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You lied there in the back of the car, remaining as calm as possible. You were going to take this kidnapping in a different way than the last time. You were going to play their game and not let anyone harm you like they almost did last time. And in your heart, your gut, your fucking soul, you knew chuuya would find you.

It wasn't long before the car came to a stop and you were picked up. It amazed you at the thought that when two men grabbed a girl, nobody raised a scene at the casino, even if they were disguised as security. Nobody even thought to themselves that the scene didn't look or seem right.

Once again, you were thrown in a room, a basement once again. A common kidnappers location for their precious prisoner. They stood in front of you as you refused to say a word until they spoke. And they did. "My comrades have been murdered because of you" the one man with a scar on his face said. "I'm sick and tired of you and your friends killing my men. So this ends here"

"Maybe they should learn to have manners against a woman" you spat.

"Hm, you think we care. Listen miss Ogai" the other man said, making your heart sink. They knew the connection between you and Mori and it didn't scare them. That was enough to make you worry. "We don't care. We only want the information on arahabaki. We need him back"

"I don't know an arahabaki"

"Don't try that shit" the scar man said. "I suppose he's called chuuya by others now?" Your heart dropped in to your stomach. "He's not a real human being. He's meant to destroy things y/n"

"He was never meant to become what he is. He's a weapon" the other man added.

"He isn't some fucking toy or weaponry you can use and dispose of" you said as you felt anger race through your veins. Chuuya was a human being and you hated how they referred to him as nothing but something to be used.

"We know he was at that casino" scar face said, ignoring what you had to say. "So you're probably wondering why we took you instead, correct?" You slowly nodded and he smiled. "Because we know it'll come for you. We will catch it when he decides to be your night in shining armour" you face dropped when you realized that this was a trap and you were the bait. Oh how you wish you could warn chuuya.

"We just need it to come back to us and be a useful asset" the other man added and you despised the way they spoke about chuuya. He wasn't some "it" he was a man. A human being, not a god damn object or weapon they can use.

"You just want to experiment on him again. Probably because he's stronger now than he was when he was a small child" you said. "You guys are worse than scum" you gritted your teeth, and once again, a slap came across your face.

"We're scum?" The man scoffed. "We don't kill people who cross us. We take what we can get and make them better"

"One of your men tried to rape me" you said keeping your head held high. "That's not scum? Torturing a woman and possibly using their body for answers?"

"No, you're right" the scar faced man took a seat on a chair in front of you. "I'm glad they were killed. They were some underlings who clearly had no morals. I apologize on their behalf" the man nodded towards you.

"The problem is, we know you won't give arahabaki up" the other man said. "You don't have an ability, you're a clean slate for us"

"What.....what does that mean" your eyes widened.

"We will be keeping you and arahabaki together. You will become our new experiment" your heart sunk further down and a panic began to rise, but you refused to let them see that. You did your best to still keep your composure. "You're little love thing can still continue that way"

"My father will kill you'll be best-" you were cut off by the scarred man's chuckle.

"Honey, they won't find you. We're leaving in a new vehicle soon anyhow to another base. We aren't stupid like those underlings. We will leave a trace and you will write a note to arahabaki. Only he will be able to find us"

"A note?"

"Yes, an offering that of course wont go Mori's way. In the end, we will have you and arahabaki. Someone like you could become useful"

"Like you said, I don't have an ability"

"We can create you one darling" the man began. "We created arahabaki, we can do the same for you. We can tell you have a strong mind as well and your physique looks good as well"

"I don't need one"

"Too bad" the second man shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "Perhaps you'll learn you can do so much more in this world than be in a mafia"

"I like my mafia. They're my friends and my family. You guys are only two pathetic men in my eyes" you spat, earning another slap. These two men did not like being talked down to. You had learnt that now.

"The car is outside, let's go" the scar man said as he stood up from checking his phone. The second man picked you up once again and the three of you were leaving once again.

Meanwhile chuuya frantically walked outside the hotel in the parking lot. Mori had told him he'd began to start finding leads through connections if possible. As of right now, mori was lost. The security footage didn't have much and the people within that building were just as useless. Chuuya wasn't sure what to do either. He thought mori would kill him in all honesty, but thankfully, mori was a down to earth guy when it came to chuuya. He thought you two were still hating each other and took the situation as you had walked off, in a pissy mood, wanting to be alone. Thank god he didn't know the truth.

Chuuya was lost and there weren't any leads like last time. Nobody was following you two and nobody seemed to see a thing. No other security guard recognized the two men on the footage either. Mori was livid and was cursing out everyone, including himself, that let his daughter down and that killed him. He was ready to kill every worker at that hotel, but knew he couldn't.

Chuuya picked up his phone, scrolling through his contacts, knowing what he was about to do will surely kill him deep down. He knew it would be worth it in the end, but knowing he had to make the call was eating him up. To sink so low to ask for help to find his girl. It was pathetic to him and he knew that the person was going to bully him about it too. The voice and name alone made him pissed off. Having to see him as well was only going to make it worse.

Chuuya proceeded to stare down at the contact name, not wanting to click. But he knew he had to. Sighing in defeat, he pressed down on the call button, letting the phone ring a few times. Not surprisingly, the man picked up with his annoying voice saying an elongated "hello" making chuuya roll his eyes. "Hey Dazai" he sighed once again. "I need your help".


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