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Taehyung enter his house tiredly... his papa is in living room look at him...
"Tae bear you are here early...its only 10pm .. I thought your boss will not let you go until its midnight like last time....." Jin said and rolled his eyes tae giggled and hug his papa..

"Sorry papa today was a very important photoshoot... " tae said..

"Whatever... there's something important i want to talk to you..." Jin said tae about to say something but was cut by yoongi who came with namjoon and sat with them..

"Actually tae we all want to talk to you..." Yoongi said with a smile and namjoon nodded

"Is everything alright... You guys making me nervous now..." Tae said and laugh a little

''Don't be.. its a very good news for you...you will be so happy I'm sure...'' Jin said tae look at him with smile

"Really then tell me what is it... " tae ask in excitement.... Making his parents and brother giggles

"Darling please tell him... Don't make the boy wait..." Namjoon said with smile....jin nodded.. tae trun to his papa with smile face

"Today i went to Mr.park house... And ask him about.. your and bogum marriage... " taehyung smile slowly drop when he heard "marriage"


"And you know he was so happy when he heard this... He always want you to become his son in law...he literally start dancing..." jin said and chuckles softly

"And the best thing is that bogum is also agree... " tae look at yoongi with shocking face...Yoongi continue..'' He said that he is in love with you since childhood... But never had courage to say... He really love you tae... He will make you so much happy..."
Taehyung was listening to them not understanding what to say...

"I'm sure he will... He is not just an obedient kid but so intelligent and smart.. he take care of his dad business very well in this young age... He is perfect..." Namjoon said

"So we decided when yoongi and jimin marriage happen .. We arranged Your and bogum engagement the same day...isn't it great..." Jin said and clap his hand

"How can you decided everything without asking me..?" Tae said making everyone smile drop

"tae what are you talking about since childhood papa always take our decisions... And we always agree on that... We both know he always choose best for us so whats the problem..." Yoongi said

"Its marriage we are talking about hyung... Y-you guys arrange my marriage without asking me... Why you guys didn't ask me first..." Tae said frustration

"Papa decided my marriage too tae... i never question once... Because i know he will choose perfect partner for me... And jimin is perfect partner for me....so why you behaving like that...?" Yoongi ask in disappoint...

"Its..Its different hyung... You love jimin hyung but i-" tae stop himself... yoongi about to say something but namjoon stop him

"Ok tae.. tell me what's in your mind..?" Namjoon ask... Tae slowly look at his dad..

''I-i..." tae gulped and look down he don't know how to say to his dad.. " i don't want to marry bogum..." He said

"But why... he is perfect.. He have all qualities of good son and husband... He love you so much tae... He will make you happy..." jin said.. Tae look at him..

"But i don't love him papa... I-i love s-someone else..." Tae said and look down with close eyes

"What?? You love someone.. Why you didn't tell us... Who is that person.?" Jin ask ...tae didn't answer just look down

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