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Within the casino walls, you were being dragged out as Derek was calling Mori. He wanted to help, and he was going to, until he was shot. He was still on the phone with Mori since Mori was trying to keep Derek awake as he bled out on the floor. Mori knew how important this man was to you.


Jack had opened the back seat of a car as you continued to yell and kick to get them off of you, but it didn't work. Oh how you got fooled by their kindness. "Let me go! You don't know who I am!" This is why woman have to be so careful. You can't trust anyone in this world no matter their demeanour. People hide being masks.

"And we're going to find out along with everything else you know. Put her in boys" jack said. You were then shoved into the back seat of a car. Damon and Tyler got in as well, making sure you were sat inbetween them. They didn't need any tuck n roll out of a car moment. Jack and Chris sat up at the front and Jack began to drive the car as calmly as possible. Doing the speed limit, acting casual as if there wasn't a problem in the world. But nothing about this should be normal or casual.

"Let me go" you said, making sure to cause absolute hell. You were climbing everywhere and hitting them left, right, front and centre.

"Calm her down or I'm gonna crash this fucking car!" Jack yelled, swerving on the road. Now he wasn't acting so calm and that is what you wanted. He could crash the car for all you'd care.

"Why did you pick the bat shit crazy chick?!" Chris said.

"I'll show you crazy asshole" you lunged forward and tried to choke the man from behind. "This is what happens when you take the wrong bitch!"

"Get down" Damon yelled as he grabbed on to you, pulling you off and back down to the seat. He held you down in your place as Tyler tied your wrists together and then your feet.

"This isn't fair! Please let me go....I won't say a word" you tried to play the poor, innocent, woman card. But it as far too late to try and pull that kind of shit.

"That Derek guy was already calling someone. Who was it?" Jack asked.

"I'm not telling. I can assume who it is, and if I'm right, you're in deep shit"

"Jack, it doesn't matter who they called. Who cares. We want answers on where arahabaki went" Chris stated.

"And how do we know she knows?" Damon said.

"Sources" was all Jack said. He seemed to be the leader of this group, at least that's what you had gathered so far. You were a little scared needless to say. Who the fuck was arahabaki? That's what ran in your mind.

"I don't know an arahabaki. I've never heard of it" you said.

"Don't lie. You've been seen with him?"

"I don't know what arahabaki is! I'm telling you guys the truth!"

"Don't lie!" Chris said as he turned around with a gun facing towards you.

"Put the gun down idiot. If you shoot her we definitely won't get answered" Damon said and Chris only scoffed as he turned back around in his seat. He huffed like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

After much time had went by, the car finally stopped. Everyone exited the car and you were pulled out and thrown over Damon's shoulder. You hated this, but you had to admire the fact that this man did indeed have a nice back side.

"The bloods rushing to my head" you sighed as they walked through the halls of a building. It was more like a house actually. A normal, yet big, house in some fancy neighborhood.

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