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The final floor.

You pushed the doors open to the top floor and looked at the armed men ahead. Each and every floor was the exact same thing. Over. And. Over. And. Over.

Twenty to thirty armed men, standing in rows, guns raised. They shouted and shouted, and shot, but nothing would hit any of you thanks to chuuya's ability. He could most likely take down this entire place himself because of his gravity manipulation. He was a weapon and a shield.

After doing multiple floors of this shit, it was starting to become quite boring for you. There was no thrill left within you. You enjoyed slaughtering and watching the men who've tried to hurt you die, but after so long it just wasn't fun anymore. You needed more or something different to keep your brain entertained. "Let's just get this quickly over with" you sighed. "I wanna get home" you pictured you lying in bed, under the soft, comfy covers, chuuya at your side, lying on a pillow that felt like a cloud. What a dream that was for you right now.

"I feel that" Derek sighed in agreeance. "Not as fun as I thought it'd be"

"Speak for yourselves" Dazai smiled. "I'm quite enjoying this"

"Of course you are, you sick bastard" chuuya retorted.

"Don't act like you're not" Dazai lightly shoved the gingered man, making him scowl.

"Whatever moron, let's just finish these guys" he walked on forward. "I'll take em all out myself if I gotta"

"And it still won't be over" Derek stated.

"Nope" you sighed. "We gotta do a final sweep and then burn this shit down. That, I'll enjoy" you couldn't wait to burn this place down. Watching this organization turn to dust would give you some peace of mind for once. Knowing you'd be safe once again and that this would all be in the past soon. Another thing added to the list of things you've overcome in life; things that have made you stronger.

"Of course you will, my little arsonist" Dazai teased and chuuya would have back-handed him if he weren't beating up the armed men.

"She's not yours!" Chuuya yelled as he kicked a guy through a wall. Your eyes only slightly widened before they softened again with a small laugh leaving your delicate lips. It was cute when he acted that way, well- more than just cute. A man being possessive was truly attractive.

"My bad" Dazai gave a closed eye smile while placing his hands in the air as a surrender.

"This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for all the stairs" you stated. "Really getting a workout in"

"You worked in a casino, walking for hours in heels" Derek said. "And this is somehow worse?"

"I got to walk on a flat surface and sit here and there. This is a bunch of running, walking, and climbing up stairs" you defended as you crossed your arms over your chest. "Much worse"

"Whatever ya say, bunny" Derek shook his head a little with a smile.

Meanwhile chuuya was growing more frustrated with Derek and Dazai calling you pet names. That was supposed to be his role. Not theirs. It helped him quickly wipe all the men out, which meant the next step was now in place. "Let's gets sweeping lady and morons"

"Aww chuuya's in a bad mood" dazai taunted, knowing that he could be punched any second. It only encouraged him to keep going though. Dazai lived to annoy people, whether that was kunikida or chuuya, his usual main targets.

"Shut up" the man's eyes rolled. You grabbed his hand making his gaze shift to you.

"Let's just go home, okay?" You smiled, seeing him nod. "Good. I could use a nice hot shower right about now"

Miss bunny...(chuuya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now