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Chuuya and you situated yourselves into a small motel room near the beach you two had just recently been. The way things were going lately, you were going to either end up pregnant or dead somewhere. Both were outcomes you didn't want nor like. Although, you'd take having a kid over getting beaten and killed. To think, you'd been screwing the guy that has almost been getting you killed. You must've really enjoyed having a painful life and torturing yourself.

You sat on the bed, a towel wrapped around your body as you stared at the door. You were expecting people to just burst in at this rate. You doubt you'd even be able to sleep tonight. No matter where you went, you were being chased.

Mori only paced in his office with kouyou and the black lizard, making numerous of phone calls. All of them were. Fukuzawa was even helping them from his office. He wasn't one who like to see others get hurt, especially when they don't deserve it. Fukuzawa couldn't imagine losing a kid, so he didn't want to see mori go through it either. Even if they were enemies, he wouldn't wish losing a member of your organization let alone your kid. If he'd lost ranpo he'd probably lose his mind entirely.

Calls were sent out every minute getting multiple people on board and in watch. This organization after you and chuuya was about to go down in the history books. They would be wiped off the face of the earth and mori would do anything to make sure that would happen.

You missed the times things were easy going in your life, but now things felt as if you were in some action movie. Although, it definitely kept you on your toes and caused some very good memories you'll hold on to for life.

Chuuya and you were to only stay for the night at this motel. Which meant tomorrow night will be spent somewhere else. And the next night. And the one after that. And so on.

The two of you were to keep on the move constantly so these people wouldn't be able to find you. Mori was trying to think of the safest place for you to go to, but he wasn't sure if these people would be able to infiltrate the building or not. It truly was a sticky situation.

You missed your actual bed. Your books. Your little game and junk food night with Tachihara. The slumber party with higuchi and gin. God you wished things would be normal.

Chuuya did too. He missed walking in the park with you, he let that memory play on in his head constantly. The way you smiled, the way you laughed, the way your face lit up as you pulled him in the fountain with you.

He wished he could take you out for real instead of doing this. Chuuya didn't want any of this, especially knowing that he's the true reason behind why everything has happened. He felt guilty, so fucking guilty that it crushed his heart in to pieces. Usually, he would give two shits who he hurt, but you were a different case. You became special to him in a short amount of time.

Chuuya never knew what he wanted, but when he saw you, his heart knew that it wanted you of all people. The one was difficult, but god you were fun.

When this situation would finally come to an end, he was going to make sure to properly take you out like you deserve. A fancy restaurant where he'd pay for every single thing. Then take you home and whatever happens, happens. But, he hoped to make it extra romantic even though he was never to be one to begin with. He just felt as if that was what he owed you.

Chuuya had started this entire thing, putting you in danger, and was now always going to be by your side to save you no matter what.

Hearing the bathroom door open, your eyes shifted over to the area, seeing chuuya walked out with only a towel on. His abs were in full display, his wavy gingered hair draped on his shoulders, his slender figure making its way towards the bed. He smirked as he watched your eyes gaze all over him, knowing the most prized possession of his was covered from your view.

You lightly bit down on your bottom lip the slightest bit, watched the man come to a stop at the end of the bed. The worry thoughts of someone bursting in the room were gone now. They had quickly been replaced by the man who you were gazing at.

You lied back on the bed, your head lying to the side to stare at chuuya whom was at the end. You couldn't help but smile at him, and it wasn't even for the view. It was just a smile of pure joy. Even in the shittiest situations, he brought you joy. He made you smile, laugh, and feel safe. You knew he'd rescue you from the place and you know he'd do it a million times for you. That was the type of love you always wanted in life.

The man slipped on a pair of red and black pyjama pants as well as a plain black tee. He smiled looking down at you, admiring the cute state you were in. Just you lying on your back facing him, your damp hair all sprawled out, a towel wrapped around your body just enough to cover the sweet areas. Your beautiful e/c eyes looking up to him with a soft smile was truly a sight to see for him. You weren't seen in a soft state very often and he enjoyed every time he got to witness it.

Chuuya leaned over, placing his palm on the mattress, placing a kiss on your forehead. "You look beautiful" you didn't expect a compliment, it took you back a little bit. You even felt yourself blush a little making the man slightly chuckle.

"You don't look too bad yourself, handsome" you smiled up at him.

"Why thank you" he spoke before placing another kiss, this time on your soft lips. "Now get changed"

You nodded, sitting back up and reaching over to grab the pair of pyjamas chuuya grabbed you. On the way to the motel, chuuya stopped off at a store to grab some pyjamas for you both. You two were certainly not sleeping in the clothes that you were wearing before.

The pyjamas he got you were identical to his. He just had to get a matching pair for the both of you. How cute.

You slipped the clothing on to your body, feeling the soft fabric touch your skin. You crawled in to bed, under the blanket. Chuuya joined you as well, wrapped an arm around you.

Placing your head upon his chest, you listened to his heart beat. It was a soothing sound to you. You felt safe with him, you knew he'd protect you if anything happened. That was enough to allow you to be comfortable enough to sleep and shut your mind off for the night.

Miss bunny...(chuuya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now