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Dazai and chuuya drove around, attempting to see if they could possibly see the car they took you in. Except it seemed impossible because they couldn't seem to spot it. It didn't help chuuya didn't even get to see the licence plate on the car. That meant they had no idea if it would be the right car if they didn't manage to find it, and it also meant that they couldn't even run the plate to see who owned it. There were zero leads.

The car ride was almost intolerable to chuuya. Between dazais teasing and singing, chuuya began to regret asking for his help. But he knew deep down, he could use dazai. Dazai was a smart man and knew how to handle himself and situations. Chuuya also knew that both of them managed to work together well in dangerous scenarios, even with all the bickering.

"Sooooo, you and y/n got close" Dazai said. "It seems like you took her from me, chuuuuyaaaaa"

"Dazai would ya quit it already?" Chuuya gritted. "I don't even know what we are"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"I don't know. I didn't ask"

"Oh boy" Dazai said. " close have you two gotten, huh?" The man wiggled his brows at him, making chuuya want to crash the car.

"Close enough. That's all you need to know"

Dazai gasped as he placed his hands on his cheeks. "Did chuuya do the devils tango?"

"Jesus Christ Dazai" chuuyas brows furrowed together. "Yes. If it makes you happy, yes"

"Oh chuuyaaaaaa" Dazai mocked and chuuya swerved the car so dazais head would bounce off the window. "Uhhh ow?"

"Will you stop it now?"

"Nope" Dazai chuckled. "Just know.....I was in there before you"

"Huh- gross" chuuya felt like he wanted to vomit hearing that. "Can you not say stuff like that"

"What? That she rode like no tomorrow" Dazai smirked. "Or how she spelt my name with her hips" he didn't want to stop seeing as he was getting under chuuyas skin. Until chuuya swerved once again, making Dazai hit his head harder this time.

"I don't care to hear about your relationship with her that happened years ago" chuuya said. "Can we please just focus so we can find her?"

"With what leads chuuya" Dazai stated. "We have nothing besides the model of the car"

"You're a psychopath like these freaks, so use your fucking brain and think like them"

"Not with that attitude" Dazai crossed his arms and chuuya began to feel a vein ready to pop out of his forehead.

"Dazai. I will throw you out of this car" chuuya threatened as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. If they weren't searching for you, or for the fact that chuuya was practically in love with you, he'd swerve the car in to a ditch- or off a bridge at this rate.

"Alright, alright" Dazai said as he began to actually think for once during this car ride. He tried to get in to the minds of the people wanting to get her to get to you. "They took her at the casino with you present, right?"

"Yea, so?" Chuuya said, a brow slightly risen.

"Those people want you, or rather, arahabaki, correct?" Dazai asked another question without answered chuuya's first.

"Yea Dazai, what's your point?"

"If you were there, why not just take you instead?" Dazai questioned and chuuya's eyes widened. "Its a trap. We need to think smarter"

"Who knows what they'll do to her in the meantime Dazai" his foot pressed down on the gas a bit more realizing how they may be hurting you as they spoke. "They're luring me somewhere for some reason and if I don't show, it'll be a horror scene. She will be broken"

Miss bunny...(chuuya x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon