22 - Beautiful reality

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Her announcement takes me by surprise, and I try to process the information. Minnesota, a week away – it's a significant commitment.

As the reality sets in, I offer a nod, aiming to be supportive of her professional endeavors. "Congratulations on the partnership opportunity. It sounds like a significant step forward for the company," I convey, summoning a sincere smile despite a twinge of disappointment regarding our delayed plans–or deciding if there'll be any plan.

She reciprocates the smile, appreciating my understanding. "Thanks, babe. Your support means a lot," she says, reaching for my hand.

In that shared quiet moment, the impending separation casts a subtle heaviness in the air. Despite the mutual understanding, there's a quiet acknowledgment of the inevitable physical distance and the moments we'll miss in the upcoming week.

"I'll miss you," I confess, my voice a blend of sincerity and longing.

Her reassuring grip on my hand provides comfort. "I'll miss you too. But we'll make up for it when I return," she promises, injecting a hopeful tone into our conversation.

I gently cradled her cheeks, a playful smile dancing on my lips. "Behave there, okay? No other girls!" I teased, infusing the moment with a touch of lightheartedness.

She chuckled at my jest, appreciating the humor in my attempt to lighten the mood. "Don't worry, you're the only one I want," she assured, her eyes reflecting both sincerity and a hint of mischief and leaned forward to give me a soft sweet kiss.

As she pulled away, I couldn't suppress a grin. "That's what I like to hear," I said, playfully squeezing her hand.


Freen had firmly asserted that her wife, should refrain from joining her at the airport for the upcoming flight. To ensure this, she artfully conveyed a departure time to Becky that deliberately misled her. Before embarking on her journey, Freen orchestrated a rendezvous with her sister, seeking a moment of connection before the departure.

In the exclusive seclusion of the airport's private area, Freen and her sister found refuge from the clamor of the main terminals. As they settled into this privileged enclave, Freen extended her appreciation to her sister with genuine warmth, expressing, "Thank you for meeting me, princess." The words carried a sentiment beyond gratitude – a recognition of the familial bond that transcended the imminent journey.

Within this discreet space, the atmosphere fostered a sense of intimacy, allowing the sisters to share a few precious moments. Freen's decision to withhold Becky's presence at the airport was laden with purpose.

"I'll always try to make time for family," Irin responded with a playful grin, "but you could've at least taken me to a cafe," she chuckled.
"I'm sorry, Irin. I had to squeeze this into my tight schedule," Freen explained apologetically.

"Well, the ever-busy CEO," Irin remarked with a shake of her head, a hint of disbelief in her expression, "but you've been more engrossed in your work these past few weeks."

Freen's eyes softened as she acknowledged the truth in her sister's observation. A moment of introspection passed before she confessed, "I know, and I have a reason. That's why I wanted to talk to you."

Irin raised her eyebrows in curiosity, prompting Freen to share the details. Over the course of nearly an hour, they engaged in a serious conversation, with scattered papers on the table illustrating the gravity of Freen's concerns.

"Your wife should know this, Freen," Irin said, expressing her concern.

"I trust you, Princess," Freen replied, appreciating the unwavering support and understanding her sister offered during this crucial moment. The private room, once a haven of tranquility, became a space for confidences and shared burdens as the two sisters navigated the complexities of life together.

The beginning of foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن