𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 24

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After spending hours at the pool, Soobin and Jay invited us to join them for dinner, and I was surprised when Taehyung  actually agreed.

I showered in the large locker room attached to the resort’s many pools and changed into dry clothes.
Taehyung  had packed them for me, and I found myself in sweat pants and an oversized UCLA sweatshirt. My hair was still wet as I slipped my feet back into the slides I’d worn to the pool.

I wasn’t sure where we were going for dinner, but I was positive this wasn’t the dress code for it.
I stepped out of the changing room, expecting to be the last one ready as the rest of them were guys, but only Jay was waiting for me.

Jay took one look at me and started shaking his head. “Taehyung packed my clothes,” I explained. “Normally he’s surprisingly good at choosing outfits for me, but I think he was just trying to cover up as much skin as possible here.”

Jay laughed. “A bit pointless at this point, no? That cat’s out of the bag.” I shrugged and tried my best not to blush.

Just then Soobin and Taehyung joined us, both newly changed into dry clothes. Soobin and Jay were wearing nice slacks and dress shirts,looking put together down to their still wet but still styled hair, but Taehyung  was wearing an outfit nearly identical to mine. He was even wearing a similar college sweatshirt.I indicated the front of my shirt. “I take it you went to UCLA?” I asked Taehyung . I gobbled up every little tidbit I learned about him.

He looked sheepish. “I did.” His eyes were running over me, taking me in in his clothes from his school, and I could tell by his heavy eyelids that it really did something to him.

I loved it, loved that he’d wanted to put a stamp of ownership on me in public even as he’d tried to cover up every inch of my skin. In spite of his protestations, our bedroom inclinations were starting to spill over into other parts of life, and though it may have been wishful thinking on my part, I couldn’t help but be encouraged by it.

“I’ll push the reservation back an hour,” Jay said decisively. He pointed at Taehyung . “Soobin, take him to find something more appropriate to wear to a Michelin star restaurant. I’ve got Nova.”

We started to walk away when Jay stopped suddenly. He strode back to Taehyung  and held out his hand.

Taehyung  stared at him, raising a brow. “What?”

“Your credit card,” Jay said, a world of sass in it.

Taehyung  smirked. He didn’t look at me as he said, “She already has it.”

We were walking away from them a beat later when Jay took my arm with a delicate touch and said loudly, “That’s my girl.” Both men chuckled at our retreating backs.

For some reason I wasn’t offended by the implication. The way he teased about it made it feel so unserious, and I found that empowering.

“I know you’re only eighteen,” Jay said in a casual tone as we walked, “but that man is going to marry you. It’s what you want, right?” I blushed profusely at that, feeling unaccountably sad.

“You have that all wrong. He doesn’t even want to have a relationship with me at all. I think I embarrass him. And us sleeping together . . . it was my idea. I seduced him. He still hates that he couldn’t resist me.”

Jay seemed unfazed by everything I’d said. “That man is whipped.Anything you want him to do for you, he will. If that’s not a relationship, I can’t tell you what is.” I didn’t try to explain it to him any more than that. Instead I let myself wish for the short duration of our stroll that he was right and I was wrong,

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