𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 15

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I was having a hard time putting on a good face for Amy as I joined her back on the sofa.
"Everything okay?" she asked.

I'd been stepping outside to call Nova, over and over, since we'd gotten back to my place so it was no wonder she asked, but I just answered with a neutral, "Yeah, sorry, let's get back to the movie."

I was sitting a few feet away from her, but she moved closer as the movie started up again, leaning her head against me. It was friendly enough, could even be innocent, but even I wasn't sure if she was making a move on me.

About fifteen minutes later, I saw lights flash across the window and knew Nova was finally home.

"Is that your teenager?" Amy asked innocently.

My teenager . . . I almost laughed. I had told her I had a student staying here, giving her only the bare facts and none of the incriminating ones.
"Yeah, that's Nova. I guess she went to a party. She didn't tell me." I tried to make my tone as neutral as possible, like that information hadn't wrecked my night and made me livid even now.

She patted my thigh and gave me a very alarming smile. Did she still have a thing for me? I honestly didn't know.
"That's so sweet," she said. "You're such a good teacher."

Nova walked in while Amy's hand was still (innocently?) on my thigh, and I could tell she noticed right away.Meanwhile I was taking in her barely there outfit, her heavy makeup,
her wild hair, and trying to keep my shit together. It was an effort not to start yelling at her straightaway, a very strange thing for me. I wasn't known for having any kind of a temper.

Amy broke the awkward silence. "I'm Amy," she said with a smile at Nova. "Taehyung told me about your situation. I'm happy he could help you. Isn't he the best?" Nova smiled back, but it looked a little off, her gorgeous face stiff, her eyes dark and fathomless with all that makeup.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked so different, like a wild teenager seductress, and I wondered who she'd dressed like this for.

She noticed me staring and stared insolently back. "Nice to meet you," she said to Amy, sounding cheerful enough if you didn't see the look she was giving me.

Amy noticed the awkwardness. "Um, so want to join us? We're watching the newest John Wick movie. I forget which number it is. I just watch for Keanu."

Nova took her time answering, and I almost called her to task for rudeness when she said, "Sure," and threw herself down on a nearby loveseat.

Her skirt was so short that I could see up it with the way she was sitting.

I squinted. Was she wearing panties? She fucking better be.
Her shirt was a beige color that made you glance twice thinking it was skin. It was tight, and I could see the shape of her erect nipples through it.

And then there was the rest of her, all of that perfect, golden skin showing. Her legs were bare from her ankles all the way up to that barely there skirt, and her stomach was bare from ribs to hips. It was flat and toned, and I wanted to bury my face there. I wanted to lick her top to bottom. Her body was to die for, and it was killing me.

I couldn't believe she'd worn that out. To a party. Who was she dressing like that for?

I felt positively violent.

She only stayed for about five minutes before she bounced up and left, mumbling something about popcorn.

Amy chuckled like something was funny.

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