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The mafia base. Tall, dark, and gloomy towers that stood in the heart of Yokohama. Stories that went so high up, you could see them from anywhere within the entire city. If you were to go up the floors and look out, it looked absolutely beautiful at night. All the street lights shined, lighting up Yokohama. Truly a sight to see.

At the top of the headquarters is where mori's office remained. It's where he spent majority of his time. Reading, filing, calling, organizing, planning, doing everything a boss does.

Mori had barely gotten any sleep the last few nights, worse than normally that is. That man rarely slept as a boss, and now it was worse than ever. The stress of his daughter being in danger was worse than ever, but that soon would come to an end.

At the very bottom floor of the main building, not the foyer, the dark basement that was barely lit. That is where the head man himself stood infront of a ton of people.

The squad leader of the black lizard; hirotsu, and the two battalion leaders; gin and Tachihara. They were paired with quite a few armed mafiosos as well, making them a strong group.

Hirotsu lead the black lizard, he was meant for the role. He took gin and Tachihara into his squad and lead them to victory alongside him. Despite being fifty years old, he certainly didn't act like it. He could still move like he was only twenty, even though he smoked. He was intelligent and quick, and with his ability; falling Camilla, he could also be almost untouchable. If a person were to step the wrong way and hirotsu got ahold of them, their moves could become deformed and/or broken.

Gin was dark and mysterious, it suited her well. She was like a mouse, very quiet. Her voice was soft too, it didn't suit her appearance at all. Her attire suited her actions though. She was a strong woman, if she weren't, she wouldn't be a battalion leader. She was quiet and sly, making her a perfect assassin. Her aim never failed.

Tachihara looked kind, his actions suited his mannerisms as well, but that was not to be mistaken with what he could possibly do. He was in the black lizard for a reason and never failed to live up to his title. He was sneaky, he was quick, and he never let down mori or hirotsu when needed.

Within the standing port mafia members stood two of moris strongest men-well, and woman too. Higuchi and Akutagawa.

Akutagawa, the man who possessed rashoman. Rashoman was one of the strongest abilities within the port mafia, making Akutagawa almost untouchable. He was known as a disaster, the abilities user of destruction, and the black-fanged hellhound.

Higuchi, one of the strongest women in the mafia. She was one with her weapons, and she was quite skilled with them too. Without an ability really to be shown, she made up for it with her skills. Higuchi was known to be highly proficient with firearms, she even welded pistols and sub machines. She was a highly important assets to the mafia, she's never let them down.

Then there was the top executioner of the port mafia, chuuya nakahara himself, standing beside you. Chuuya, the manipulator of gravity. Most likely the strongest person within the port mafia, despite being the shortest man there. When Dazai was in the mafia, they both were known as twin dark for a reason. Their actions could be ruthless and never failed getting business done. They were moris go to men when things needed to be handled. Sadly, chuuya was on his own- was that is. There was you now. Perhaps after this you would be the new ying to chuuyas yang.

Those were the main port mafia people, but there was one more standing with them. A special guest mori called upon. Former executive of the port mafia; Dazai Osamu.

Dazai possessed the ability to disable anyone's ability with one touch. Even though he'd have to touch someone to be able to use it, he almost never needed to. Dazai was skilled within forearms and martial arts; though his wasn't even near chuuya's level with fighting. Chuuya was a prodigy within martial arts.

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