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Home at last.

You stood within the office, the windows wide open showing the town lit up. The little girl stood, looking outside at the view. The skies were clear making the moon and stars very noticeable. It was beautiful. The girl had watched in awe seeing as she probably never really seen the outside in a very long time. It was sad. The sky was a normal thing to see and yet this girls eyes lit up by just seeing the moon.

"Do we know her name?" Mori asked and you shook your head no. You and chuuya had only been in the office for a few minutes now and nothing much has been said. "I see"

"Chuuya and I will be taking her under our wing" you stated. "She's going to be raised as a normal child"

"A normal child within the mafia?" Mori questioned with a brow raised. He wanted to laugh, but wouldn't dare to do so in front of you.

"She's going to grow up here, yes, but she won't be seeing what goes on behind the scenes or anything business related until she's older" you stated. "I'd say fifteen, maybe sixteen"

"I introduced you and Dazai fairly young" Mori said. "Around fourteen, fifteen I believe"

"If I'm raising her, I will be making my own rules" you crossed your arms over your chest.

"My mafia, my grounds, my rules"

"Boss, if I may, we don't know what she is capable of yet" chuuya stepped in. "Why don't we just play it by ear"

"Alright" Mori nodded. "I guess just seeing my own little girl grow up and take care of a child is...well I'm not sure how to explain it"

"I know you're used to bringing abandoned ones in like Dazai, chuuya, and I....but this one is on me and chuuya" you smiled at him. "You raised us well, you taught us everything. Now it's our turn"

"I guess you're right" the man gave a closed eye smile. "Plus, I probably have more important things to focus on rather than a new child"

"See if you can somehow find anything on who she may be. She's mute" chuuya said. "Ask around or something. We're not sure how long it'll be before she says anything"

"Of course, I'll get people on that" Mori nodded.

"Perfect, thank you dad" you nodded before you and chuuya stood from your seats. "We're going to go clean her up and get her something to eat"

"Alright, goodnight" Mori said and the two of you nodded before beginning to walk. You grabbed the little girls hand gently first before leading her out of the office.

"I'll meet you in your room when I'm done" chuuya said as the two of you entered the elevator.

"Sounds good to me" you gave him a small peck on the cheeks as you heard the ding, leading to the elevator doors opening. You stepped out with the girl and began your walk down the hallways.

The tub was filled with hot water and bubbles scented like lavender. The little girl sat with her knees to her chest, her back turned to her. You gently worked your fingers through her hair as you kneeled on the bathroom floor, washing her hair. "You're safe here" you reassured. "I'll take care of you from now on with the man we were with" you smiled as you watched her head tilt back in relaxation. "Does the water nice?" She nodded her head as you picked up the small water jug, rinsing the soap out of her hair. You made sure to place a hand over her forehead, preventing soapy water from getting in to her pretty blue eyes.

You stood up from the ground and pulled a towel off of the rack within the bathroom. You walked back to the tub and opened up the towel. The little girl stepped out and you quickly wrapped her up. "Y/n" your eyes widened hearing her speak. Her first words to you were your very own name.

"Yes?" You asked as you looked down to her.

"Cold" she said and you nodded your head before leaving the washroom, her following behind you.

"I'll find you something warm" you smiled as you began to rummage through your clothes. She would drown in your clothing but you managed to find an oversized hoodie that was fuzzy on the inside. "I'm sorry....we will have to go shopping and buy you some new clothes that'll fit you"

You helped get the hoodie in her and seen it almost reached the floor. The hoodie was big on you, so it was like a dress on this little girl.

After washing her hair, you noticed her hair was actually meant to be curly, a light curl. She had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was adorable needless to say.

Three knocks were heard on the door before chuuya had come inside. "I didn't know what she would I kind of took everyone's suggestions" chuuya smile a little as he walked to the bed with the platter in hand. You picked up the little girl and walked over to your bed where you sat her down. Chuuya placed down the platter next to her with a small smile.

There was a bowl of Mac and cheese, a plate with grilled cheese, some fries, and even some cut up fruits. There was even a glass of water for the girl so she could hydrate herself. It was sweet and you actually noticed a new nurturing side to chuuya. It was starting to make you fall in love with him....

The little girl hesitated a little before she began to touch her food; only to nibbled on some fries. She was nervous. "Hun, it's all yours" you said and her blue eyes looked up to you. You could see how nervous she was within her eyes. "This is all for you"

"You can eat all of that and more if you'd like. I'll make ya anything you want" chuuya added and the little girl looked back down at food before she began to eat. Chuuya wrapped around an arm around your waist and you rested your head against his shoulder. "I think we're gonna do a good job at becoming parents"

"I think we will too, chu" you agreed. The nickname has chuuya's heart skip a beat for a moment.

The little girl extended her little arms out, holding the glass in both hands. "More.....please"

"Of course" chuuya took the glass before making his way to the door. "I'll be back" you nodded towards the man just before he left.

"Everything tastes good?" You asked, the little girl nodding with a small smile. It was the first time you had seen that. It made your heart feel warm. "That's good"

Chuuya came back moments later with another full glass of water and handed it to the little girl. She grasped the glass with two hands and took a few sips before placing it down on the platter board. Her cheeks were messy and you couldn't help but laugh a little. There was cheese all around her mouth.

You went over to the washroom to grab a small wash cloth, damping it with water. You knelt in front of the girl, raising your hand with the wash cloth. She slightly flinched but you reassured her with a smile. "I'm just gonna clean your face so it's less messy. Okay?" She nodded and you gave her mouth a quick wipe.

You knew it was most likely going to get messy again, but it was just damage control.

"You'd make a good mother, ya know?" Chuuya said and you smiled before standing up again. Stepping up to the motherly roll actually made your heart feel warm. It reminded you of when kouyou helped you out when you first got here.

"Thanks.....I think I could get used to this roll" you stood next to the man again. "I think we've got this"

"Yea, we do" he smiled as he pulled you in for a hug. Your arms wrapped around his neck with a content smile.

This was a new life.

Your new beginning.

Miss bunny...(chuuya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now