Chapter 45

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It was lunchtime and a lot of students were eating at the Great Hall as Sana was busy picking at her food whilst reading the book Professor Sprout let her borrow, focusing on the "forgotten" potion  that apparently speeds up the healing process of Dragon's Flu and how to make it; apparently not paying attention to what her bestfriend had been asking her.

Momo: "SANA!" nudging the blonde beside her, finally catching her attention.

Sana: "HA?!"

Momo: "I asked if what did you & Professor Sprout talked about after class? Because it took a while before you arrived at the next class, good thing Professor Flitwick came in late because he had a meeting."

Sana: "Oh, nothing important. She just asked me how I was because I noticed that I had been spacing out in class for the past week." still staring at the book infront of her while taking a small bite of her lunch.

Momo: "She is right about that." peeking through the book Sana was reading. "What are you reading? That book looked like it had been made a hundred years ago." seeing its ancient and rustic state along with its worn out print and pages.

Sana: "Huh? Nothing. Just a report I need to pass next week. I got this from Professor Sprout."

Momo: "We have a book report next week? WHERE?!" Panicking since she had no knowledge towards a "book report" due.

Sana's eyes widen not knowing what to say since she remembered Momo IS her classmate in all her subjects, even choosing the same Electives as hers; Divination, Ancient Runes and Care for Magical Creatures (Just the same as Tzuyu's as well since they planned it out during the summer, so they can see each other all the time).

Sana: "O-Oh.. Uhhh.. M-my grades have been slipping in Potions so Professor Slughorn gave me a chance to increase my grades by giving me extra reports and brew a potion for him to show him that I am improving." Lying through her teeth hoping Momo doesn't see the lie in them.

Momo: "Oh, is that so? Do you need my help? Although I am not that good in Potions too." she said with disappointment in her tone.

Sana: "I am fine, Momoring. Don't worry about me. I'm sure I can do it by myself." smiling at her best friend who had always been there for her to lend a helping hand if needed.

Momo: "I know you do, Sana-shi.. Fighting!" hugging the younger girl's arm as a sign of support.

Sana can feel the care that Momo is giving her, making her feel guilty again for being so secretive towards her.

Sana: "H-hey Momo?" catching the girl's attention. "If someone's been keeping secrets from you in order to protect you, will you be mad if you found out?"

Momo: "Hmmm.." looking at her friend who looks serious with the question. She rubbed her chin with her free hand while thinking before giving her honest opinion. "If it was me? I might feel a little bummed out because I don't appreciate being lied to. BUT, maybe that person had his/her reasons why they kept that secret from me in order to protect me just like what you said. I will hear that person out, then I can decide if the lie is valid enough before getting mad or what. Why you ask?" biting into her chicken wing before looking at her best friend innocently.

Sana: "Uhhh.. B-because Momoring..." she was about to confess to her bestfriend about her secrets when suddenly a flock of owls came flying in the hall holding tons of mail; catching the students' attentions and cutting the two Hufflepuffs' conversation.

Both girls' received mails and packages from their parents making them smile as they have been missing their families and appreciating their gifts.

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