"KAAAAA MEEEEEE HAAAA MEEEEE...." Masaru shouts charging

"...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" They Both roar

The impact from the colliding blasts causes their plain to shatter, Masaru holds his side as he stands up.

Ultron floats before him, "You've gotten stronger." Ultron says as Masaru removes his shirt, "But it won't help you."

"You talk to much

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"You talk to much..." Masaru says as he charges his power

" Masaru says as he charges his power

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"SUPER KAIOKEN!!!!!!" Masaru screams

Both Non-Humanss are soon seen flying through Chicago

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Both Non-Humanss are soon seen flying through Chicago. After exchanging a couple more blows, Masaru grabs a hold of Ultron's head.

He spins him around a couple of times and tosses him out, causing Ultron to growl and finally power up.

Flipping into the sky, Ultron garners a great deal of energy, blasting Masaru with a powerful Powerful Wave Of Energy, though similar to before, he powers through the attack and strikes his attacker with a Savage Strike that causes yet another crack in their reality.

The two crash into the ocean, with their nearest landmark being the home of a particular hermit.

Masaru shoots a Banshee blast at Ultron, who avoids the projectiles and charges towards Masaru.

Ultron seemingly readies a punch, before instantly vanishing and appearing behind Masaru, charging up what appears to be a Large Blast.

And it is and it connects with Masaru sending him through the pavement, Masaru struggles to stand as Ultron who's as well damaged stands before him.

"You Can't beat me Masaru I thought that was obvious." Ultron says

"I'm...not...done." Masaru says struggling to breathe correctly he powers up and rushes ahead.

With a mighty roar, he charged towards Golden Ultron, launching a barrage of punches and kicks.

But Golden Ultron proved to be a worthy opponent. Its metallic body absorbed and adapted to Masaru's attacks, making it increasingly difficult to land a decisive blow.

Masaru's punches and kicks were met with a resilient force, as the android's defenses held strong.

Undeterred, Masaru dug deep within himself, pushing past his limits. He unleashed his Saiyan quirk, channeling his energy into a devastating attack.

A surge of lightning crackled around his fists as he delivered a thunderous blow to Golden Ultron's metallic frame.

The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, but Golden Ultron remained standing, seemingly unfazed.

It retaliated with a barrage of energy beams, forcing Masaru to dodge and weave with lightning-fast reflexes.

The clash between their powers created a dazzling spectacle of light and sound.

As the battle raged on, the ground beneath them shook, unable to withstand the sheer force of their blows.

Masaru, fueled by his determination to protect the innocent and avenge his fallen comrades, refused to back down.

He tapped into his Saiyan pride, pushing his Super Saiyan form to its absolute limits.

With a burst of energy, Masaru unleashed one of his ultimate attacks, the Thunder Fist.

A massive bolt of lightning crackled around his body as he soared towards Golden Ultron.

The impact was cataclysmic, sending shockwaves echoing across the battlefield.

For a moment, it seemed as though Masaru had gained the upper hand.

Golden Ultron's metallic armor cracked under the immense pressure, revealing glimpses of its vulnerable core.

But the android's adaptive technology quickly kicked in, repairing the damage and retaliating with a devastating counterattack.

The battle reached a stalemate as Masaru and Golden Ultron clashed with unmatched ferocity.

Each blow they exchanged shook the very foundation of the battlefield.

The ground cracked beneath their feet, and the air crackled with energy.

Masaru's golden hair flowed in the wind as he summoned every ounce of his strength.

But just when it seemed like the battle would never end, Masaru had a moment of realization.

He knew that defeating Golden Ultron would require more than just brute force.
He needed to outsmart the android and exploit its weaknesses.

Drawing upon his knowledge of the Robot, Masaru remembered a similar adversary known as Android 13.

Like Golden Ultron, 13 had a central core that controlled its functions. Masaru decided to target this vulnerable spot.

With a burst of speed, Masaru maneuvered around Golden Ultron, avoiding its attacks with precision.

He then launched a barrage of energy blasts, distracting the android and drawing its attention away from its core. This gave Masaru the opportunity he needed.

In a split second, Masaru closed in on Golden Ultron, delivering a powerful strike directly to its core.

The android's defenses crumbled, and sparks flew as it staggered backward.

Masaru seized the moment, unleashing a devastating final blow that sent Golden Ultron crashing to the ground.

The battlefield fell silent as Masaru stood victorious. Golden Ultron lay defeated, its metallic body motionless.

Masaru, exhausted but triumphant, took a moment to catch his breath and reflect on the battle.

But then he collapsed as well, the fight finally ending in a draw. Jk Ultron began to heal but he couldn't heal completely due to Masaru's immense strength.

And so the rugged robot limps toward Masaru, "Y-Y-You...Tried." Ultron says

Masaru coughs blood as Ultron drops to his knees, two sentries float down before Ultron and he absorbs them into himself.

He's completely healed and smirks, "Well we all knew how this ends. Goodbye masaru." Ultron says aiming his hand at Masaru

Vegeta kicks him away, "Stand and fight Masaru." Vegeta demands tossing him a senzu healing the saiyan to 100%

The trio stand and face Ultron for a final rush.

The Avenging Saiyan | Legend Of Masaru KatsuoWhere stories live. Discover now