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You woke up the next morning with a groan and a stretch. You batted your eyelashes until you finally came to. You seen that only half of your body was covered with the blanket and you noticed you were in a bra. In a panic, you lifted up the sheets and sighed when you realized you at least had shorts on.

At your side lied tachihara who was softly asleep. He looked so peaceful and still very attractive while sleeping. He looked very cute. You took notice he was sleeping shirtless and you could only panic realizing you and no clue what happened last night. You remembered getting hammered with him and that was it. You blacked out.

"Tachi" you said as you began to shake him awake. He only blinked as his eyes darted all around the room before looking at you. "Good morning"

"What the hell?" He said and your knees felt weak hearing his morning voice.

"What did we do last night besides get hammered?" You said with worry in your tone. But the man could only look up at you as if you had three heads.

"Huh?" Was all he could say, his brain still trying to wake up. He was abruptly woken up and asked a question that he couldn't really comprehend one bit at the moment. His brain was unable to think properly.

"Did we sleep together or not is what I'm trying to say?" You said in a panic.

"Wha- no. Don't worry I wouldn't do anything with a woman who was intoxicated" he said, blinking his eyes like an owl in confusion.

"Oh thank god, no offence" you said as you placed a hand over your chest, sighing as relief washed over you.

"None taken" he said with a small smile. "Although, you were all over me"

"Sorry....I must be losing my mind lately" you scratched the nape of your neck. Something had gotten in to you recently and it was bad.

"It's fine" Tachihara said as he sat up in the bed. "Clearly you and chuuya got shit to go through. It's why I pushed you off, you don't want that with me"

"Yeah.....I'm sorry I got you caught up in this"

"Don't worry about it. Why don't we go get some breakfast?" He asked with a small smile towards you.

"That sounds good. Wanna go out? My treat" you offered. You had put this man through enough, you owed him.

"Sounds good to me. I'll buy next time"

"Deal" you said and slipped out of bed and threw a t-shirt on. You then went in to the bathroom so you change in to a pair of fresh bottoms that you hadn't been sleeping in. When you exited, tachihara and you both left your room. He was still buttoning up his shirt a little as chuuya walked down the hallway, seeing you two exit your room. He only scuffed as he rolled his eyes. You only gulped. "I'll go see my dad while you get ready"

"Alright, I'll meet ya outside"

"Mkay" you nodded and headed off in a different direction than tachihara, passing by chuuya with his judgmental, cold stare. All he could think of was how you most likely slept with tachihara and it made his blood boil. You only turned around, walking backwards briefly, and flipped the man off before turning back around. You couldn't understand why he was suddenly ignoring you like the plague. At first, yes you two hated each other with a passion, but then everything got fixed and now it's back to square one. He went from caring for you to hating you again it seemed like. You didn't like this one bit. It left a disgusting taste in your mouth and you wanted to get rid of it as fast as possible.

Was he only being nice to me because of what happened to me.....did he fake it all along?

When you made it to moris office, you pushed open the doors and seen he was standing up, looking out the window. "Hey dad, me and tachihara are going out for breakfast"

"Alright dear" mori turned his head to look at you. "Is everything alright?"

"I guess so" you shrugged. "Chuuya is being a dick towards me again"

"Oh my" Mori said, trying to keep a pleased smile off his face. "Perhaps you two were just not meant to be friends. Chuuya has always preferred the lone wolf scenery because of Dazai" he lied.

"I see" you nodded. "Well, I'll be back soon"

"Alright, have fun with tachihara" Mori said, praying that he would have to shove him away from you too.

"I will" you smiled and left the room which allowed Mori to smile freely.

When you got outside, tachihara was there leaning up against his car as he waited for you. He smiled as he seen you walking towards him before opening up the passenger door. You smiled at him before stepping inside with a 'thank you'.

Once he was in the drivers seat, he began to drive off and you had no clue as to where he was taking you. But he knew where he was going and it was to a fancy restaurant.

As he parked, your eyes scanned the outside of the restaurant and wondered on why in gods name would he bring you here of all places. You sighed and put a smile on your face nonetheless.

The two of you exited the car and made your way to the double doors and walked inside where you were met with a woman. She had led you two to a table for two and set down two menus on the table as you the two of you took your seats. You were very underdressed you felt like even though people really only dressed up for dinner and this was simply breakfast- almost lunch.

As you glanced around the place, you noticed just how much this place didn't change at all. You even remembered the exact table Dazai and you sat at together years ago. He had taken you here after training since he felt as if he owed you since he was quite harsh that day. You didn't mind it and you felt as if that dinner were a celebration for how far you'd come.

"What's the matter?" Tachihara said and you quickly snapped out of it and picked up your menu.

"Nothing" you smiled as you scanned over the menu, even though you already knew what you were going to order.

"Hm, okay" tachihara said as he smiled a little at your pleased face. "Do you know what you're getting?"

"Mhm" you hummed and closed the menu as you placed it down. "What about you?"

"I think I do" he said as he placed the menu down on the table. "So.....what's with you and chuuya?"

"Can we not talk about that" you sighed. "It's all bullshit"

"Does that mean you two aren't going to become a thing?"

"Most likely not, not with the way he's acting" you rested your chin on your palm and gazed around. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering" he said with a small shrug of the shoulders. "I wanted to know if I had a chance with you"

"Hm" you hummed with a smile as your eyes met with his. "Perhaps".

The waitress had come by again, taking the menus and your orders, before leaving once again. You and tachihara didn't exactly know what to say to each other. You kept thinking about chuuya and what could possibly be happening with him and how to get pay back at him for being an ass. You didn't want to use tachihara like you almost already did. Thanfully, drunk you was smart enough to make that decision as well- or well, at least tachihara was smart enough to control drunk you.

Tachihara on the other hand was day dreaming already on what it would be like to date you. Taking you out and about, buying you things, making you happy, and of course what it would be like sleeping with you. He wondered how you were in bed, but he'd never know. Would he?


Some cute Tachihara bonding.

I also have an idea of next chapter.....hehe🤭

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