one because yes I literally yelled at my mom that no baby was coming out of my cooter when I was a child.

So I hope that my childhood story with a Floydneer twist on it made some of you laugh."

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