I look just as I feel right now due to my grogginess of being awakened by my sweet cluster of demons, I was a pale and not a glamorous victorian way but instead a dear god I'm dying pale with strawberry milk colored eye bags as I leaned against the bathroom sink relieving some of the weight as tears cluttering my vision at the relief of having assistance from the counter.

I don't feel attractive anymore and now my confidence was wavering. Before when it looked like I swallowed a little too much food, I was smug as fuck about how easy it was going to be and how sexy I was going to feel but dear lord, I was not actually prepared for how fucked I was.

I've put on so much weight due to my over indulgence of whatever my heart could crave, not that Floyd didn't stop me murmuring soft praises like how I deserved it while he stroked me off, due to my insane horny spikes as I drew nearer to my due date.

I shivered as he's murmured so many more during my lustful mornings as he fed me in bed when I wasn't feeling up to moving. But what if once they're born he wouldn't feel the same towards me anymore, what if I disgusted him as much as I was sickening myself.

I attempted to fix my hair behind the fuzzy headband my running my fingers through it as I blearily blinked awake the sleepiness out of my vision along with my tears of frustration of my additional gain. the globs of glittery salt bleeding into the twin eye beauty masks.

My ears going down upon my negative mood, but the one thing that made me smile upon seeing my reflection was the matching piercing I now shared with Floyd as we both decided a few days ago that we would get a black heart shaped miniature hoop on the helix of our pointed ears almost on the tip on the bottom part.

"Sweetheart are you okay?" I looked into the mirror to see my beloved with his right hand on the door frame, those pomergrante eyes filled with adoration along with shrapnels of concern, his voice thick with worry along with sleepiness as he knew by now that I wasn't awake unless I couldn't sleep.

Both of those lovely garnet eyes were revealed as he wore a matching headband to mine as a thick fuzzy pink robe consumed his soft figure. Adorable bunny slippers on his feet as he kept staring at me in concern about my sudden tears and why I'm in the bathroom in the middle of the night.

"When will these bullshit cravings end!? I just wanna stuff my face but I'm fat!" My voice wobbled with my vision blurring with tears as Floyd immediately wrapped his arms around me, his tender kiss meeting my temple,

"No you're not sweetheart." He pressed more kisses into my throat as he squeezed me tightly.

"Yes I am!" he suddenly picked me up at my assurances of my weight to which I let out a very undignified wail at being picked up.

He was probably fed up after hearing me lament about how heavy I was.

But his consistent reassurances of my cuteness soothed me just a tad as we made our way down to the kitchen especially with our three new passengers.

Soon we made it down to the kitchen and he placed me in a chair,

"What do you want sweetheart?" He interlocked our finger together as he looked at me with those big goofy I love you eyes that always shone with a sea of emotions.

"No, I have to watch my weight." I tried to look away from him only to have my face pulled back by those warm blue hands which forced me to look at him.

"My darling precious sweetheart, light of my life, fire in my heart, the granny smith apple to my pie, please for the love of god tell me what you want." He clearly wasn't backing down from assisting me with my craving again.

"Fine... I want a chocolate lava cake with ground up pickles on top... But-"

"No buts, I told you to tell me every time you have a craving no matter what even if it's the middle of the night, my little matcha puff."

"I didn't want to bother you.. it's just you have a concert tomorrow with your brothers and I've put on sooo much weight so-"

"I don't care, you and the babies are so much more important to me than a silly concert, and yeah you have put on weight." I could feel my heart cracking at that comment as he slid the plate in front of me, but before I could open my mouth he beat me to it,

"But, I think it makes you so beautiful and cute, I mean you look stunning. you're glowing not to mention you're so round with my eggs." I shivered at the possessive sensual purr that rumbled out his throat as he moved his hands to my shoulders as he stood behind me.

"But I mean I have stretch marks-" I tried to argue back as he took his seat across from me but he just kept smiling and looking at me like I held both the sun and moon on my shoulders.

"So? I think they make you look like a sexy tiger, rawr." My face flushed as he sleepily winked at me and I smiled at his sincerity

"Flooooyyyd~" I whined out only to receive a teasing response of,


"Pfft- I'm serious-" I tried to fight back his teasing coo as I almost finished the piece of cake he brought out for me.

"So am I, trust me Veneer if you weren't pregnant right now, I'd definitely make sure you were~" I rolled my eyes as I put the last bite of the warm gooey cake in my mouth, suddenly without warning Floyd scooped me up in a princess style position

"Floyd put me down! I'm gonna pee if you don't put me down." oh god the eggs were crushing my bladder as I suddenly felt a sharp hot pain. And suddenly my crotch was bathed in warm liquid.

"Fuck." I felt tears fall as I tried to cover my face out of sheer embarrassment of what  happened but Floyd rose an eyebrow.

"It's blue.....OH SHIT ITS BLUE." He suddenly moved frantically trying to calm himself down as he hyperventilated.

I held his hand confused as he used the other to fan himself while muttering something about grabbing another trilling bird to send out the news.

"Floyd What's happening?! Why are you freaking out!?" He placed me down only to wrap a spare bathrobe around my shoulders as the ebbing hot pain turned into renewed fresh pricks of pins and needles.

"Ah!" It felt as if my insides were on fire almost as if I was stabbed with a hot blade right in my intestines as I crumpled in my chair tears clouded my vision as I tried to struggle to breathe through the harsh pain.

"I have to get you to the hospital, You're going into labor." Oh fuck, well that explains a lot.

With a renewed vigor Floyd picked me up again, this time much more mindful as to make sure I didn't put too much pressure on the babies.

With my poor anxious husband now scrambling because our limited time we went to the hospital.

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