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It was two hours into your shift and still quiet and empty. There were people here and there of course, but not as busy. Something must be going on in the city that got most men away from their addiction to spend their money in order to win little to no money. Rarely anyone won at a casino, it was a scam of course. Mori did own it after all.

You were sitting down on a bar stool, texting on your phone. With who? Dazai of course. Derek was chatting with a young woman, who clearly had money and was most likely married, so you didn't bother talking to him. You didn't want to disturb his conversation or take him away from getting laid tonight. Plus, you were having a fun conversation of your own.

Dazai wanted to meet you tomorrow afternoon at a local cafe shop. You said yes of course and felt excited to meet up with him.

The rest of the night was spent chatting with Dazai and watching over the bar. Derek had asked you to so he could leave work for about an hour. He was with the young woman of course, but an hour wasn't even necessary since her husband would surely notice she had left the casino and would leave to find her. Knowing the type of women out there, she was clearly a gold digger. Why would a young woman in her early twenties want to be with some old, fat, rich guy anyways. This casino was popular with the mafias around of course, they had money and some girls just want money. People like that deserve to just be stepped on.

But it's not like guys aren't guilty either. It's one reason you don't mention to the people you meet that you have money. Some guys are gold diggers too, or pigs.

Some people just wanted someone for their body. Most people say it's men that are pigs, and that might be true, but people can't act like some women aren't the same.

It's funny how men are placed as pigs and woman are placed as gold diggers. The world was truly a funny place. The most important things seem to be looks and money, it's quite scary actually. It's a reason you didn't look for any love interest. You stuck to the people you had known and didn't bother to expand. You didn't even go to bars besides the one at your work place. At least you knew that Derek would watch your glass like a hawk, unlike other bartenders at random bars. Easy way to get a roofie in your drink.

Speaking of Derek, he had finally returned and man did he have a smile on his face. You turned your phone off and looked up at him with a smile on your face.

"Have fun?"

"Of course I did. There's something different about those married woman"

"You are a horrible man Derek"

"I was kidding! It's the first married woman I ever slept with and you know that"

"Yea yea I know"

"So....who were ya texting the whole night?"

"Nobody special"


"Dazai osamu...."


"Shut up! But yes, him. Please don't tell my dad"

"I won't. As long as you don't tell that ladies husband I did her good"

"Oh please. I haven't snitched on you once"

"And I haven't snitched on you either for anything you've done"

"Touché. But just saying, if you're gonna be sneaky with a woman, do it in the back room. Did I teach you nothing?"

"Oh you taught me a lot. But I wanted to see what she was bragging about with her luxury house"

Miss bunny...(chuuya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now