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The embers lit up within your eyes as you watched the building infront of you burn. You held on to the little girls hand, who was now wrapped up in chuuya's jacket. She was wearing little clothing when she was found and the air had a chill to it, making her shiver. You could tell she was malnourished as well.

These people never took care of their victims. You made it your duty to protect her at all costs, just like Mori did to you when he found you. She was still very young, meaning when she's older she may have little to no memory of the trauma she endured here. When you were found, you were too far gone which meant you remembered everything that had ever happened to you. And as much as you hated it, you also knew that it made you who you were now; a strong woman. You planned to make this girl a strong woman one day as well.

"Has she spoken yet?" Tachihara said as he walked over to you. By now, everyone on these grounds knew of the little girl, but nobody had contacted Mori about it. You wanted to bring her to him personally and talk in private.

"Not yet....i don't blame her though" you responded, your eyes looking down to the girl. Her eyes were wide as she watched the fire burn. "I'm going to introduce her to Mori as soon as we get back to the base"

"You giving her to him?"

"No" you stated. "I'm going to take her under my wing"

"Our wing" chuuya corrected you, making your eyes slightly widen. You looked at the man as he slightly smiled. "We found her, we raise her" you couldn't help but smile.

"She will be safe with the mafia" Tachihara said. "I'm sure she will adjust soon" the little girl stood there frozen, she had barely moved at all. It had been ten minutes now since you had brought her outside to the others. Silent. Eyed widened. Frightened. Hungry. Cold.

You felt bad for her, but you knew if you could help raise her and give her the life she could dream of, she would never remember these moments in her life. You'd raise her as if she were your own child. The mafia was one big family of misfits, people with bad back stories, trauma, being abandoned, but they all came together as one, loving, black blooded, family. She would fit right in soon enough.

Sadly, nobody thought of looking for her file before torching the place. It would have helped a lot with figuring out who she was and what had been done to her. Now, it was a guessing game and waiting for her to open up. But you would be patient with her.

"Alright" Hirotsu began to speak, making everyone turn their heads towards him. "Let's head out. This place is cleared and soon this building will be nothing but ash"

"It's too far gone to be saved now" Tachihara smiled and hirotsu nodded. Everyone began walking away, heading towards the vehicles parked on the side of the road.

You sat in the back with chuuya, the little girl in between the two of you. Dazai sat in the passenger seat while Derek took the driving seat. Everyone was situated in and Derek began to drive down the dark roads. Trees surrounded the area as there were barely any street lights to illuminate the dirt roads. Though it was dark, if you looked out the window, you could still see the smoke that filled the area as the building burnt down.

The foggy weather only added to this scenery. It felt like it was the ending to some horror movie. Like this was the very ending to something so tragic and evil. The scene where the camera pans out as the survivors drive away. Add some music and this would make it perfect.

Maybe some rain...or a full blown storm. That would really add to it.

"When we get home" you began. "I'm gonna give her a bath while you cook up something" you looked at chuuya and seen him nod a little. "She must be starving to death at this point"

Miss bunny...(chuuya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now