𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 19

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A FEW DAYS before prom I asked her, “What’s your favorite flower?”

“My favorite flower?” She was genuinely baffled, like she’d never given it one thought in her life.

“Yes,” I answered patiently. “Don’t you like flowers?” She thought about it.

“Sure, I like them. No one’s ever asked me that before.”

That didn’t surprise me. She’d been neglected in so many ways I’d lost track. “I’d like to get you flowers,” I told her softly. “Would you like that?”

“I would,” she answered. She didn’t hesitate, but she still seemed unbalanced by the whole thing.

“What kind?” I asked her.

“You pick,” she said slowly.

“You want me to pick your favorite flower for you?” I asked, bemused and beyond charmed by her, as usual.

“I’d love that,” she said it and I thought she meant it. “Pick whatever makes you think of me. That would make it my favorite.”

I smiled at her warmly and kissed the top of her head. “I think I know just the thing.” I had to check several florists, but eventually I found one that put together both a large bouquet and a delicate corsage of peach Persian buttercups on short notice.

She cried when I gave them to her, and I kissed the tears away, moving my mouth tenderly over her fine cheeks.And that tender spot in my chest, the one with her name on it, grew still bigger.

I’d presented the flowers to her early on as she was planning to leave ahead of time to get ready over at Runjin’s. I didn’t like it, but I couldn’t tell her who she could hang out with. I really had no rights at all where she was concerned, and it began to occur to me rather persistently that I would’ve liked it to have been otherwise.

The prom was held in the school’s largest gymnasium.
I’d been required to attend the whole event from start to finish though most of the students didn’t show up on time. My presence was usually greatly requested and appreciated as I was the biggest male on staff and a coach, so when things got rowdy the football players actually listened to me.

I was chatting with some of the other chaperoning teachers, bored out of my mind. I tugged impatiently at my tie. We were near the entrance of the event, taking turns checking tickets and patrolling the room to make sure nothing too dumb was going on with the kids.

As chance would have it, or perhaps I’d been looking for her for hours, I caught sight of Nova right as she entered the room.

She was so beautiful it made my eyes sting a bit. A perfect dream girl. The dress was worth all the effort she’d taken to find it. A shade of soft peach that set of her golden skin in a dizzying way—it was a long, gauzy, off the shoulder dress that hugged her curves perfectly.

She looked elegant and beautiful and so sexy it made my teeth ache. It was a lovely princess dress, and I was happy I could help give that moment to her.

All of her thick black hair was pulled up into a complicated mass. I studied it, wondering how hard it would be to take it all down and bury my hands in it while I fucked us both raw.
“I think I see a flask,” one of the other teachers pointed out.
I glanced where she was indicating. It was one of the football players.


All of the other chaperones looked at me, and I didn’t blame them. I was the best candidate to confront drunk teenage guys, to make them submit rather than escalating the nonsense. Being bigger than most of them helped.

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