𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 26

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There was only two weeks until the school year ended. It couldn’t come soon enough to suit me. Once Nova graduated so much would become simpler.

She had a lot to figure out about her future, but at least we wouldn’t have to hide anything. We wouldn’t be student/teacher anymore.

We’d just be two lovers shacking up. It sounded delightful.
It was my free period, and I was behind my desk grading assignments on my computer. Nova’s work was conspicuously missing from this round.

She owed me a few things, in fact, but I was still making her catch up on all of her other classes first. I would never fail her, and as a sop to my conscience I figured I could always have her make up for it after school was finished for the year.

Suddenly the door flew open and someone strode aggressively into my classroom.“Taehyung, I need you to come with me,” one of the APs said to me the second she walked into my classroom.

No greeting, just that foreboding sentence out of her mouth.
“Is something the matter, Shaon?” I asked slowly.

But I knew.

I knew from the tone of her voice that something was terribly wrong.
The first and only thing my mind went to was Nova. I knew, with lancing certainty that we’d been found out. Nothing else could account for that tone from a usually warm, friendly colleague.

“Just come with me,” she said stiffly.

She didn’t even let me follow her, as though she was afraid I’d try to make a break for it. Instead she instructed me where to go, following closely behind.

I thought that part was more than a little ridiculous. If I wanted to go somewhere, to try to run, to avoid this, there was no way she could have stopped me, but I just went where she instructed on leaden feet.

We went to some sort of conference room I’d never seen before, deep behind the principal’s office. The principal, Choi ha jon, waited inside, standing beside an empty chair in front of an open laptop.

What the fuck was all this?

“Have a seat, Taehyung ,” Ha jon instructed me tonelessly.

Ha jon was a kindly woman in her fifties. She had a smile for everyone and rarely a harsh word.

She left that sort of thing to her APs, usually playing the good cop herself,but not now.

Now she was eyeing me in a way I’d never experienced before.

Like I was the scum of the earth.

I didn’t see another option, so I sat in front of the open laptop.

“You probably know why you’re here,” Ha jon began.

It felt suddenly like a police interview. “You’re going to have to tell me,” I returned, pleased that my voice was bland in spite of my pounding heart.

“Jeon Nova ,” she said succinctly. “And your conduct in regards to her. Your sexual relations with a student.”

I shut my eyes tightly, wanting to deny the entire thing, to pretend even to myself that I hadn’t done what I’d done, but there was no escaping it now. I wouldn’t be here if they didn’t already know.

“Obviously, your contract with the school district will be terminated,” she continued mercilessly. She didn’t sound pleased with it though, instead she sounded like a disappointed parent and somehow that was worse. “And frankly, you should not even think of trying to apply anywhere else. This is going to follow you, Taehyung . Your teaching career is over. But I’m afraid that’s not your biggest problem.”

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