𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 02

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A FEW DAYS later and I was driving home from work directly to my gym.
It was just a few blocks away when I saw a lone figure walking on the side of the road.

I instantly knew who it was. She was carrying a full, oversized backpack, but I recognized those curves. The shape of them was permanently branded into my brain.

Fuck. Why was she walking on the side of the road?

I was still cursing as I pulled my car over onto the shoulder.
I rolled down the passenger window and watched her walk over and lean down. Nova's eyes were wary on me, but she smiled tentatively. "Hello, Mr. Kim."

"Hello, Miss Jeon. Why are you walking on the side of the road?"

"I don't have a car," she explained in a small voice. "So I'm walking."

"Get in," I told her. "I'll take you home." I helped her put her oversized backpack into the trunk, handed her into the front seat, and slid back behind the wheel. "Where to?" I asked her.

She looked down at her lap and started rubbing her hands together. She seemed nervous as she answered, "I'm not sure. My aunt and uncle kicked me out a few days ago. I've been staying at my friend Michelle's house but that wasn't working out, so I'm kind of between houses right now."

My heart twisted in my chest. "You're homeless?" She shrugged, looking away.

"Just for now. I'll figure out something."

I couldn't help myself. I reached over and touched her shoulder. "I'll take you home. You can stay with me until you figure out something more permanent."

"Are you sure you want me staying in your house? Wouldn't that look bad?" I felt my face tensing up in something akin to annoyance.

"Of course I won't let you be out on the street. There's plenty of room at my place. And it doesn't really matter how it looks, since what it is is perfectly innocent.
And it will be no trouble for me. We don't need to get in each other's way."

She had a look on her face that made me think for a moment that she would argue with me, but after a brief pause, she nodded, looking forward without another word.


I knew it was dangerous to take her in like this, but I didn't see that I had another choice. I didn't have it in me to leave one of my students homeless and walking on the side of the road.

That being said, I knew right away that it was a mistake. I was walking a dangerous path here. If even one person at the school found out that I was letting Nova stay in my home, it could cost me my teaching career and my reputation. Add to that my own acute, inappropriate lust for her, and I'd just laid the groundwork for my own professional ruin.

Knowing all of this didn't seem to matter, though. I was involved, and I didn't see a way out that I could live with.
"You said your aunt and uncle kicked you out," I began, wanting to get the whole story from her. "What happened? And where are your parents?"

"My parents died four years ago. Car accident." She said it with such clipped stoicism that I could tell that she didn't like to talk about it, which was hardly surprising. "And my aunt and uncle got custody. They have a very small house, and my aunt's brother just lost his job and moved his entire family in. There simply wasn't any room."

"So they just kicked you out?" I couldn't help it, my tone was indignant.
The very idea straight-up pissed me off.

She shrugged. "Yes. I'm eighteen, and I'll graduate in a couple of months. The idea was always for me to leave as soon as I was done with high school. They just decided I should do it a few months ahead of schedule. We were never close. My uncle is fine, he was my dad's brother, but his wife never liked me, and her brother and I . . . don't get along, so Iwasn't really surprised. At least I have a job. I used to just waitress to pay for my phone and stuff, but I've been saving, and if I cancel my cellphone plan, I should be able to scrape together enough to put down on an apartment pretty soon."

I glanced over at her. Her voice had been blank, emotionless even, but her eyes showed me that she wasn't unaffected by her aunt and uncle's callous actions.

She tugged at the hem of her skirt, and I tore my gaze north. Our eyes caught for another electric moment before I managed to look away.

I opened my mouth to ask her how much cash she needed to help her put down first and last month's rent on an apartment, but couldn't do it. I didn't want her staying in some crappy apartment in the sketchy part of town. If she stayed with me she could save her money, and I had plenty of room. "We'll go to my house, get you settled in, and try to figure out what you need," I told her.

She fidgeted with the hem of her skirt. It drew my attention to her legs, which were nearly bare in the tiny, pleated skirt she was wearing. "I have everything I need," she assured me.

"Are all of your uniforms like that?" I asked in a carefully neutral tone.

Her clothes were a problem for me. If I was going to stick to my own rules, I needed her to cover up more. I wasn't proud of it, but it was a fact nonetheless.

She shrugged nonchalantly, but her eyes were glued to my face as she answered, "They don't take up much room. All my clothes fit in one bag." No, they wouldn't, being that they consisted of hardly any material.

"We'll talk about it later," I told her.

We were almost to my neighborhood before I thought to mention, "For obvious reasons, it would be better if you didn't tell anyone that you're staying with me." I didn't even have to turn my head to see her rolling her eyes.

"Do you think I would do that to you, Mr. Kim?"

"I just thought I should be clear. It would look bad, obviously."

"Obviously," she agreed, though there was a bite to the way she said it.

"No one would believe that you were just staying with me, and that it was completely innocent," I felt the need to explain, probably because I'dhad a hard-on from the moment I'd seen her walking on the side of the road.
Of course no one would believe it. Even my own dick wasn't convinced.

We were silent for the rest of the drive, which didn't take very long. I pulled into my garage, shutting the door behind us before I got out of the car.

Your dick brick hard like a metal 👍🥁

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