I walked the table leaning on it slightly as everyone sat around the living room. Harry leaned next to me,"How are you feeling right now?" he asked quietly

"Really confused," I told him as I looked around at all the items moving around. I truly missed being here and the confort of home I felt.

He nodded as I spoke to everyone,"So explain to me how you three are alive. I saw your body on the ground not breathing," I pointed at Fred,"You clearly dead,"I added before pointing to Father,"I thought you wouldn't make it and we all thought you were burned to death,"I pointed to Dad

"Y/n come sit," said Dad pointing next to Fred on a couch.

"No explain to me," I said firmly crossing my arms

Dad took a deep breathe before beginning to explain.

FlashBack/Sirius Pov

As I ran past Y/n and Ginny, their shouts blending into the chorus of chaos around us, I couldn't help but laugh with Fred about blowing up one of the corridors filled with death eaters. His wild grin mirrored my own as we weaved through spells and explosions, our movements fluid and coordinated like a well-rehearsed dance.

"Careful, you two!" called Y/n, her voice tinged with amusement as she fought alongside us, her eyes darting back and forth between her opponents and our reckless antics.

"Always am!" Fred shouted back, his arms swinging wildly to throw an explosive at a group of Death Eaters advancing towards us.

But our carefree banter was cut short as we were suddenly met by Fenrir Greyback, the savage werewolf who had attacked my husband when he was just a child...and later, our daughter. My grip tightened on my wand as he charged towards us at full speed.

Thinking quickly, I moved out of the way, narrowly avoiding his razor-sharp claws. But Fred, caught up in his excitement and not paying attention, sent an explosive flying towards a nearby death eater who tackled him from behind. The force of the explosion knocked him off balance and Greyback took advantage, digging his claws deeply into Fred's hip.

I transformed into my animagus form in a flash, tackling Greyback with all my strength. Our bodies collided and rolled on the ground as we fought tooth and nail. I could feel his sharp claws tearing into my fur and skin, but I refused to give up.

Suddenly, a death eater appeared over a passed out Fred and grabbed a handful of his hair. I desperately tried to stop him, but Greyback kicked me off with surprising strength. I slammed into the wall behind me, pain shooting through my body as everything faded to black.

When I came to I saw Fred's blood pooling around him, seeping into the ground like a dark, viscous liquid. The sounds of fighting echoed all around us as I crawled towards him, desperate to reach him before it was too late. With every passing second, the chaos seemed to intensify. Finally, I reached him and dragged him into the transfiguration classroom for safety.

My heart raced as I closed the door behind us, securing us inside. In the dim light, I could see his face contorted in pain and fear. I needed to act quickly. "Lumos," I whispered, using Fred's wand to illuminate the dark room. Moving swiftly, I assessed his wound before looking around for anything that could help.

My eyes fell upon a jacket left on a nearby table. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and pressed it against his side. "You better not die," I pleaded with him, tears welling up in my eyes. "You need to stay alive for my daughter." With trembling hands, I tied my shirt around my arm as a makeshift bandage.

Suddenly, a chilling voice cut through the chaos and made my head throb with pain. It was Voldemort himself. "You have fought valiantly," he sneered,"but in vain. I do not wish this." A shiver ran down my spine at his words. "Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity."

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now