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Floor by floor, men dropping like flies.

by now, all four of you had forgotten how many people you all had taken down and murdered in cold blood. There was no emotion behind the actions you committed besides relief. Relief knowing this will all be behind you soon. Relief knowing you wouldn't have to worry about these people. Relief that your life just may go back to being somewhat normal. Relief knowing you wouldn't have to worry about being taken off the streets and taken somewhere. No more being tortured, hurt, scared for your life. You could finally move on with your life after this place was turned to ash.

The only issue after this would be that the government may want all of your heads served on silver platters.

But that was a worry meant for later.

As of right now, it felt good to let all your pent up anger out and get revenge. Every person you made bleed slowly began to ease the pain you went through. You didn't have to hide anymore and be hunted. The roles were reversed now. Your aim was quick as well as the finger that pulled the trigger. You didn't stop shooting until they dropped to the floor. Or unless you hit them right between the eyes.

Chuuya was loving all of this as well. He had been tortured and modified by the time he was six, he believed for years he wasn't even human. He was their subject, their weapon, and he hated it. This was one of the best things he felt in a while. Every person he killed felt like he was healing his inner child. This was revenge for the young chuuya and everything the innocent boy went through. Revenge for the now and everything him and his lover had to go through.

This entire thing was healing the trauma both you and chuuya went through.

It was like taking a kid to a candy shop. This man was in heaven being able to slaughter and rip the heads off of members who did this to him.

The only other thing you two could feel would be the blood splatter that covered you both. Fresh and old blood covered your clothing and skin, and it didn't even bother you. In the end, this would show to mori and kouyou that you were just as capable as everyone else in the mafia. Even without an ability, you were quick and agile. Precise with your aim. Mori had raised you well, but Dazai had trained you fantastically.

It even showed yourself just how strong you were. You didn't have to hide behind the mafioso men in the port mafia, you were truly your own weapon. You weren't some weak woman who you thought you were before. You were not some damsel in distress anymore, you were the fucking predator. Not the prey.

Your ego has risen from this experience, but surely that high couldn't last forever. As you walked on, a gun in hand, a man grabbed you from the hallway.

Within seconds, the gun you once possessed was on the floor and you began to try and elbow him in the gut. It didn't work. You could barely move. Stomping your feet down on his was even useless, but you'd be damned if you died or got taken once again. You didn't want to be that damsel in distress so you kept moving and trying to wiggle your way out. If he wanted to take you, he was going to go through a shit ton of trouble. You were not going down easily.

He had an arm wrapped around your torso, holding your arms pinned against him. His other arm was around your neck, keeping your head held back. It was enough force to keep you in place, but not enough to physically harm you. "Chuuya!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. He was the first person who came to your mind and he always would be.

The man began to drag you down the hallway, not being able to move to fast, but even if he was able to run and keep you contained, it wouldn't be fast enough to get away from the man who truly owned you. "What you're holding there is mine" the man turned and you could see the red glow from down the hallway that outlined the man's silhouette. "I suggest you hand her over"

"The others are taken care of on this floor" Dazai said as he stepped in to view along with Derek. "Just him and we're ready to go up"

"She's ours" the man who held you claimed. "She's with us"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Chuuya began to step forward and the man who held you pulled a gun out and pointed it at your head. He had you pinned against him still, cold steal against your temple. Even though it was terrifying, you dared not to cry or panic.

Chuuya kept waking towards you and you heard the man pull the trigger. Your eyes widened, but felt nothing as you heard the click. "Huh?"

"Did you really think that would work, you ass?" Chuuya's hands were now balled in to fists as he stood in front of you two. He was quick to grab the man's arm that held you and rip it off. "Move, princess" you quickly stepped out of the way and watched as chuuya grabbed him by the throat, lifting him off the ground and slamming him against the wall. "I could've let you had an easy death, but for touching, and almost killing, my girl? You can suffer" he heard a popping sounds as you watched chuuya pop the man's wind pipe in his throat.

When the wind pipe is broken, you won't die immediately. You won't be able to breathe with a broken windpipe and it will eventually slowly kill you.

Either way, nobody would be coming to save him. And if the man was still alive by the time this place was going to burn, well then he would suffer even more as the halls filled with smoke. Soon, he would feel himself burn alive as well. He would feel the pain his victims went through finally.

"Alright, time for the next floor" Dazai said as he began to walk. "Oh look, it's down this hallway too!"

"You alright" chuuya wrapped his arms around you as Dazai and Derek walked on ahead.

"I'm okay" you smiled. "We're not done here though, so we gotta keep going"

"Well, we're about halfway done it seems" Derek sighed. "I hope"

"Who knows, there's still about three more floors and a shit ton more guards" you said a you picked up your gun from the floor before walking on ahead, chuuya right behind you. "The faster we get this over with, the faster we can go home and relax"

"Who says you're relaxing tonight" chuuya spoke in a tone only you'd be able to hear, making your face slightly flush. You didn't respond, you just cleared your throat to try and focus on the task at hand instead of what could be coming afterwards.

"Let's go lovebirds" Dazai taunted and you sped up a little. You couldn't let your mind fill with dirty thoughts and become flustered. You needed to focus on the task at hand.


Didn't re-read this yet. Apologizes if there's errors.....I'm just too lazy rn but I wanna feed my lovely readers.

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