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The morning came around and you had just finished up getting ready. You were finally getting your ass to the hospital to finally visit Derek. It had been a few days since the incident and you felt bad you hadn't visited him. So you put a skirt on and a cute top and slipped on some shoes. It was very casual.

You left your room and made your way down to the elevator to go down to the bottom floor. Chuuya had been standing there as well and as you approached the elevator, the two doors opened.

Both of you entered inside and you smiled towards him, but he only kept his eyes forward trying not to pay any attention to you. "Hey, chuuya?"

He said nothing, but he felt like shit. You thought that he perhaps was just having an off day so you just looked forward and waited for the doors to open once again.

The tension in the elevator began to rise and you began to feel a bit uncomfortable. It was just awkward and the air felt more thick.

The elevator dinged and you felt yourself sigh internally as relief washed over you. The elevator ride was quick, but felt like it was taking forever. You quickly stepped out and made your way towards the double doors that would lead you outside, chuuya following behind you seeing as he was leaving to. You continued to walk ahead, keeping your head held high as chuuya watched you from behind. He watched the way your hair swayed along with your hips. The way you walked in perfection and the trail of scent you left behind was magnificent. He didn't think he was that attracted to you until he was forbidden to even like you. Perhaps it was some sort of law of attraction.

You began to walk towards the car that was going to escort you and chuuya had been curious as to where you were going, but chose to not speak a word to you. It's not like he was allowed to anyhow. He just prayed you weren't off to see Dazai.

The way Mori saw it was that you two wouldn't become partners and there was no point in trying to get too close with them. You were his, you were moris. He didn't want you to grow up and run off with another person. It hurt his heart thinking of how you may love another man and he may end up hurting you. He never wanted to see you hurt again.

You sat inside the car, in the back, and the driver began heading down the street. The music was quiet and you rested your head on the palm of your hand as you looked out the window.

"So, off to see Derek in the hospital? How's he holding up?" The driver said, trying to seem as if he cared. You only raised a brow and looked forward wondering how he knew whom you were visiting.

"Yes, I am" you smiled. "May I asked how you know?"

"Mori told me miss"

"Dad did huh....well that's odd"

"It is?" The driver's smile suddenly disappeared.

"Yes because Mori is in a top secret meeting and I called for the driver myself not saying any info besides taking me to the hospital"

"Oh my....guess I've been discovered so soon" the driver was quick to aim a gun back at you and your eyes widened. "You have information on arahabaki and my comrades were killed"

"This shit again....I told them I knew nothing and I'll be damned if I go through this shit again" you said as you pulled out a gun from your bag and shot the man before even thinking. You opened the back door and quickly jumped out, doing a tuck n' roll. You looked up only to see the car crash and you could only sigh. "I can't do this shit anymore.....good grief" you stood up and dusted yourself off, but you still had cuts and blood on you, along with some spots that would surely turn in to bruises soon. It didn't help either that some of the blood wasn't even yours, how gross.

"Miss! Are you okay?!" A man came up to you in a rush. You noticed his blonde hair and immediately recognized him as Dazai's friend, kunikida.

"Ah, kunikda, yes I'm alright" you smiled.

"Oh, you're dazais friend from that cafe"

"Yes" you nodded. "What are you doing around here?"

"Just looking around is all, now what's with that whole act you pulled"

"Uhm....I have a personal driver and he was going to try and kill me for information so I ran- well, more like rolled"


"Shut up! Jeez you're so loud" you said. "Can I ask you something totally random?"

"Can't be worse than Dazai, so go ahead"

"Do you know anything by arahabaki?"

"What the hell is that?"

"That's what I'd like to know....I'm getting no answers and I have people coming after me like no tomorrow for it"


"Never mind, I need to get to the hospital. I have a friend to visit"

"Need a lift?"

"Are you going to try and kidnap me or possibly murder me?"

"What? No"

"Then I wouldn't mind a lift, thank you"

"No problem, this way" kunikida said as he began to walk and you following suit. His car was just down the street and you were glad you didn't have to walk to the hospital since it would've been a very long walk.

As you and kunikida sat in the car as he drove, he began to talk and it made your eyes widened. "Why lie to me back there? To hide from the public?"

"I'm not sure what you mean"

"My agency is talking to Mori, the head of the port mafia, also known as your father"

"How the hell-"

"He talks about you and dazai has already admitted to working with the mafia in his past. You two used to be together then I presume. The cafe didn't exist"

"That's correct. I covered for Osamu because it's what friends do"

"So you have people coming after you for being in the mafia and being associated with an arahabaki?"

"The thing is, I don't even know who or what that is. I had to kill some guy today just so I didn't have to get kidnapped again"


"Don't make me recall the story please. The friend I'm visiting got shot trying to protect me" you said with a sad tone. "I owe him my life"

"Well, we will be there shortly. I hope you figure out your own chaos and I'll try and ask around about that arahabaki for you"

"You'd do that for me?" You were a little shocked seeing as how you had only met this man twice now and he was willing to help you already. It made you smile and feel happy.

"Yeah, especially if your life depends on it. I'm not fond of the port mafia, but my ideals will not allow a young woman to be murdered for no reason"

"Thank you kunikida" you smiled.

"Anyhow, we're here. I hope your friends recovers fast" he said and you nodded at him as another thank you before exiting the car and waving goodbye. I could get used to him I think.


I would just like to say.....


Miss bunny...(chuuya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now