Client: Correct. That will not be necessary. I'd like to meet you and your whole crew at my estate.

Blitza: Uh you want us killing someone in Hell? Cause I got to tell ya that ain't exactly our business anymore.

Client: I'll tell ya all about it when you get here. It's regarding a business venture I'm sure will be very worth your time.

Blitza: Ooh how ominous. (Laughs) Fine whatever what's the address?

Client: Transportation has already been taken care of.

Blitza peeks through the office blinds and notices a helicopter in front of her building. She runs to the office Moxxie Y/N eddie and Millie are in to find the helicopter before the main window.

Blitza: What the fuck is that?

The helicopter shoots a grappling hook under the window breaking the wall. Loona looks on without a word.

Blitza: Satan's ass crack! Enough with the wall shit we have a door!

wind gusts through the office and distributes all the photos Blitza had been saving across the town.

Blitza: My research!

Two imp children grab one of the photos and are visibly disgusted one starts crying and the other vomits. The helicopter approaches Blitza creating a bridge for them to walk upon and the pilot steps out.

Pilot: I.M.P? Right this way please!

Moxxie: Uh ma'am?

Y/N: Blitza care to explain what the fuck is going on?

Moxxie points a gun toward the pilot Millie holds her knife out and Y/N and Eddie prepare to let thier symbiotes out for a fight.

Moxxie: What's going on?

Blitza: Now don't worry! It's just some fancy shmuck from greed wanting to do business with us.

Blitza Moxxie Eddie Y/N and Millie walk toward the helicopter.

Moxxie: Uh ma'am? I don't think this is a good idea.

Eddie: Yeah even for me this whole deal sounds shady.

Blitza: It'll be fine. Now get your asses moving.

Blitza pushes Moxxie and Millie into the helicopter and Y/N and Eddie follow suit and as she tries to buckle herself in Millie notices her seatbelt is broken.

Millie: Is this thing safe?

Pilot: Don't worry we are professionals!

The pilots proceeds to take out a huge chunk of a wall as they fly off.

Carnage: Professional pilots my ass.

Later the same helicopter is seen flying out of a hanger in the Greed Ring as they fly over loo loo land which is going under reconstruction along with other carnage as they fly over a sign reading, "Welcome to not mafia town.No mafia here! We're Mafia-free!"

Moxxie: (groan) I hate this place.

Blitza: Oh yeah this is your old stomping ground isn't it Mox?

Moxxie: Yeah unfortunately. I grew up just over there (points at a mansion) swore I'd never come back and-uh uh- what-what where are we going?

The helicopter starts changing direction as Moxxie grows more and more anxious.

Y/N: Mox is everything okay?

Moxxie: What-Blitza who did you say this meeting was with?

Blitza: I'm not sure just some rich somebody or other who wants to do biz at his place.

Abit of carnage and a helluva time. (helluva boss x male carnage reader)Where stories live. Discover now