Chapter 24

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At the Owlery:

Mina was at the owlery after dinner as she was sending a letter to her brother who is an alchemist and is currently in Romania for a dig of ancient wizarding artifacts that were newly-discovered by the locals and needing of his expertise. Kai Myoui was indeed well-known in Hogwarts during his time, for his intelligence and kind-heartedness from his first year until he graduated a year before Mina entered Hogwarts; making her popular as soon as she entered just like Tzuyu since her last name had a reputation to uphold. But unlike the young Slytherin's brother; Kai was a lowkey Ravenclaw who hates the attention and just kept to himself. He may be popular but he just spends most of his school year in the library or in the potion's room; studying and working on his craft since his dream was to always be an Alchemist like his idol; Nicolas Flamel. 

Mina had always been proud of her brother and he was hoping one day, his sister would join him in traveling around the world to be become a brother-sister alchemist duo that he got excited when he realized that the younger Myoui was just as smart as he was at a young age and Mina already having a gift of Potion-making as well just like him when he was a student back then as well. 

Although Mina had told him that she isn't decided yet on what to be once she graduated; her brother isn't pressuring her either as he promised her that he will support her in any direction she goes in the future as long as she's happy.

As the Ravenclaw gave her brother's owl, Jasper her letter; she saw him fly away towards Romania which would usually take a few days for him to return back to her brother but she is always happy to receive packages and letters from Kai, telling her about his adventures around the world due to his job which requires a lot of travelling; making Mina obtain trinkets from his travels as souvenirs now and then while the younger Myoui writes back to him telling him about her classes and other personal matters as well since they are close to one another and Mina  knows she can count on her brother to give wise advises to her.

Mina was spacing out watching the owl leave when she heard a thud from the other side of the owlery and seeing multiple owls scattering away making her run to that direction where she saw a female with black hair and bangs, wearing a Hufflepuff scarf sitting on the floor with her head bowed down.

Mina: "Miss, are you hurt?"

The girl was rubbing her lower back when she looked up and Mina noticed it was her classmate; Momo.

Mina: "Momo? What happened?"

She offered her hand and the girl with the bangs stared at her for a few seconds before shaking her head and taking the Ravenclaw's outstretched hand.

Momo: "S-sorry, I was looking for my mother's owl when I slipped on somethin, making me fall and startle the other owls. It's embarrassing." she murmured the last sentence as she tried cleaning off her cloak which was surrounded with feathers and feeds with Mina helping her, reaching for her back knowing Momo couldn't reach it.

Mina: "It's not. I fell a couple of times too. It gets really messy at times because of the amount of owls staying here." she chuckled.

Momo's fcheeks turned a shade redder upon hearing Mina's giggle before quietly thanking her once she got cleaned.

Mina: "Did you see your mother's owl yet?"

Momo: "N-no. Not yet." she looked around in search of the animal when it suddenly landed on her shoulder slightly startling her as she yelped. "Boo! You always do that. Stop jumping in unexpectedly." she scolded the Elf Owl. 

Mina: "Is that why you named him "Boo?" she giggled again.

Momo: "Y-yeah. He liked scaring me since I was young. But I still can't get used to it." shaking her head as she glared at the owl who was looking at her innocently.

Mina: "Maybe that's how he shows his affection." she explained with a smile on her face.

Momo: "Probably. Or he might want me to die young from a heart attack." she said while handing her mother's pet the letter she was sending to her family as the owl bit on the envelop and rubbed its face towards the Hufflepuff adoringly saying goodbye before flying away making Mina silently cooed at the sight in front of her.

 Mina: "Well, I think he likes you very much." 

Momo just chuckled before looking back at her Ravenclaw classmate and she can see the calm and serene face of Mina, making her look away, suddenly feeling shy.

Momo: "T-thanks for helping me up earlier."

Mina: "No worries, I should probably go. I have to head to the library to study."

Momo: "Y-yeah. Me too. I have to go back to the dorms. I still have to feed Sana's cat and Dobby." as they simultaneously descended the stairs heading back to the castle hallways.

They had a small talk while walking about school basically when Mina suddenly remembering something that she wanted to know about for a while and Momo might be the best person to ask.

Mina: "Uhhh.. A week ago, you & Sana were talking with Tzuyu and her friends outside the great hall right?"

Momo: "Uhhh yeah." 

Mina: "She looked upset when she went to library. Did something happened?"

Momo: "Uhhhmmm.. Well, I apologized to Tzuyu for accidentally causing her owl, Kaya to get injured at our Transfiguration class last time then suddenly Elkie and Nayeon came in and Elkie started saying stuff towards me and Sana and Tzuyu didn't like it."

Mina nodded her head in understanding.

Mina: "Tzuyu didn't like that way Elkie talked to you guys and she defended you and Sana?"

Momo: "She did. But Nayeon and Elkie kept interrupting her."

Mina: "Well honestly, you didn't have to feel guilty about it because it was an accident. I'm pretty sure Tzuyu doesn't blame you."

Momo: "Yeah. That's what Tzuyu said to me and so did Sana."

Mina nodded her head as they arrived at the large staircase.

Mina: "I have to go. Tzuyu is probably waiting for me in the library."

Momo: "Oh right, your quiz bee is coming soon. Good luck to you both." bowing down.

Mina: "Yeah thank you. The quiz be will be a week." she sighed. Feeling nervous just thinking about it. "But it was nice talking to you Momo."

Momo: "Y-yeah. And thank you again for helping me."

Mina: "It was nothing." she was heading up the stairs when Momo called to her again making her turn around.

Momo: (internally) "Sht! Why did I do that?" she mentally scolded herself. "Uhhhh.." She began panicking and cupping her cloak and felt a zip lock bag and pulled it out; it was her secret stash of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Bingo! "Uhhh.. H-here. S-so you won't get hungry later in the library. Y-you can give Tzuyu too if you want."

Mina: "Thank you, Momo." giving her a gummy smile as she accepted the ziplock before Momo bowed down and ran away almost tripping on her feet making the Ravenclaw giggle at her classmate's adorableness before heading up the stairs towards the library thinking maybe Tzuyu was already there.

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Short MiMo chapter for you guys. Hope y'all like it <3 Any ships y'all wanna sail here? hehe.

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