i. for the first time

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THE TENSION of a previously shot arrow getting hit by lacy's arrow caused it to split down the middle. This had caught everyone's attention for a split second. It wasn't irregular for Lacy to catch herself in the center of attention. She'd always find ways to outdo the other campers and gain herself the rightful attention. After causing this scene, Lacy let out a short laugh and made her way to the bow and arrow stations. Placing down her bow, it took Lacy a second to realize her friend was standing before her.

"You really like being the center of attention don't you." These words came out of Lacy's closest and only friend at camp, Annabeth.

"You know me so well." Lacy looked up giving her friend a quick smile as she glanced back down, brushing dust off her bow. Annabeth wasn't the kind to regularly get close to others but it was hard to resist Lacy's welcoming nature. And when the girl had first arrived to camp Annabeth couldn't help but fill pity for her.

After making sure the bow was in place Lacy began to speak again, "I'm gonna go grab a drink, wanna come?" Annabeth thought for a second before answering,

"No, you go, I'm going to go check out the new halfblood." Annabeth replied keeping an eye out. Lacy nodded and began to make her way when she stopped for a second. She turned back to Annabeth. "You sure? C'mon, you know it'll probably just be another lousy kid thinking they're the one" Lacy said slightly annoyed, signaling air quotations. Annabeth nodded signaling Lacy it was fine to go. Annabeth would always be on the lookout for new demigods at camp who were maybe able to meet her standards.

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Lacy wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand making sure she at least looked half presentable after shooting a couple dozen of arrows. She was refilling a plastic cup she was handed with water. As she was watching Annabeth keep an eye out for the unknown new demigod, she noticed Clarisse push a curly haired blonde boy to the ground. Lacy cringed knowing how strong and rough Clarisse was known to be. Lacy always made sure to stay far from her. After all, she was the daughter of ares and let's just say, war and love don't mix well. As Lacy was consumed in her thoughts, she hadn't realized the cup had overflown. She muttered a few swears as she rushed to grab paper towels. As she tried to soak the water that had now made its way to the floor she took a quick look at the blonde boy when she realized something. Lacy stood up, now not caring for the wet floor, but instead keeping her eyes on the familiar blonde. It couldn't be- Lacy's eyes widened as she fixed her posture to get a better look. Her thoughts were confirmed, it was Percy. The same Percy she was best friends with before arriving to camp. What was he doing here?

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CLARISSE laughed with a few other campers as she turned away from Percy and Luke.

"Well she seems nice" Percy spoke to Luke with an obvious tone of sarcasm, indicating to the brunette girl.

"Ares kids. They come by it honestly." Luke replied to him. Percy asked raising his eyebrows with confusion, "Why don't they mess with you?"

"They know better."

A kid from behind Luke confirmed, "Lukes the strongest swordsman at camp."

"So they leave you alone because 'glory?' So if i get glory, Clarisse wouldn't mess with me either?" Percy stated with a tone like he'd just figure out something impossible.


Percy continued, "-And people think i'm a big deal?"

"Well, sorta but-" Luke replied trying to keep up with Percy.

"And my dad's got no choice but to claim me." Percy realized with a smirk on his face and a new idea in mind.

Luke replied knowingly and a bit annoyed, "You can't force the Gods to do anything

Percy thought for a second and then began to talk again, "Well, yeah, but... it would
make it harder for him to pretend I don't exist, right?"

"Maybe" Luke answered, standing corrected.

"Well great. Where do we start?" Percy asked Luke and as Luke began to answer his question, Percy felt a pair of eyes on him. As he looked to his far side, he noticed a familiar blonde looking in his direction with her eyes basically coming out of her face. Percy's eyes widened about the same size of hers when he realized who it was.

Luke was talking about beginning on archery but the only thing on Percy's mind was what was she doing here. So many unsaid feelings and memories were left behind when his bestfriend left him with no explanation and here she was standing infront of him all over again. He hated to admit it but he was glad. Glad to see her again. Glad like it was the first time seeing her again. Even though when she left he was angry and confused and knew he'd never be able to forgive her if for some reason she were to come back, he was glad to see her again. Even on bad terms.



first chapter done!! ik it's really bad but this is my first book so just bear with me ((: also idrk if the beginning makes sense but just think of how merida shot the third arrow in brave and isn't this chapter giving invisible string by taylor swift 🤷‍♀️
-dakota <33

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑 , percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now