Part 1

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My name is Peter Hernandez but most of my whole life everyone has called me Bruno. I'm from Hawaii but I currently live in Los Angeles, California. I came here to chase my dream, my dream if being a star. Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a musician. I was in the process of trying to get signed. It was harder than I thought it was gonna be. I needed to find something to do to make some cash so I decided to try to take up DJ'ing. I had an audition I guess you could call it, to be the DJ this little spot that just opened up. Apparently the DJ they had hired decided he didn't wanna DJ anymore. But hey, this was good news for me. I walked into the club looking for someone to talk to. I only spotted one person. A young girl over at the bar. I walked over to her. "Excuse me miss, you know who I'm supposed to talk to about the DJ'ing job?" She turned around and smiked at me. "Yeah, that would be Mike, come on, I'll take you to his office" she said so I followed. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Her long brown hair, big brown eyes, and that smile. I shook my head to clear the thoughts. I had a girlfriend. What was I thinking. She stops walking but I don't realize it and I bump right into her. I catch her before she falls. "I am so sorry" I say. "Its okay, I'm fine" she says with a smile. Then she knocks on the door in front of us and opens it "Hey Mike, the guy for the DJ job is here!" - "Thanks hun, send 'em right in" The man says and she signals for me to come in and leaves. I walk in and shake his hand. "Hello sir! I'm Bruno, well, it's Peter but everyone calls me Bruno." - "Good to meet you man. So you any good? Do you have experience. You're not gonna flake on me if I hire you are you?" - "Yes sir I have experience and no sir I will bit flake on you" - "Alright, well stop calling me sir, it's Mike! Now go have the nice young lady out there set you up so I can hear what you got and I'll let you know" - "Well alright, thank you Mike" I say and walk back out into the club to find that girl.

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