chapter 28: run, run, run

Start from the beginning

Since the argument Lucy had been keeping Emmy close to her and Owen winded up trying to keep Y/n close to him not only for comfort but he didn't want her to wind up overdosing. But it wasn't going to stop any of them from trying to have a good time at a party even if it was a wedding; something that was supposed to be more formal. 

Most of the people who were here were friends with Jody, or from their SAA Group that they had gone to. But there were a lot of older men, heavy who had biker jackets on; and half of them were balding or bald. Which made Y/n know that they weren't Karen's friends unless they were people she had hooked up with. 

Rock music had played over the speakers, Sheila had put around the house with Debbie sticking her finger into the beautiful, white cake with flowers decorating it and the words in pink read out 'Karen and Jody'. 

Ian stood over with Y/n; who was holding her beer so that her mother didn't see it and wind up flipping during the party. But Lucy seemed to be multiple glasses of wine as she was laughing hard slapping a random man's shoulder. "How long do you want to say before Kev gets caught?" 

Looking over her shoulder, she saw Kevin putting almost all of the hotdog pretzels on his plate trying to take what he wanted. "When someone sober's up." Y/n had answered grabbing the beer and taking a swig of it before Ian held onto it again. 

"When did you drink hard beer?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"Since my little sister hates me for fucking your brother." She had answered. "But that doesn't matter does it, 'cause it's no one's business but ours...But- Logan told me about West Point..." 

Ian sighed turning to Logan who seemed to be trying to have a conversation with Jody about something. "That Lip fucked me over." Ian downed the rest of his beer. "Exactly."

"You think passing some test will make you happy?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows looking towards Ian who didn't say anything just looking at her. "Be honest with yourself Ian." 

"I will when you are." Ian shoved her shoulder playfully. 

Y/n went silent biting the bottom of her lip not knowing what to say after that since Ian had a point. "I do exactly, you'll just never notice that about me." She smiled through the pain looking off at the party. 

Fiona and Veronica were making fun of whatever Jody was wearing as a tux. "What is this thing? Ha-ha!" Veronica had winded up laughing loudly over the music. 

"He's doing an urban version of a tuxedo," Fiona mentioned, with Jody staying near Karen the whole day. 

Ian and Y/n went over to try and save Logan from the conversation with Jody as it looked like the boy was just nodding and smiling at everything that the man was saying to her. With a fake smile on her lip she had introduced herself to Jody as Karen glared at her a bit, it was almost like the kind she wasn't able to control. 

Y/n had leaned on Ian as they were now trapped in some conversation with Jody. "I was going for a more American look to the wedding." He rambled; "The cake came out just the way Karen had planned." 

"Nothing says America like security guards." Logan had pointed out, the men who were wearing all black standing near the entrances. It was obvious that they were put there so that Lip didn't come stumbling into the wedding and crashing it. 

"Well you look like a happy family" The comment came out of her mouth, and she didn't catch that it was backhanded until it came out of her mouth. "Just so you know, I do not hate you- well, yeah I don't but" Logan and Ian had coughed over her words as it was clear the beer was finally getting to her after four bottles. "That doesn't mean you can be a prick to Lip." 

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