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It was the next day. Another 24 hours had gone by and there you lied in your bed still. You skipped work last night but the casino wouldn't have ran very well anyhow. Probably because it was closed. With the shooting and Derek not being able to work currently, Mori decided to close it without telling you. So you just assumed you skipped worked.

You skipped quite a few things, like meals and a shower. You haven't showed since the other night, it wasn't bad, but your hair would soon become greasy and that's an ick of a feeling. But as of right now, you couldn't care less.

You were strong. A very strong woman and yet when that kind of a situation came up it slightly traumatized you. You let that memory play on in your head as you thought on how weak and defenceless you were. It was something horrid that kept playing on repeat, spinning around like a record. You felt.....destroyed.

Kouyou would often walk outside of your room just to see if she could hear anything, but she never heard a peep from your room. She was deeply worried.

"Why don't you check on her chuuya?" She said.

"Because she told me not to" chuuya replied. "Last time I tried to do that she basically told me to fuck off"

"Look at what she's been through" kouyou said. "Of course she will pretend to act as if it's not bothering her and for her to turn away others" she continued. "Show you care even if you two have a so called hatred"

"She's strong. She will be fine"

"No she won't be chuuya. As a woman, those things are something that hide in the back of a woman's brain" she said with a sigh. "And when it happens.....it's traumatizing and I can only imagine what she's thinking"

"Why haven't you or Mori checked up on her then?"

"Mori checks on her at night before he heads to bed. He's a very busy man during the day"

"Too busy to see his daughter?"

"Look, I'm not Mori. I'm not her parent even though I act the role as a mother. I haven't gone to see her yet because I'm pushing you to her"

"Why do I have to be the god damn support system?"

"You were there for her once, you saved her, be there for her again"

"Why should I give a shit. She's a bitch"

"Chuuya nakahara" kouyou said in a strict tone that actually made the little hairs on the back of chuuyas neck stand up. "Respect her. I don't have a clue what's going on between you two but-"

"There's nothing but hatred"

"Hatred? That's why you rushed to save her, right? Or perhaps when you got home and you were grumbling in your room pissed off with what happened to her"

"Well it was wrong for what they did. It's disgusting. Those kinds of people are disgusting vermin"

"You care for her chuuya. Stop denying it"

"Well she's denying it too!"

"You expect her to confess in her state?!" She took a deep breath before continuing on. She hated to yell, she really did. Kouyou was always seen as the strong, calming, independent woman. "I apologize for yelling. Chuuya, please just listen to me. I have tried to be there for you and take you under my wing when you came. I did the same for y/n many years ago"


"So, I know how you both are. You've got chemistry and you'll have a spark. You just need to try"

"Why do you care so for Damn much?"

"Because I want to see my family happy. I'm tired of hearing the nonsense fights between you two"

"We don't fight"

"Oh really? So you're saying you didn't try to choke her out?" Kouyou replied, raising a brow as chuuya gulped. "Don't worry. I didn't tell Mori and I told tachihara not to either"

"That little snitch" chuuya grumbled and kouyou sighed.

"For crying out loud chuuya, this conversation is over. Your thick skull can't be broken now and neither can your walls"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you'll never face the truth even if someone is telling it straight to your face. You're also emotionally built up. You won't take your walls down for anyone" kouyou said as she exited the room, leaving chuuya within his thoughts. He didn't like that conversation. He despised it because he knew deep down that she was right with what she was saying.

"For crying out loud" he grumbled as he made his way down the halls, with his head hung a little low. He didn't stop walking until he was outside of a bedroom door with a bottle of wine from his collection. He knocked on the door a few times until he heard the sound of your voice say 'come in'.

Chuuya opened the door, stepping inside, and seen your figure laying under the thick comforter. He made his way towards you after closing the door shut. "I brought some wine if your up for drinking"

"I prefer the harder stuff"

"Well all I got is wine in my collection of booze" he said as he took it upon himself to sit on your bed and cracked open the wine bottle that had never once been touched until now.

"Are you here to check up on me again?"

"Nope" he replied calmly. "Just came to hang out. You don't leave this dome of yours so I can't bug you out there"

"I though it was me who bugged you, not the other way around"

"Fair enough" he said, taking a swig out of the wine bottle. "Have you even left this spot?"

"Yea, when I get up to use the washroom"

"You can't keep being bed ridden" he said. "Have you even eaten?" Chuuya continued, worried of your answer. And when you shook your head no, he sighed. "You need to eat"

"Fuck off. I don't need you to baby me"

"Clearly you do" chuuya said as he got up from the bed and placed the wine bottle down on your night stand. He proceeded to then lean over and rip the sheets off of you and pick you up from where you lied.

"Chuuya?! What the hell?!" You shouted at the man. You would punch him if you hadn't felt so weak.

"You need to eat" he replied as he left your room, making his way down to the kitchen area. He was prepared to make you something, anything. Even if it was top tier chef level, he would do it just to make you eat something. And yet he still pretends as if he didn't care about you. Chuuya was ready to even force feed you. If you refused to eat his meal, he would personally make you eat it. That's how much he cared about this food situation. And you.....well you weren't quite sure how you felt about chuuya doing this for you.

You were confused since the last time you checked, you two fought and he even once tried to choke you to death. Then he saved you and is acting like your knight in shining armour. It only confused you even more. But in this moment of time, you didn't care. You just thought about how someone was actually making an effort to take care of you in your state. That brought a small smile to your face.


'Ello everyone. I am currently tipsy, drinking tonight's sorrows away. I hope y'all liked this chapter seeing as it is a starting to this wee little love story.

Thank you for all the reads and support, I love y'all!

P.s I'm already thinking of smut stories for the future 🤭 I'm a sucker for them

Miss bunny...(chuuya x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ