𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 17

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🖊I want to taste me on your fingers.️🖊️


I was getting strange looks at school on Monday, and I knew something was up by my first class.

No one was talking to me right away, but I could tell that they were talking about me.
It wasn’t until lunch when my friend Yuna clued me in.

“There’s some nasty rumor going around that you have a sugar daddy,” she told me.

My mind went back immediately to when Runjin had seen the Porsche and said something similar. I instantly had a sick feeling she’d started the rumor.

She was one of my oldest, closest friends though, so I knew I’d give her the benefit of the doubt before I jumped to any conclusions.

“Everyone’s talking about it,” Yuna continued. “People keep asking me about it, but I’ve been telling them it’s ridiculous.” She studied me. “It is ridiculous, right?”

“Of course,” I said, but it wasn’t even convincing to my own ears. Like most rumors, it did hold some of the truth. I did have an older man taking care of me now. I was sleeping with him, and he was supporting me financially. “Thanks for defending me.”

“Of course. Um, there’s also a rumor you’re driving around in some Porsche that’s worth like a hundred grand. Crazy, right?” Again I had the sick feeling it was Runjin, but hoped I was wrong. I’d been parking far away from the school, but that didn’t mean someone else hadn’t spotted me with it.

“Totally crazy,” I agreed weakly.I thought things were bad enough, but as the day went on when I walked through the crowded halls I kept hearing snide little remarks that I knew were aimed my way, people talking about me loud enough for me to hear on purpose. They wanted me to hear. They thought I was trash, and I should know it and feel it.

I was even bumped hard by some girl I didn’t know, and when I said, “Excuse me,” to her out of habit she shot back, “Watch it, baby hooker.” She said it so loudly it got a good laugh out of several people in the crowd.

I wanted to cry, but I’d learned to keep my feelings hidden from other teenagers a long time ago.

And, of course, just my luck, the worst was yet to come.
Kai cornered me at my locker before my last period, a wall of football players with him. They were crowding me, Kai in my personal space and glaring at me like I’d personally offended him, which I supposed I had by turning him down at the party and quite a few times before that.

“Heard you’re a homeless prostitute now,” he said, and I didn’t even recognize him his face was so twisted up with loathing. I hadn’t thought he was the best guy before, but the way he was acting now was downright ugly.

His friends laughed and that was ugly too. It felt so hateful when I’d never done anything to any of them that I thought should warrant this level of spite. “Will you let me pass?” I asked quietly, looking through him. I was trying my best to check out of the whole thing mentally, a skill I’d learned a long time ago.

“Not until you tell us how much you charge. What’s the going rate for a desperate teenage whore? And is there a group discount? I’m pretty sure we can all scrounge up enough change from our pockets to rent you out for the night.”

I tried to push past him, but he didn’t budge at first, breathing into my face. I shoved harder, and he chest bumped me. I was already off balance from shoving against his immoveable form, and it caught me wrong and sent me back hard, the back of my head hitting the bottom corner of an open top locker. I got a brief glimpse of Kai’s shocked face before I blacked out.

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