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Jungkook come out of his bathroom after taking shower... he wear his night suit then start drying his hairs...

*Knock knock *

"Hyung its me.. wonwoo..."

He heard his brother vocie

"Come in..." He said and wonwoo enter

"Hyung halmoni want to talk to you..." Wonwoo said with excitement.. jungkook look at him confused

"Ok but what's wrong with you..?" Jungkook ask

"Nothing you just come...you will know..." Wonwoo said with giggles and run out of the room

Jungkook chuckles at wonwoo behavior... He put the hair dryer on table and went downstairs....

He saw his halmoni and wonwoo is sitting in living room....halmoni notice him.." Oh jungkook my son come here sit with me.." Jungkook smile and nodded his head

He sits with her and asked." What is it halmoni... you want to talk to me... Is everything alright...?"

"Yes everything is alright... Actually the thing is... This month wonwoo university will be complete and jennie's also.. so i decided to arrange jennie and wonwoo marriage next month.." Jungkook smile brightly

"Thats great news halmoni... So that's why you were behaving like this huh..." Jungkook look at wonwoo and tease him... Wonwoo look down with red face... Making Jungkook chuckles...

"After his degree complete take him to office with you... Because i don't want jennie to thing he is useless which he is..." halmoni said ... jungkook laugh when wonwoo pout

"But halmoni is he agree to join office ... i mean don't you want to be a model..." Jungkook look at wonwoo

"Actually hyung.. right now i want to be with jennie... We both can't wait to be together... And about my modeling... that can wait... " wonwoo said ... jungkook look at him with smirk and whisper in his ear

"Really... Can't wait to be together or can't wait-" wonwoo hit jungkook shoulder

"Hyung halmoni is here shut up..." Wonwoo whiper with red face... Jungkook only laugh at him

"Jungkook there is something else..... you are elder son.. so i wanted you to marry first but wonwoo was forcing me and saying he and jennie both decided..." Jungkook smile

"Its ok halmoni... I don't care about this... In fact I'm so much happy... And you .. after getting university degree you are coming with me office... Ok.... I should go now... I'm so tired today.." Jungkook about to stand up but his halmoni stop him...

"i didn't finish jungkook... " jungkook look at his halmoni...she continue..
"maybe its ok to you but not for me... Thats why i also arranged your and Lisa marriage..." Jungkook look at her in disbelief

"yes hyung we both gonna married together... Mine and yours same day... Isn't it great hyung..." Wonwoo said with smile

"B-but halmoni i don't want to get marry " jungkook said... Halmoni and wonwoo smile drop..

"But why you don't want to get marry... Whats the problem... Wonwoo is ready why not you...?" halmoni ask jungkook just look down he don't know how to answer... Halmoni sigh

"Look jungkook i give my words to ji-hyun... i want lisa to come here... So don't disobey me... I know you won't... " halmoni said with smile.. Jungkook look at her shocked..

"You talk to her already.. why you didn't ask me first... Its my life.. ..." Jungkook said annoyingly..

"Since when your life become separate from my life... Didn't you give me all rights of your life decision... Now what happen...?" halmoni said sadly

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